The only solace is that the fuckers who are feeding us to the machine are the ones who are going to get minced first.
Spineless fucks.
The only solace is that the fuckers who are feeding us to the machine are the ones who are going to get minced first.
Spineless fucks.
The average person just needs to fall under a certain level of comfortability for all hell to break loose.
Unlike Hitler, this guy cant ‘fix’ the economy by going to war because any war big enough to bolster our already over bloated military budget would immediately end in MAD.
This isn’t a reason to act like its all gonna be okay, but I’d like to think we have a better shot than 1930’s Germany…
If you can’t handle me at my infodumpiest, then you don’t deserve access to my dumptruck ass.
I too, am not dating alexsystem.
Publishers and companies will always want DRM
Developers should refuse to write malware.
I hate to say this but fucking good. Throwing random people in Gitmo wasn’t enough to piss the people off to do anything, because the only thing that would be enough is when they fuck with everyone’s money.
I hate the “fuck you I got mine” attitude so fucking much.
Steam does most of the fucking around for you these days.
How often do cis people with an M on their birth certificate get perscriptions to estrogen?
As someone on the other side, I hope you guys start allowing asylum seekers, especially those of us who are endangered by this administration.
I’d like to get out before I end up on a federal list for taking estrogen…
Yay! Spinny!
Are they not both VoIP/Im clients?
Or is it only a viable alternative if they recreate the UI because god forbid it look different?
There’s too many shitty people doing actually harmful things to care about someone typing the word ‘eepy’.
One time I was trippin’ balz at my friends house and I saw the outline of a d00d doing kung fu in the pattern of the wood.
Not sure what that’s supposed to mean.
Well yeah in a better society where art was distributed freely and certain recreational substances weren’t illegal we wouldn’t need them.
That’s not the reality we live in today, however, nor will it be for a very long time, unfortunately.
Okay I get the hate for capitalism and global warming, but can we stop acting like anonymous payments for drugs and web hosting are a bad thing?
Do you like to get stoned and/or to trip balls? Do you like watching pirated movies? I fucking do at least, I imagine most people do lol.
Isn’t he?
Couldn’t you just use a big mirror and lens?
Seems like using a panel and microwave transmitter would be inefficient.
As great of news as this must be for transmascs, I am personally devastated that I’ll have to obtain my media legally from now on. :(
Bit of an unhinged and unreasonable nerd rant but here it goes:
The second dot com boom in the 2010s ruined us. Like holy shit. As someone younger looking down the line, living in tech bro culture, but exposed to the likes of the jargon file, y combinator and their venture capitalists literally ruined hacker culture.
We used to have a thriving culture that cherished freedom, real freedom, not freedom for the rich. What happened to the culture that spawned Windows buyback day? What of the dream that networked freedom would one day break the chains of economic heirarchy?
Like holy fucking shit. If you’re not here for the love of the machine stop touching a compiler or better yet go loose your fucking hands.