Cries in IT Worker
Cries in IT Worker
Had no real idea chickens have changed over the last few decades. Unless you count the shitty ass conditions mass farming has put chickens through.
Thanks! 18 mins is going to turn the current generation away! Lol
Yeah no. Consequences of actions. Didn’t your mother teach you?
The video if you haven’t seen it.
Human Centipede. What a cult flim icon. That movie is definitely on the fucked list. You see the sequels? Nothing hits like the orginal and the first time…but damn. They didn’t improve lmao
Probably took millionaires of years. Alot of dead chicks, different versions and finally the stable version we see today.
Right. How can you really trust Starlink now?
You need to watch more cinema but I agree. For that movie, it was nasty af.
Epstein files.
The numbers tanking when Elon started his bullshit is enough. He keeps double down. Telsa stock is basically shit going down the drain. Get out now before you drown in it.
It took this long?! Investors need to be calling for Elon to be removed from the brand. Also, Tesla needs to get it’s shit together. Cybertruck steel parts are flying off while on the highway. Could easily kill someone.
Go in with the first wave, if things get tough. Transition to sand. Win/Win/Win.
There are 2 great uses for starlink.
Other than that, throw Starlink in the trash.
I would be more concerned about your books collecting dust on the shelves than security. No republican will buy it and Dems hate Chuck. I hope he has to burn those books to keep warm at night.
Even bitcoin, there are a select few who hold most of the coins. You want a coin like Digibyte. Community owned. Finite amount. Fast speeds.
In crypto, there aren’t too many real options. Do your research.
Redbull is trash anyways. The only good thing about Redbull is Vegas Bombs. Otherwise skip out on this trash energy drink
Kristie Noem killer her dog with a bullet and MAGA still loves her. This won’t change smooth brain MAGA but independent thinkers that love dogs will now hate Elon.
The more Elon hate the better. Fuck him.
What an amazing end that would be for Elon. You love to see it.
If anyone should be honored and celebrated it’s Native Americans. You know…the race of humans we forcefully relocated and slaughtered to create the USA?
Republicans are a cancer in society.