When I was a kid we had a Compaq Presario 9500 that came preinstalled with voicemail software that supported having multiple voicemail boxes with speech recognition (c. 1995).
I really thought that was going to be the future and wanted my parents to use it so bad at the time. 😅
It is interesting how some terms over time are mispronounced and spelled incorrectly. And those doing it have no clue as to the actual term and how it is spelled
At work I see more and more people call their computers “labtops” instead of “laptops”. A Michael wave doesn’t surprise me.
We’ve been sharing this one
Dang, that labtop is so old it has a dialup modem built-in.
When I was a kid we had a Compaq Presario 9500 that came preinstalled with voicemail software that supported having multiple voicemail boxes with speech recognition (c. 1995).
I really thought that was going to be the future and wanted my parents to use it so bad at the time. 😅
It still might be, don’t give up hope!
My husband says pobcorn just to fuck with me, I hate it so bad but I can’t help laughing
It is interesting how some terms over time are mispronounced and spelled incorrectly. And those doing it have no clue as to the actual term and how it is spelled
Trying to politely correct everyone is like hurting cats.
Please don’t hurt the cats.