I like that there’s some petty little bitch that downvoted everyone replying to this. Just block the community, you chud. (talking to the downvoter, if that isn’t clear)
I like that there’s some petty little bitch that downvoted everyone replying to this. Just block the community, you chud. (talking to the downvoter, if that isn’t clear)
I avoid Target because they bailed on trans people. I should get rid of Amazon, now that I think about it.
Fascists hate and desire control of the media.
He looks like he knows how foolish he looks.
I’m shocked that Elon would lie! /s
That is a fat gator. Must have eaten something large, so maybe not so hungry? I still wouldn’t try to find out.
I would be ashamed to have Meta on my resume, but that’s just me.
Drummond’s predecessor, John O’Connor, previously sought Hanson’s transfer and sued the Bureau of Prisons in 2022 after it refused to turn over the inmate to state custody during President Joe Biden’s administration. The agency’s regional director at the time, Heriberto Tellez, said the transfer was not in the public interest, a decision Drummond called “appalling.”
Then why is this news?
We’re on the way down. The Right in this country (well, really, everywhere, but it’s more maniacal here) are growing more unhinged. The Dems keep pulling to the right as a result (since at least the 80s). The overtone window keeps shifting. We’re absolutely fucked.
William F Buckley was a major source of inspiration for the Right for decades. I recently watched his debate with James Baldwin at Cambridge in 1965. He argued racist points about Black single moms, but he tried to sound compassionate and denounced racism. He hid his racism in plain sight but sounded educated. There’s nothing like that now. “They’re eating the dogs.”
Late GenX (really, between X and Millennial): we expected everyone after us to understand tech. Nope.
Stupid people hoping for some kind of relief. We must crush them.
Elon is the world’s pest.
This is good news for future victims, despite a sibling comment about unprocessed rape kits. The more we can do to catch perpetrators the better.
I was hoping it’d be the inevitable story about Elon falling out of favor.
Less than a month into the new administration, the rise of the left-leaning MeidasTouch to become the country’s most popular podcast indicates a potential shift in tone currently resonating with Americans.
Is it actually Leftist or is it liberal? I’d welcome a number one Leftist show, but I don’t think most USA citizens are politically literate enough to know the difference. We’ve been brainwashed by decades of propaganda to think liberalism is synonymous with Leftist.
The internet was invented by George Washington, the boy who could not tell a lie. That’s why it was designed to be lie-proof.
Falls under “similar health maintenance.” I’m saying only pay money that supports the care and feeding (and vet care) of the animals. Don’t go to for-profit orgs.
I’m pointing out that there is information available without asking the creator to explain it rather than suggesting that a readme shouldn’t be created. In software development, one of the primary skills is knowing where to find information yourself before interrupting others. I’m not suggesting that one shouldn’t ask for help; quite the opposite. I’m just trying to provide an answer as a third-party who is not in a position to author a readme. I don’t consider that unfriendly.
I clicked through, mildly hoping to read something useful. The article calls upon Dems to save us. Closed the tab. Nothing will be done.