I feel like thats just how it is to talk to conservatives. Like they get so close and then at the very last second they take a hard left and blame minorities somehow
I feel like thats just how it is to talk to conservatives. Like they get so close and then at the very last second they take a hard left and blame minorities somehow
Or if your frame of reference isn’t the same as the object
Its the year of the linux desktop steam deck!
I’ve always had my lower limit for how young I’d date as “she has to be older than my brother”. But my brother is only 3 years younger than me so that’s becoming less and less relevant as he’s pushing into his mid 20s now haha
This is the big reason I have such strong feelings about pushing kids into a competitive space. Whether that’s sports, chess, marching band, etc. Just as long as there is structured practice and then competition against another person or team.
Because sports really will teach kids that no matter how hard you practice, sometimes you just won’t win. And that’s okay. The important thing isn’t winning every time, it’s getting back up and pushing even harder when you lose to win next time.
Its a critically important thing for people to learn, and I can’t think of a better and safer place than youth sports.
Its partially because there is only one set of antennas large enough to communicate with it, and that’s only sometimes. Its called the Deep space network and it is very secure because it’s used for many things, not just communicating with the Voyager probes.
Second, you’d have to have very very intimate knowledge of the hardware, and programming language to even begin to hack it. And the people who do have that knowledge are very very passionate about their probes.
So I guess technically the answer is yes. But practically, no.
Stop trying to make V’ger happen! Its not going to happen!
Yeah that’s what the updates are for haha
a plane also has a very long life
This plane specifically (tail number N885NN) was built in September 2011, and first registered for flight in March 2012.
They’re turning the fricken nukes gay now too!!!
He is. Hitler didn’t start with exterminating huge swaths of people, or killing himself.
Do you not have security deposits where you are? That’s strange honestly lol
The husband? Albert Einstein.
“okay we’re not racist, were just discriminate on other things”
In my experience doctors can have some of the absolute worst opinions. Especially highly educated speciality doctors who have spent 1/3 of their life doing nothing but studying their very specific field. Lawyers too.
I work in IT and they can be some of the worst users to work with.
Ah okay. The Chromecast thing is a killer feature I’ve been looking for, my media PC that I have now is pretty good, just doesn’t have that one thing.
Or pretty recent, The Silo. Its very good but it’s mostly* only on APPLE TV
Pencils are problematic in space and NASA didn’t spend millions developing it
Sorry had to “ahem actually” your joke :p
That seems like a strange comment to make. How will it get better if we don’t spend the time and effort to make it better?