@KeefChief13 @cm0002 … i should have taken this as a warning and not a challenge… what is wrong with people… heartless asshats…
@KeefChief13 @cm0002 … i should have taken this as a warning and not a challenge… what is wrong with people… heartless asshats…
@_haha_oh_wow_ … i learned this the hard way when I decided to ride mine in 90F from work. The bike starting running hot and I could smell it… it was already running low anyway. I still wonder what that the owner of the home that I laid out on their lawn thinks of me to this day. I needed the shade tho lol
Fam it’s so frustrating… I have a group of friends that everytime that bitch I ask them what they’re doing… Nada. They just wanna bitch and moan… Hell even the ‘lazy’ protests to Amazon and target boycotts are too much for them. As a brown dude, I feel so disappointed… Like I’ve been seeing this happen for years and have been vocal - now that it impacts y’all it’s too much to bear?
…how about the bluesky folks actually federate? For some reason I can’t convince anyone there to use the fedi bridge …
Pixelfed might be more up your alley as it’s a more insta like experience…but there are many pictures and political meme communities out this way.
@spiderhamster so after def jux collapsed, el-p was looking for work and a dude at adult swim was like bro make some beats for us and we’ll pay you (long standing relationship thru def jux). so el-p was working on a project called run the jewels that was just going to be an ep of beats. so said dude was like ‘yo you need to do at least one song with killer mike.’ the beat project turned into a full ass group and here we are!
@Acamon no clue… sadly i apparently never had it good as well :D
I hear this is a simple dish that is really easy to fuck up… I spent a couple months south for work… And everyone there was complaining on the catered meals being ass… It was chicken and waffles every few days and it was never good. But the locals were like ‘yeah this isn’t it’
@sabreW4K3 bonafide banger. I’ve been following them when it was an ep for beats that turned into a full ass project. man so happy they got together… this ish is so good
I saw the title and was like ‘you, know… I’ve never seen a weed pie before.’ I liked the meme, but I will admit I was a lil disappointed
@jason123santa - we were just talking about this
@subunit317 this happened right outside a homies grandmother’s home… crazy and scary. but it’s wild watching how close those planes get to the ground and other cars…
@DonAntonioMagino making backups of your home folder (/home/username) is a great ways to survive reinstalls. also install discovery if you don’t have it. its an easy way to install and find software… i dont know opensuse package manager… but it should be a simple command
@shaserlark Reminds me of that time I was leaving a concert and dude was selling nitrous balloons to people as they were driving off… Like bro had a drive thru set up… Philly is wild these days.
@Alphamars …generally speaking. loose some weight. at very least thats where i’m at
@murmelade @iii That might work with some Swiss cheese or something…
@Ephera @Droggelbecher I preface this by saying I do not disagree… and I don’t want to distract from a constructive conversation…
<details class=“spoiler”><summary>Reveal/hide</summary>but maaaan, hearing that bees are little dirty thieves is somehow the funniest shit I’ve read today. I’m giggling like a child… </details>