I’m a technical kinda guy, doing technical kinda stuff.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I don’t think there’s anything commercially available that can do it.

    However, as an experiment, you could:

    • Get a group of photos from a burst shot
    • Encode them as individual frames using a modern video codec using, eg VLC.
    • See what kind of file size you get with the resulting video output.
    • See what artifacts are introduced when you play with encoder settings.

    You could probably/eventually script this kind of operation if you have software that can automatically identify and group images.

  • Most times what I get when asking it coding questions is a half-baked response that has a logic error or five in it.

    Once I query it about one of those errors it replies with, “You’re right, X should be Y because of (technical reason Z). Here’s the updated code that fixes it”.

    It will then give me some code that does actually work, but does dumb things, like recalculating complex but static values inside a loop. When I ask if there’s any performance improvements it can do, suddenly it’s full of helpful ways to improve the code that can make it run 10 to 100 times faster and fix those issues. Apparently if I want performant code, I have to explicitly ask for it.

    For some things it will offer solutions that don’t solve the issue that I raise, no matter how many different ways I phrase the issue and try and coax it towards a solution. At that point, it basically can’t, and it gets bogged down to minor alterations that don’t really achieve anything.

    Sometimes when it hits that point I can say “start again, and use (this methodology)” and it will suddenly hit upon a solution that’s workable.

    So basically, right now it’s good for regurgitating some statistically plausible information that can be further refined with a couple of good questions from your side.

    Of course, for that to work you have to know the domain you’re working in fairly well already otherwise you’re shit out of luck.

  • If you’re interested in the systems behind Apollo, go find and read “Digital Apollo”.

    It goes all the way through the project and describes in good detail everything, how they developed the control systems, the computer hardware, how the software was designed, how they implemented one of the first real computer systems project management, all the interactions between astronauts/test pilots who still wanted to “manually fly the lander”, the political back and forth between competing teams, the whole thing.

    It’s a great read if you have a technical mindset.

  • Excuse me, “UXers” is not the preferred term any more. You should be using “HXers”, as per the article.

    In my opinion, replacing “users” with “humans” feels wrong in much the same way as when incels replace “women” with “females”.

    They are reducing the accuracy of the description. All users of computers can generally be assumed to be human. All humans cannot generally be assumed to also be users.

  • Usually iterations of:

    “Closed and locked due to duplicate of: (question asked 9 years ago about Visual Studio 2011 and Visual Basic, when you’re using VS code '22 and C#)”

    “This seems like an XY problem, what are you really trying to accomplish?”, after a one thousand word post describing in detail exactly what you are trying to accomplish and the many different reasons why you can’t just use #GENERIC_EVERYDAY_METHOD.

    Either that or the quick and dirty method that I want for a one off data conversion that uses standard libraries is heavily down voted and lost while the elaborate, all-cases-considered, 7-third-party-library-using answer becomes the top result.

  • Letting it ring has no impact. They have autodiallers that call, and when someone picks up, only then is that call assigned to someone in the call centre.

    You can often tell this because there is a marked delay in the response to your initial “Hello?”. Long enough that you can reliably just hang up if you don’t hear a response in two seconds.

    If it’s a real person who actually wants to call you and they you call again straight away, you can just shrug off your hang-up as a network issue.

  • “Old timey journalism” was usually when someone with a political axe to grind started a local newspaper to try and counter the other guy who had started a newspaper. That’s when you get editorialism and a particular slant on your news.

    You probably want something like large public-funded-but-relatively-neutral news agencies, who have the resources, time, and budget to allow proper investigative journalism to take it’s full course, and are large enough that they don’t have to pander to the politicians of the day or big business.

    So we’re talking at this point about BBC, ABC (Australia), Al-Jazeera, Deutsche Welle, and other similar organisations.

    None are without bias - it’s very difficult to actually be bias-free, most will have a home country bias, for example. But they’re better than the billionaire’s media circus.

  • True. Hence my caveat of “most cards”. If it’s got LEDs on the port, it’s quite likely to signal which speed it is at with those LEDs.

    I haven’t yet come across a gigabit card that won’t do 10Mbit (edit: switches are a different matter) but sometimes I’ve come across cards that fail to negotiate speeds correctly, eg trying for gigabit when they only actually have a 4 wire connection that can support 100Mbit. Forcing the card to the “correct” speed makes them work.

  • Me: “This binary file is merely an approximate mathematical and statistical transform of the complainant’s “Deadpool 3”, your honour. If you care to glance through a few A4 pages of the binary representation of both items, you can clearly see that there is no direct copying involved, thus, no copyright claim can be upheld.”

    Result: $250k fine, two years community service in anti piracy groups.

    NVIDIA: “Each copyrighted work was ingested and a statistical model was generated that leverages that information for our own profit. We have no intention of compensating copyright owners for their information.”

    Result: Oh you! Get out of here, you scamp! Ruffles hair