I’m running pihole already. Works great!
I’ve been trying to volunteer at a food bank, but they’ve been ghosting me. 🫠
The last what now?
I’m in. I’ll miss the Loonie, but Europe’s looking pretty good these days.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Yeah, I was worried I was starting to like him for a minute there.
I heard it was milk or something.
It’s good so far. First double edged razor I’ve used, so it’ll take some getting used to.
I’m right there with you. Never thought it would happen, but here we are.
I can recite my parent’s, but I’m going to have to use a crutch until I memorize it, LOL.
Lisa’s date with density. Homer checks the mail for his happy dude money.
Dig two graves.