• dhork@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    As a male Harris voter who loved the Barbie movie unironically, I get all her points. However, I do want to point out that if liberals simply stop raising kids, all that guarantees is that the next generation are going to be a bunch of conservative pricks. Yes, the future looks like it’s gonna suck, but our options are either to raise better humans for the future, or give up on humanity altogether and ensure the future does not align with our values. Consider having kids as an insurance policy for a better future for everyone.

    And you don’t have to birth the kids yourself if you don’t want to, or are unable to. A few of my kids’ friends parents are various flavors of LGBTQ++, and I don’t necessarily know if they are biological or adopted – nor is it any of my business. But these families are in our community, and providing an example to others that there is no single family archetype.

    • shaun@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      While I get where you’re coming from, I’m of a very different opinion.

      The whole Republican movement is paid for by backers that need consumers to bleed dry. The whole machine is based on having lower income people needing to spend money to get by, and to form their tax base. You take away the consumer and the worker, you take away their power. Kids are the next generation of consumers, and add a huge amount to family consumption even before they are born, so the effect will be noticeable well within four years. You only have to look at the sentiments from the Russian government regarding having children after they’ve sent all their men away as cannon fodder - this comment would get me fined or imprisoned there.

      All that said, power to those who choose to have kids, but it shouldn’t be considered as any sort of boon to society. Humanity functioned with less people previously, and can easily do so again if we unsubscribe from the infinite growth model. With the climate crisis we find ourselves in, it’s also possibly the best mitigation route.

      I do agree with you on the adoption route and hope many more people consider the option.