For six agonizing days, members of the group chose “faith-healing” over proven medicine, believing that’s what God truly wanted, and the little girl eventually paid the price for their religious negligence.
All of them, including Elizabeth’s parents, were the adult members of a religious group known as The Saints—a tight-knit group that only has 23 members in total, spread over three families.
How fucking arrogant do you have to be to call yourself saints? This is why I used to answer the door to random religious preachers and say, “Go fuck yourself.” You can’t be more arrogant than knocking on my door and telling me that I don’t know what’s correct. And then I learned about these people. Wtf.
She said while it was a “good outcome”, the “system failed to protect Elizabeth in the first place”.
“We are only here today because more wasn’t done sooner to protect her or remove her from an incredibly unsafe situation in her own home,” Jayde said.
Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I had a friend who committed suicide. I blamed his ultra-religious parents (he was only 19 or so at the time). I’m sure he thought it was a sin when he masturbated. He believed the earth was 5000 years old and dinosaurs didn’t exist. Now tell me that his parents weren’t at least partially to blame.
God wanted them to go to prison for manslaughter. Oh well. Nothing we can do about it.
Best response. Made me laugh maniacally.
Thoughts and prayers for God to manifest true repentance in their hearts.
If it works, we’ll see them seek a reclassified verdict on themselves, of First Degree Murder. But it won’t.
Perfectly true in believer terms - the court is just doing God’s work.
a cult-like Christian group
Religion is a mental disorder
If I believed I was talking to my invisible friend Fred, and that he was almighty & all knowing and should listen to his advice and that he had magical powers… I’d be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Why has science made some special exception for certain religions? Medical professionals aren’t doing their job & are doing a big disservice by ignoring their own literature. This is where we are at in America.
Why has science made some special exception for certain religions?
You’re blaming science. The real culprit is the legal system. There’s a bit in one of the linked articles about it:
Prompted by the church’s long history of child deaths, the Oregon Legislature in 2011 removed spiritual treatment as a defense for all homicide charges.
We need this everywhere.
Because… Nobody is saying that they’re talking to God? You can hate religion all you want but that’s just a strawman. If you find someone saying “God directly told me xyz” you can call them insane all you want.
Nobody is saying that they’re talking to God?
I’ve heard many Christians say they are.
If this isn’t some weird militant atheist misinterpretation of things… Then yeah they’re insane no two ways about it.
It’s not and they’re not (necessarily). Plenty of Christians misinterpret their inner voice as being god. You know how they’re always going on about having a personal relationship with him? Kinda hard to do that without him “talking” to them.
I’ve never been to America or other Western countries so I’ll have to take your word for it but okay. I mean my country has Christians too but they don’t do… That.
Ah, that makes sense. Yes, the US does have an especially large number of Christians who practice it that way, particularly the Evangelicals.
Not the first time either… virtually identical scenario in Oregon. So close I had to check the names and make sure the story wasn’t just moved to Australia:
This type of thing certainly isn’t isolated.
Poor child. She never had a chance.
Insulin for type-1 diabetes.
Thank you!
Good. Ignorance is fine if you’re just ignorant and that’s it, but there have to be consequences when you hurt somebody.
Fucking finally.
So just like Trumpler uses an immigrant killing an American as fuel, he’ll also use these Christians killing an American right? RIGHT?
Ohh this is heart breaking!!