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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • It’s not trusting Big Tech, it’s understanding that Little Tech can also lie.

    Cox Media Group wants to hype up their product and use AI buzzwords. To be seen as reliable they say that they work with Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc.

    The report is basically CMG saying they can do X, and everyone else calling bullshit. (And in response CMG clarifying “No, we don’t actually do that” and then also removing the companies they don’t actually work with.)

    It isn’t definitively saying they don’t, but also isn’t saying that they do. You can assume the worst if you like, but that doesn’t mean the worst is actually true.

    Is it possible this type of spying exists? Yes. Is it possible this is a cover up? Yes. Do we have actual data to support that? No.

    Tomorrow an investigation may reveal otherwise, but for now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

  • Oh but he will. Trump will put all the blame on Vance. He threw him under the bus during the debate and he’ll do it again.

    Vance will try to be reasonable but forgets he isn’t dealing with reasonable people. Eventually he’ll turn on Trump as a way to cozy up to “normal” Republicans. He’ll get a few TV appearances and then disappear.

    When 2028 comes around he might try to run in the primary but he’ll get stomped on and be one of the first to drop out.

    He’s in the Senate now and that’s where he’ll stay. Maybe he’ll get reelected, but I doubt he’ll be around much longer than that.

  • Because people like to connect with other people and share anecdotes about their own life. That’s human nature.

    A man can say he spent the weekend with his husband camping in the woods and how it reminds them of a poem.

    A woman can say her wife is picking her up after work and they’re going to a bookstore to pickup the newest book in a series.

    These are innocuous statements and yet some states/people would vilify them.

  • I’m voting FOR Harris in the same way I was previously voting FOR Biden. Biden/Harris & Harris/Walz support policies that most closely match those policies I support.

    If Trump died tomorrow I still wouldn’t support Vance or any other Republican because they support policies that I am strongly opposed to.

    I would like to have more options, but realistically those are my choices.

    I don’t have to agree with Harris/Walz on 100% if issues. I’m allowed to criticize them. But at the end of the day I’m voting FOR something and not just against the worst possible choice.

  • In some ways the Board being the same is a good thing, since it means they remember that they can’t try to pull this shit again.

    Of course it also means they had (or supported) the stupid idea, so they’ll probably try to pull something similar again.

    Really no matter what it means keep an extra eye on Unity. When it comes time to evaluate engines this incident should always show up on the con side.

  • +1 to Trevor Noah. I think he, like many late night shows (maybe just Sett Meyers) really had a reset during COVID and built some of their best shows. Working from home gave him a much more relaxed and personal feel. It likely is what ultimately caused Trevor to leave the Daily Show. I think once he returned to the traditional studio setting he realized he wanted the ability to do more. You can do a lot with the Daily Show, but you’re still stuck in a particular frame. Hell Stewart had similar issues which ultimately caused him to leave as well.

    I hope Stewart sticks around after the election. He doesn’t need to be on once a week, just give him an open invitation. Same with Trevor, give him a few slots to come back. I like the rotating host thing they’re doing at the moment. (I wish Roy Wood Jr stuck around.) So I hope they keep things rotating.

  • Shows like Simpsons & Seinfeld are obvious choices for jumping in and watching the one episode.

    Shows like Community & Parks and Rec help to know the characters a little bit, but similarly you can jump right in.

    Then you have shows like Atlanta & Bojack where they have traditional story episodes, and then special one offs. The episode selected is the one off, so you can watch that and have all the context needed for a great episode.

    However on that same note you can have the Leftovers and the episode they choose is wild. It is arguably a one off, however I don’t think you could just watch it alone.

    We also have heavy story episodes like Succession, but really what makes the episode memorable is the acting. You’d be lost with some of the story threads, but the reason they chose the episode they did is that is displays a raw human emotion that I think everyone can understand.

    And then finally you have Breaking Bad type episodes. You need the full context. Not that it wouldn’t be good without it, but is the connecting piece of so many different things you’d be missing too much without it.

    So to answer the question… Yeah, it’s tricky.

  • Granted.

    You open the bottle and take a nice refreshing drink. It’s wonderful. It’s cold. It’s got a unique flavor that’s just perfect. You couldn’t be happier.

    You drink from your water bottle all the time. Since it’s infinite you quickly find yourself sharing it with others. Soon everyone in town knows about your amazing water bottle.

    It isn’t long before tales of your water bottle reach the news. No one believes it at first, but people from nearby towns start to visit and are amazed. Everyone swears it’s the best tasting water they’ve ever had.

    Soon companies and scientists are asking to see and use your water bottle. No one can explain it. It’s otherworldly. It’s magic. You’re offered a large sum of money for access to your water bottle. You’re unsure at first but eventually you make a deal with a shipping company who provides water to those most in need.

    Soon the water provided by your water bottle is know world-round. Although you don’t have your exact water bottle anymore, you still have access to your water, which still remains it’s out of this world taste.

    Then you see it on the news one day. Mars, it’s collapsed. The former planet is now just chunks of rock, hurled in every which direction. Some chunks are heading towards Earth. There is no time to stop it. You accept fate and take a sip from your water bottle.