They are not photosynthesizing plants, they are parasites of fungi! Pretty cool looking in person, almost translucent. One of my hikes this year had a bunch of clumps of these on the trail.
They are not photosynthesizing plants, they are parasites of fungi! Pretty cool looking in person, almost translucent. One of my hikes this year had a bunch of clumps of these on the trail.
I thought these where ghost pipes:
Holy crap, that cosplay sure is a thing.
It’s because GM has deep pockets and doesn’t want to pay one of their competitors a licensing fee to stay competitive.
Our member numbers are dropping, we better change our messages a bit to attract more donations.
I think I prefer Lemurians
This is one of the only things I can find talking about it, but I’m sure I used Google maps with GPS on SymbianOS.
I had Google maps on my Nokia SymbianOS phone before the iPhone was released. It worked just as well as modern version but was I little clunkier to use without a touchscreen. I’m pretty sure that Palm Treos had it as well. There where also some other options, I kinda remember Garmin selling map packs for Palm devices. Smartphones existed before android and iPhone, even if they weren’t as widespread they were catching on with the broader consumer before the iPhone was released. You saw more more people getting blackberries for personal use instead of just business.
I have some SFF computers I plan on doing this to when the weather turns to crap.
I agree with everything you said, only that I’m not quite sure what DMA is.
I want more indie games on my phone because the major mobile app developers are beyond trash at this point. I love indie devs, I love FOSS and indie games. I prefer programming that lends itself to democratizing the web and my devices.
Your game is a breath of freedom right now in the mobile marketplace. I made it in on the free invite system, but the fact that you are on the fediverse talking to me, coupled with the fact that your game and end goal seam awesome, I’m going to figure out how to become a donating member as soon as I get home.
I’m out on a night walk right now with my walkscape app open, while typing this reply. Amazing times.
I agree, Canadian maple syrup slaps and is easier to find. Vermont maple syrup slaps just a little bit harder but I can’t usually find it in the Midwest.
I signed up after seeing your last post. I made it into the last wave of invites and have been playing since last week. This game is really cool and I don’t think there is anything else like it.
You are not the strongest women. But there could be women who aren’t as strong as you too!
Women are so cute and adorable I don’t know how to put it in a few minutes 😜
Check out Withings. Not open, but they are pretty good on respecting privacy and check the boxes you want. withings doesn’t do the full screen app stuff, but it’s a good watch with all the smart features.
I like to believe that she emptied those bottles herself. Maybe Glenda helped a little.
I love the crust. But sometimes I don’t need the extra carbs.
I think that’s Glenda. Gotta nice hat there. When can we expect a pmjv art piece to show up on the 9front website ;)
Probably the best web comic on the fediverse.
They are still flowers though. It’s probably not entirely wrong to think of them as related to other flowers, I didn’t know anything about them until I took the picture.