But if you know where to get it pure or mostly pure
But if you know where to get it pure or mostly pure
Did you not see it in the screenshot?
Or money quickly loses all value. What do I care if you give me a million dollars? It’ll be gone tomorrow, and until then everyone else will view it as being just as worthless as I do.
Possessions you have control over at the beginning of the day would matter (so yes, being rich is still an advantage), but I imagine any intangible funds would be worthless.
I assume it depends whether the urine is still imbued with the speed force long enough to run down the drain before it can be flung away. I’m not sure; I’m not really an expert in speedster physics.
Ah, of course. That makes so much more sense.
I looked at it as: he has to keep running around it so he’s pissing from the right direction, presumably also accounting for properly leading it so his piss lands in it at just the right time. Still sounds messy to me.
I was also that guy, just … only in my head. Thank you for your service.
Some do. Look up “sky burial”.
Chocolate is what poisons dogs. There’s just a much higher concentration of it in dark chocolate than milk chocolate. Too much milk chocolate can still kill a dog, and “too much” isn’t even all that much. 8 ounces of milk chocolate for a 30 pound dog is enough to be concerned about.
Not sure about lately, but ten years ago the Home Depot on Aurora in Seattle always had a group of guys hanging out near the entrance.
Also all those bananas.
Right or wrong, I believe the intended message was, “[They] began drinking more. They still are (drinking more).”
You do know that Gary Larson and Daniel Boone weren’t peers, don’t you?
Yes, most scuba divers typically have a snorkel as well, to make it easier to breathe while on the surface without using air from the tank.
The first time I visited there, I wanted to live there. Like this book I read in school when I was in third grade, where the kids hide out in the museum overnight.
You must mean this one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_Mixed-Up_Files_of_Mrs._Basil_E._Frankweiler
They adapted the first three books if you go by the original order and not the updated order that numbered the books chronologically.