Fuck off, Joe. You’ve done enough damage. Go away.
Fuck off, Joe. You’ve done enough damage. Go away.
Throw around all the numbers you want. The fact remains: the majority of voters voted for trump. I don’t like it either, but this is what America is.
Pretty much exactly the answer I’ve gotten from all my reps.
Fuckin A, West Wing. We could only wish to have people in the white house like them. They’re not perfect, but at least they care and they aren’t literally evil.
Same with Durbin. Fucking traitors.
what the fuck is wrong with your head?
She’s a magat. That’s all we need to know.
Also, psychopathy.
Actually genuinely surprised to see this was an Onion story.
Fuck the red states. Let em rot.
You have encountered a magat in the wild. Do not engage.
… time to find out how much old paperwork the family has stashed away!
And win the lottery to afford moving costs, but one step at a time.
All I’ve seen him do so far is talk and be part of a losing Presidential ticket. What is he doing?
Doing something requires courage, and the vast majority of our current Dems are feckless cowards. Most are content to hide behind their job descriptions and enjoy their free healthcare and when the time comes, deploy their golden parachutes.
We know Tim. We know.
But hey, our representatives are voting as hard as they can, right? That’ll show em!
Shoot, it sounds like they need to be living relatives. Ah well, have a sauna for me sometime. :(
My paternal grandparents were both Finnish immigrants. Do I have a path to citizenship? Please say yes, I would like to leave the 4th Reich as soon as possible.
I’m surprised the DOD has the ability to say anything with trump’s dick so far down their throat.
It’s official, I no longer respect the US military. Fucking fascist bootlickers.
Nothing. They’ll ignore the judge, there will be no consequences. As usual.
So Durbin is basically a Republican now huh. Good to know.