Sure, they’re going to frame it in a way that gives them the victim, but we don’t have to accept it. Just laugh in their face, and misgender them right back. Nothing pisses off a trans bigot more than being called by the wrong gender.
Sure, they’re going to frame it in a way that gives them the victim, but we don’t have to accept it. Just laugh in their face, and misgender them right back. Nothing pisses off a trans bigot more than being called by the wrong gender.
Great post.
The best way to handle these bigots is to keep calling them by female pronouns forever. If you are a decent person, and let people live their lives as they see fit, then youre fine. But if you insist on enthusiastically and viciously applying your bigotry to others, then you just bought a lifetime of misgendering of your own.
Its long past time that these traitors learned that their hatred is a two edged sword.
If the goverment shuts down, the buildings and agencies will be empty, because all government workers will be home. But DOGE and Musk arent government workers, and theyll have unimpeded access to EVERYTHING, with absolutely nobody to observe what they are doing.
YOU are the one that brought up the weird sexual fantasies, only to blame them on him. Calm down.
And vote Republican instead? Yeah, that’ll show’em.
Cmon, they cheated. We all know it. Even they know it. And by not addressing it and shining a light on it, Democrats are INVITING them to do it again in 2026 and 2028. In 2028, HitlerPig will win his unConstitutional reelection with 98% of the vote, and use that “overwhelming popularity” to justify ignoring the Constitutional prohibition against a third term.
There is no way my son will be serving in a Trump army, fighting in a Trump war. You know that it will be incompetently managed, with more of an emphasis on making sure lots of government war contracts go to those who have properly kissed his ass and paid bribes/kickbacks, rather than the safe and effective deployment of our troops.
It’s a matter of time before Trump gets us into a war on our own hemisphere, and when he does, he will impose a draft. I wish some “journalist” (there aren’t really any left any more) would ask him about his opinions on forcing a draft.
I have a 25 year old son, and there is no way I’ll allow him to be dragged off by the government to die in a Trump War whose main objective is to destroy America for Putin, so Trump, Musk and their friends can loot America. There is no way my son will be joining a Trump military for any reason.
It would take at least three election cycles before a 3rd party to rise enough to genuinely challenge one of the parties, and in the meantime the Republicans would be fucking up the country, probably irreparably.
And that’s only if they allow elections at all, or at least fair, unrigged ones.
Its getting harder and harder to see how we get out of this without violence. The only question is what will touch it off.
This spineless weenie needs to get out of the way and let AOC take his place.
At the first missed payment, they’ll start burning down Social Security offices.
You don’t want to piss off the old people. For many of them, its all they have. If you take that away, they’ll have nothing left to lose, and lot of them are armed. That’s a bad combination.
SCOTUS made him SuperPresident. He has full immunity, he is untouchable, he knows it, and he intends to wear it out. The only value in immunity is if you use it, and he is the type to exploit every bit of value out of everything. The only avenue for resistance is to target those who are controlling/influencing him, and those whon are facilitating his treasonous plans.
For over 30 years, I’ve been saying that I won’t vote for any candidate who doesn’t support M4A, but I’ve broken that pledge in every election. I will support the pro-M4A candidate, but the next Democratic president is going to have the biggest clean-up job of any president in history, and M4A may have to take a backseat to rebuilding the government, and having the second Nuremburg Trials.
I would absolutely vote for him for president. I like Minnesota Progressives anyway, and he also possesses that natural trustworthiness that appeals to rurals that are going to be brutalized by MAGA policies over the next few years.
Of course, it only matters if we can have fair, cheat-free elections, or even have elections at all.
I hate seeing these Democrats question themselves and their honorable positions on important issues, just because they think they lost. We all know in our souls that HitlerPig, Skum, and the Russkies STOLE the election, but the Dems quickly rallied around the concept that they got beaten fair & square, because they didnt want to be seen as the same as the 2020 Republicans. So they threw us to the wolves, and have totally abdicated their oath to “protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The Dems have to stop acting humiliated and embarassed, and get ANGRY at having our nation stolen and dismantled. HitlerPig was able to get his followers angry enough to attack the Capital, but Dems couldnt even be bothered get their followers to even question it.
The Republicans now have the Dems questioning their entire future direction. Should they move to be more progressive, and embrace Medicare 4 All, UBI, higher taxes on billionaires and corporations, harsh punishment for traitors, etc. Or should they claim the middle and try to draw reasonable Republicans to their side. Theyve tried the latter many times, and even if they win the election, being Republican Lite only makes it easier for people to shift a bit more right and vite MAGA.
Its true that people want a different sort of America, but only about a 3rd really want the MAGA direction. Most other citizens would prefer a direction that gives them more security in housing, jobs, food, and healthcare. Even Republicans would like it if the Conservative Propaganda Machine wasn’t constantly telling them that implementing those programs would trum us into Venezuela. If the Dems really supported a true progressive platform, and sold it properly, the6 could win - in a FAIR election.
But we will NEVER have another fair election until the Democrats acknowledge that the Republicans have fully rigged the voting system, and do something to punish those who did it. If we dont, the 2026 election will see most Democrat congressional reps in Red states flip Republican, even in Blue districts, and in 2028, HitlerPig will win with 98% of the vote.
That’s ridiculous, that will NEVER work.
They don’t care about destroying corporations either. Musk is actively killing his own company.
It is only a matter of weeks before there is a class-action lawsuit from the shareholders against Musk for his reckless, damaging behavior, and the Tesla board of directors for not reigning him in, or firing him. At that point, the board will fire him in an attempt to mitigate the damage in the markets and in the courts.
I used to refer to them as MAGAtards, but then someone very respectfully asked me to stop using a variation of the R-word, so I honored their polite and heartfelt request. Now Inrefer to them as MAGAmorons, MAGAtraitors, or just Traitors.