• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You are not reading what’s being written.

    And are one hundred percent taking the bait, like he expects you to. And to a casual American who remembers that 2016-2020 didn’t result in extermination camps, ended with a transfer of power to a different political party and no invading sovereign nations, well, your claim makes you seem like an unreliable source of information.

    Again, I think trump is dangerous to American democracy but you are helping his cause.

  • This is another of those “things that I would like but are pretty unrealistic.” If the goal is to cut down on beef, the price would either go up drastically or we’d put farmers into something less lucrative and just import our beef.

    Regardless, the public, of whom many if not most eat beef, would be furious. I struggle to see a government that could pass this and last an election without having this overturned by the next government rather quickly.

    That being said, it’d be nice. But nice in the same way that everyone being vegetarian and not wearing sweatshop clothes would be nice.

  • I don’t think he’s a genius but knows one game very well, and it’s treating the Left/media the same way I treated my younger sister when I was an asshole; wind her up, watch her melt down, over-react and get in trouble.

    And we take the bait EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME.

    He’s not imitating Nazis by accident and he’s not doing it because he’s a Nazi. He’s doing it because it makes us make ourselves look like hysterical children.

    Edit: It’s not 78D chess, it’s the easiest game to play. Couldn’t be much more simple as far as politics go.

  • Oh no, I get that. I think he’s echoing that stuff intentionally but more to make us cry fascist etc. He loves our reaction to the dictator but only on day one schtick, his side sees it as a joke, we take it deadly serious and I worry median voters think “he was already president, we still have a democracy, these guys are over-reacting.”

    We can be simultaneously right AND lose the persuasion game. I’d rather win the persuasion game.m as that matters more than being right.

    I think about Jan 6, with horrifies Democratic leaning folks but to a large swathe of the public, it doesn’t seem to register as a concern compared to inflation etc.

  • Tourists bring in a boatload of money. I’m not even sure how you would enact a mechanism like this… A BC toll taker at every port, airport and land crossing? How much are we charging to pay for that, that somehow doesn’t hurt tourism industries but also completely subsidizes our use of public transit?

    I love public transit, think it’s important but this seems more one of those “things I would like but don’t seem particularly feasible.”

    (Also, if you’ve ever been on the N20 or even BLine and watched a mentally unhinged man threatening women, children, non white people or other vulnerable people, well… Not wildly sure I want to drop the barrier to entry to zero. I can be a scary looking dude and have had to use that at least 3 times in the last year as someone experiencing mental issues went off on a quiet brown guy, a woman and some teens respectively.)

  • "He knows what he is doing,” Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history who studies fascism and authoritarianism, said of Trump’s statement. “He chooses his words carefully.”

    Yeah but not in the way this person thinks. I firmly believe a large chunk of trump’s success is his ability to bait the Left/media into frothing at the mouth and making us seem like we’re blowing things out of proportion.

    It’s why he uses stuff like lying press, to a student of history, that’s a pretty clear Nazism. To a casual American, he’s just hating on the press. Similarly with this, to a casual American, he really means deporting illegal immigrants back to their home countries, whereas to this author, well, you read the article.

    I think back to the debate and how well Harris baited trump, it was so nice to see it go the other way and it worked beautifully. Hopefully, we can be wiser than trump and avoid taking his latest and future bait attempts.