and #4: we dont believe if we take a bold step forward that our neighbors will show solidarity and endurance, which then puts us at risk of prosecution. A lot of us have kids to protect.
and #4: we dont believe if we take a bold step forward that our neighbors will show solidarity and endurance, which then puts us at risk of prosecution. A lot of us have kids to protect.
Dig deeper. This is Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin. Pootin is an accidental beneficiary.
Peter Thiel: “Good Ubu. Sit Ubu.”
They believe they are visionaries put on earth to make seismic waves in human history. Probably a mixture of some narcissim and psychopathy if I had to guess… dark triad types with enough money to censor the word “no” in their vicinity.
Agreed. One could argue when we stopped being a republic it was only a matter of time until the majority was dumbed down enough for xenophobia to be the primary issue for the common person.
Personally, I started running for the hills in early 2020 when I witnessed former friends drop their proverbial and physical masks overnight. That’s all the confirmation I needed that community didn’t and doesn’t exist.
I recently bought a trump bible and put it at my front door for gestapo repellant because my last hope is that those of us who survive long enough can reestablish our local communities and their priorities piece by piece. This will be as violent in it’s death as it was in it’s life and endurance via social camoflague is key at this stage. I’m writing this from my quantum-proof encryption VPN.
golf clap
Well-fuckin-said. I’m adding this to my notes. If this is how murica ends, I want to at least help spread the truth about it.
death by 1000 cuts. they want riots in the streets so they can finish seizing power (a goal of the first 6 months of Project 2025)
Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin are using trump and vance to install their vision of techno-authoritarianism and it’s darker than you could ever imagine.
Always use a VPN. Swallow your pride and buy a trump bible off amazon for your front entry area. It’s gestapo repellant. Yes, I’m serious.
After the immigrants, they’re going to round up people on SSRIs and have them work the fields as part of their “reparenting” sentence. RFK just put it on the table officially.
Keep your head down, blend in, and live to fight another day. This won’t be sustainable, but it’s going to be painful and ugly before the year’s out.
Project 2025 aims to suspend habeus corpus and deploy the military domestically by June 30th. Yes, I’m serious.
I hate to break it to you, but this is Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin’s party now. America died in November and gave way to some bastardized techno-autocracy-kleptocracy mutant.
Here’s a great piece to get up to speed quickly. Good luck out there! https://newrepublic.com/article/183971/jd-vance-weird-terrifying-techno-authoritarian-ideas
Ding ding ding! Make no mistake about it… the penultimate goal of the first six months of project 2025 is the suspension of habeus corpus and the deployment of US Military as civilian police. They need a riot to justify that last power grab. When you understand that fact, you can see the common thread in all of the random cruelty out of the gate. It’s not called project 2026.
I don’t know if it’s better or worse that they’re so transparent with their goals… being able to watch it unfold in slow motion is agonizing.
I literally just bought a trump bible off amazon to put at the front door for gestapo repellant. That’s where I’m at with all this.
Oh no! They’re worried!
Fucking do something about it for once
This isn’t performative. It’s part of the plan. Porn and non-nuclear child-rearing families are absolutely in the crosshairs once they clear out the judicial “interference” and suspend habeus corpus.
Here’s the introduction (aka “Pillar I”) to the plan currently being implemented: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
Some highlights:
From page 20 of the project: “Vought (officially in charge of OMB after being confirmed recently) writes that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should establish a “reputation as the keeper of ‘commander’s intent,’””
From page 21: " In Chapter 1, former deputy chief of staff to the President Rick Dearborn writes that the White House Counsel “must take seriously the duty to protect the powers and privileges of the President from encroachments by Congress, the judiciary, and the administrative components of departments and agencies.”
Page 28: “When a new President takes office, he will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda”…“, the President should hire a counsel with extensive experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President”
Page 32, regarding the office of presidential personnel (DOGE): “Playing “bad cop” in a way that other White House offices cannot (including serving as the office that takes direct responsibility for firings and hirings).”
Here’s the introduction (aka “Pillar I”) to the plan currently being implemented: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
Some highlights:
From page 20 of the project: “Vought (officially in charge of OMB after being confirmed recently) writes that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should establish a “reputation as the keeper of ‘commander’s intent,’””
From page 21: " In Chapter 1, former deputy chief of staff to the President Rick Dearborn writes that the White House Counsel “must take seriously the duty to protect the powers and privileges of the President from encroachments by Congress, the judiciary, and the administrative components of departments and agencies.”
Page 28: “When a new President takes office, he will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda”…“, the President should hire a counsel with extensive experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President”
Page 32, regarding the office of presidential personnel (DOGE): “Playing “bad cop” in a way that other White House offices cannot (including serving as the office that takes direct responsibility for firings and hirings).”
Here’s the introduction (aka “Pillar I”) to the plan currently being implemented: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
Some highlights:
From page 20 of the project: “Vought (officially in charge of OMB after being confirmed recently) writes that the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) should establish a “reputation as the keeper of ‘commander’s intent,’””
From page 21: " In Chapter 1, former deputy chief of staff to the President Rick Dearborn writes that the White House Counsel “must take seriously the duty to protect the powers and privileges of the President from encroachments by Congress, the judiciary, and the administrative components of departments and agencies.”
Page 28: “When a new President takes office, he will need to decide expeditiously how to handle any major ongoing litigation or other pending legal matters that might present a challenge to his agenda”…“, the President should hire a counsel with extensive experience with a wide range of complex legal subjects. Moreover, while a candidate with elite credentials might seem ideal, the best one will be above all loyal to the President”
Page 32, regarding the office of presidential personnel (DOGE): “Playing “bad cop” in a way that other White House offices cannot (including serving as the office that takes direct responsibility for firings and hirings).”
My fear is he’s going to be used to instigate the social unrest needed for project 2025 to reach it’s goal of suspension of habeus corpus by June 30th. That’s end game and the way they’re concentrating messaging against the judicial branch right now means they’re grinding toward the 6 month milestone right on schedule.
The fact the most famous dems aren’t saying the above is chilling.
What if we all got too comfy with our rights and values during lockdown and the tree is about to be shaken so violently that we’ll all be thankful for a low wage job in a few years? I guarantee that’s a bipartisan goal.
Stay peaceful folks, the future demands it.
I fear that we’re witnessing a concerted conditioning aimed at ensuring the suspension of habeus corpus. At this point, it seems to be a bipartisan theatrical effort. I reallllllly hope I’m just being paranoid because if I’m right, we have no concept of the hell that awaits us (I’m writing this from a quantum decryption proof VPN)
The real lesson of trump: you can get away with anything after you’ve conditioned your victims enough.
I read recently that all conservatism is is “I’m a good person and anyone who says otherwise deserved whatever I did to them.”
Pretty sure this is how it all started in the 1930s.
Um… relating to the title and offering a unique 1st person perspective supporting the fact that one can buy their way out of most problems that aren’t terminal diseases?
On one hand, there’s an implied admission of boundaries in denying mass raids.
On the other hand, past tactics would imply that the only concern is overcoming the boundary, not submitting to it.
They’re regrouping. They know the collective lack of attention span is an asset they can leverage.