Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 244 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Yeah… their other comments don’t really do anything else to dissuade someone from that conclusion either. Their other comments are all me me me. Calling everyone else selfish because they dare do something that systemglitch doesn’t do. The narcissistic self attention here is on full display. They are taking everything about themselves, painting it on everyone else and then judging them for it because they can’t bear to look inwards.

  • Maybe dont be so desperate to paint other as the villain.

    Dude, you started whining and complaining about people who you’ve invented in your head after basing all of the troubles of people you’ve never met off of what you’ve personally gone through. You literally started this. You don’t get to whine when someone points out your behavior is no different than what you’re complaining about. You created a strawman and lit it on fire.

    You’re a narcissist. I’m going to block you now because I can see absolutely zero value from anything that you’re contributing. It’s just malice, hatred, small mindedness, and self absorption. Especially when looking at your other comments in this thread like “I don’t care about peoples birthdays, it’s selfish bullshit and everyone loves me for it once I point that out.” Jesus christ.

  • Politics is banned from c/

    And speaking as a mod, report things. The vast majority of things I’ve dealt with as a mod were ones I saw myself or things friends sent on discord. People need to utilize the report function more often if they want moderation on things. We’re not psychic.

    As for being more stringent on the not being a dick rule, no. There’s a base level of civility we expect but if we start getting super stringent on what constitutes being a dick, that’s imposing moderator will on community and its what most of us left reddit to get away from.

    Lastly, it’s the Internet. Assholes exist everywhere. You are not going to escape it, ever, if you’re using public servers. It’s pretty much required to accept that fact just to use the Internet. Moderators do not exist to prune and preen social media to make it more comfortable for people. We remind people to follow the rules and act upon those who do not. If you’re not breaking the rules then we’re not going to “interact” because we have our own lives and our own posts we are interested in.