African, or European?
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
African, or European?
Literally more expensive than every computer I’ve assembled put together.
Bravo, I’m sure the vfx departments of both studios that buy one will love it! (Is joke pls no yell)
Slightly harder to get in and out undetected, but the targets sure are a lot bigger.
I want to believe
Someone IN MY STATE decided just the THOUGHT of his neighbor voting Democrat was enough to execute the neighbor while he mowed the lawn.
Anecdotally, I’ve seen firsthand the fights and beatings and fucking arson from the MAGAt crowd over the last decade over clothing or hairstyle or bumper stickers at the grocery store to ever listen to dipshits like this.
In my neck of the woods, getting out of your car and charging angrily towards another car will get you shot or flattened.
A few years ago I purged my face book profile with a script that edited every post with lorem ipsum, and then deleted the content.
It was embarrassing seeing posts from 10-15 years ago. Jesus christ I was an idiot. I still am, but I was then too. (thanks mitch)
In 2022 I did the same to my reddit account.
Same reaction.
Although it was interesting to see my comments go backwards from “burn the system to the ground” to “we need to make a compromise and reach across the aisle” and then from “all religions should be allowed to die” to “Yay Jesus”
Like I said, I was a big dum
Oh god I would hate to see my YouTube comment history from my first account…
Anything else would simply be improper!
God damn almighty these people are fucking stupid.
You know, I was about to go on about how they aren’t stupid, they’re cowards, because they fully know what you say is true, but they are too scared to say things out loud because then they’d be a target, OR because they believe in “the moral high road” and “believe the best in people” to a fault and “it wouldn’t be proper!” to call a nazi… You know… a nazi.
But then I realized all of that, while possible, is still insanely fucking stupid
So I guess my point is “yeah, and giant fucking cowards to boot”
I genuinely think this may have crossed his mind.
I mean, that should be the default for everyone, at all times regardless of whether they want to charge you for access. It’s a garbage company run by garbage people and has done more harm to humanity than could ever be measured.
It’s great that a convicted felon who absolutely committed treason by sharing classified documents with foreign nationals is allowed to decide OTHER people can’t be trusted with information.
These guys need to decorate their walls with a small caliber paintbrush
Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a transporter chief what’s in the pattern buffer.
Reposts get old and seeing the same joke with 8 meme formats that are all basically the same “drake meme/pooh meme/geordi meme” style gets old even quicker unless you can put some kind of spin on it to make it fresh.
My biggest gripe with the fediverse is seeing the exact same post in 15 different communities over the course of 2-3 days. But if that’s the price of the fediverse, I’m fine paying it. Sometimes the discussions in the comments get WAY different.
And of course since it’s still fairly small compared to other sites, and there are always more people coming in, the amount of people who have seen that thing posted for the first time is still pretty high.
I have to keep reminding myself that not everyone has as many pockets of downtime as I do, so while I’m on for about 5-20 minutes at a time, I get on many times over the day so I see most posts during my waking hours. So just because I’ve seen this “I sleep/ real shit” meme 8 times this week, hundreds of people are seeing it for the first time. And even if I’ve seen “this country leader did a CRAZY THING! How messed up is that!” every single day, some people didn’t get on yesterday to see it and probably don’t feel like commenting on posts a day old is accepted (I say comment on old posts all day of you want, I’ve had tons of forum discussions in posts that are years old)
I ramble a lot, sorry. But my point is “reposts and rehashed discussions get annoying but they’re a price of the fediverse and new members and more people could comment on old posts instead of making new ones”
Hi, gender is a spectrum and while I fully identify as male and straight*, I had long hair as a child. If my school had tried to cut my hair by force, I would have absolutely thrown hands, and I was not a small child. Apparently I pushed a teacher into a wall as a first grader but I have no memory of doing so.
Hair is not “gender conforming” unless you’re the most vanilla, thinks-flour-is-spicy, “mayonnaise has too much flavor” basic bitch in the universe. If you really think hair has two genders “long and short” then you are just the saddest sack of shit.
Hair is whatever the fuck you want it to be. I decided I didn’t want long hair anymore, so I started getting it cut short. I even had it around 1/4in at one point just because of how easy it was to be done with. Now it’s long because before I got married, my now-wife said she liked when it was longer, so I’m growing it out again until we decide it’s long enough or I get tired of it again. If I wanted to shave most of it right now, I can do that. Nobody controls my hair but me, and nobody has any say in how I keep it, short of safety concerns. (protip: hair ties and a hair net when working with rotary tools, once you’ve seen a video you never want it to happen to you)
Get the fuck out of here with this weak ass bullshit policing children’s hair.
They won’t be happy until everyone is a straight white silent and obedient clone of each other.
*It’s a spectrum, sometimes I want to feel pretty so if you had to stick me in a hole I’d say I’m straight but I’m sure someone could make a convincing argument that I’m at least a little fluid.
Some people like to complain that politics is everywhere and since they like to stick their heads in the sand and go “LALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”, they prefer not to see political memes, or memes with political figures that aren’t political in nature.
Some people down vote popular things because they are popular.
Some people just have a hate boner for a specific user and sometimes follow them around to down vote anything they post.
And statistically there’s probably at least one republican around trying not to act like a lizard in a chinchilla suit.
“my centrism isn’t a problem, it’s DEMOCRATS for not being left enough, because then my centrism would really be centered”
Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
You aren’t wrong about democrats being spineless, but Personally I could never try and compromise with someone who thinks my very existence and the existence of minorities gives them a reason to hate and persecute up to literal lynching and murder but that’s just me.
“just doing my job” isn’t really relevant when your job is literally destroying democracy to assist a fascist neo-nazi regime
Yes, quitting “in protest” is an option, but why do that when you can just collect a paycheck and be a shitty as possible at your job until you get fired?
“oh sure thing boss I’ll get right on this deletion thing” 6 days of fucking around on the fediverse later, websites still unchanged “oh yeah I’m working on it, top priority!”
I get fear of retribution if they figure out you’re doing it on purpose to sabotage efforts but like… How many people are actually bothering?
I can’t imagine someone in the firing squad trying to say “I was just doing my job”, it’s not the same thing as the guy working in the lunchroom. The only difference in my opinion is the firing squad kills people and the guy at the computer kills information, democracy, morality, common sense etc…
You can’t say you were just doing your job when your job is “destroy this information”
Yes, it’s “just a small part” but even the Great Wall of China is made of smaller bricks/slabs. The whole can’t exist without the separate pieces.
I’m a little rambly, apologies. I hope I’ve made a coherent point.
Okay so I have a basic understanding of orbital mechanics, I would say astronomy and astrophysics is a hobby of mine, and my content subscription list is filled with space nerds talking about nerdy space stuff.
I do not understand how the rotation of the milky way could be making it seem as though other galaxies are rotating a specific direction.
I understand if you spin in place and are looking at something above you that’s spinning in a certain way, it might appear to spin the opposite way it is relative to the floor, because you’re spinning faster. However, my problem understanding stems from the fact that the milky way is huge and we are rotating around a very large axis, not at a rate that my common sense tells me would be noticeable.
Maybe I’m just not giving NASA and ESA enough credit for their measurement capabilities, but I don’t get it.
And maybe I’m so far off base someone is face-palming into their screen in disappointment that I could choose be so wrong.
If anyone could explain, or post a link to a space nerd talking about nerdy space stuff thats relevant to the answer, please edumacate me!
I like star trek memes.
I have a ton of saved memes.
All my memes have been posted in all relevant communities multiple times.
I’ll never call out reposts because there are always people who haven’t seen something, but it feels weird posting stuff I know has been posted already. Especially when some are at the top rankings in the community.
But I’ll keep up voting and commenting on funny memes because it’s better than staring into the void not doing those things…
Fellas, is it gay to have empathy, show genuine emotion, and actually care about another being other than yourself?