I know the CEO dug himself a pretty deep hole recently.
I had been meaning to switch all the services I currently use over to proton - but his remarks gave me pause.
Is it still worth considering?
Yes. If you don’t agree with the CEO, keep in mind that he is not the owner, they moved to a nonprofit structure. Proton’s CEO is not the first one saying stupid things, the same happened with Mozilla, Brave, and perhaps many other reputable groups.
Proton products are good, IMHO the layout is OK.
It’s good, but not the only one. If you don’t feel comfortable with Proton, go to Mailbox.org, Posteo, Tuta. They are smaller, with less products on their portfolio, but reputable and as good as Proton.
Tuta is a front for a western intelligence agency from what I understand. Came out in an espionage trial in Canada recently. It was in the news.
At this point I’d take another look for alternatives to avoid throwing money at this particular CEO clown.
Yeah - mostly was the hope of this post to see what others you put up.
I had looked at tuta but I’m looking to be able to move my digital workspace (email, calendar, storage, docs, etc) over.
FWIW, tuta offers email, calendar and contacts. That’s a good part of it sorted out.
For storage, if you’re not up for self hosting Seafile or Nextcloud, look at https://filen.io/
Or, check out https://disroot.org/en which has email, storage, calendar and contacts.
AFAIK none of the above have office suites like you might expect coming from Google or Microsoft, but in my experience installing LibreOffice on your local machine solves that. Not everything needs to run in a browser.
It seems murena has all in looking for with the exception of supporting custom domain names (unless you self host). The workspace aspect is important to me as I do a lot of collaborative work that is much easier with shared access to a spreadsheet.
Sure, if at this point you’re still comfortable trusting the same entity with all your cloud services as well as your phone OS (which seems to just be a hardened LineageOS) — go right ahead.
For me personally this is the selling point, as I can fund their (open source) work rather than sending money to some company that does not contribute to open source. And since everything they offer is based on FOSS, migrating to another provider is easier than for closed source competition.
That said, I get your point. It is a corporation, and it is putting several eggs on one basket.
I’m wary of Signal for the same reason that — although both products are at least nominally open source — for all intents and purposes, their strategy is corporate. And this centralisation makes Murena as well as Signal single points of potential failure.
You do you, just consider that the minute somebody from the Murena/e Foundation board has a public meltdown you may have to find a new home for all the cloud things 🤷
Totally fair point there.
I do want to move to a more secure OS for my mobile device, and I’m just in the babysteps of understanding the wide world of the Linux ecosystem.
If that’s where you’re at, go for it. Every decision in this game is a tradeoff between convenience and privacy. We all need to start somewhere!
I’m old enough that I used to casually flash Android KitKat ROMs, and self hosted Nextcloud for a decade or so. I’ve seen platforms rise and fall 🤣 After a while it’s easy to become jaded.
Yeah, long term I do want to self host and I’ve now been doing reading on next cloud.
I used to flash to cyanogenos on a galaxy2 back in the day and I’m looking at different ROMs to try out now (suggestions welcome).
That being said, I’m new to Linux and haven’t done much home server stuff, but am motivated to learn more.
This is a great site to see recommended products for use like proton and their alternatives.
While Proton does offer a lot of services that are useful, some people dont want to put all their eggs in one basket and use various products together.
Apart from the CEO, I’ve been a bit concerned with the number of outages recently with quite poor and inconsistent communication or updates - not especially long outages but made much more stressful. There’s something really off about the way they communicate things I’ve found. So that combined with the idiot CEO has made me start the process of moving away from Proton, I don’t trust them any more.
I think the best strategy is to spread thinly, don’t become reliant on any one provider.
Technically, yes.
IF you’re worried about the CEO, go for Tuta.Eh, ACAB: All CEOs Are Bastards. Tim Apple attended Trump’s inauguration.
That’s a good point people here are getting bent out of shape a out proton CEO lapring Maga but will continue to use their iPhone or android, no questions asked 🤡
But the difference is we all have a choice of an email provider, whereas people are socially expected to have a smartphone these days and those are pretty much the two viable choices.
People hate society yet they exist in society. 🧐
And at least with android devices you have the choice to move to a different OS and opt into more FOSS alternatives
I have to say I found this article insightful: “Does Proton really support Trump? A deeper analysis (and surprising findings)”
It inclines me to give him the benefit of the doubt. He clearly got stuck trying to make his point and at some point just stopped explaining. My feeling was that that was good decision because he stopped digging a deeper hole.
got stuck trying to make his point and at some point just stopped explaining.
Oof, super been there before
This is a great write up on an absolute storm in a teacup
If you are going to spend time and money migrating to another service, choosing one that seems to be headed in the wrong direction seems ill-adviced.
European-alternatives.eu seems like a good resource to find alternative services.
Personally I am waiting to see if Murena.com restores their nextcloud offering, as I am planning to move to /e/OS on my phone again and wouldn’t mind sending a little money their way. I’m not into hypersecurity though, if you have very particular needs others will have better insights. For me having it hosted in the EU is good enough.
They look pretty good; I can’t tell from their site of they offer custom domain support for email.
I’m quite happy with the products. Not as happy with the company after the event you mentioned. I upgraded my plan not long before that happened (they had a pretty good deal going) so I will stay with them for now but I will need to consider what to do once the prepaid time is up.
I don’t get why people hate companies based on one person instead of the company as a whole.
Well the company’s board has a choice on who represents them and what their values are as a whole.
If the company thought that this person (CEO on this case) doesn’t represent their values effectively they can remove them.
deleted by creator
OpenAI is a non-profit too…
I think Proton still offer a strong UX and great privacy, what are your main worries ?
- Proton recently admitted they were impacted by Cloudflare outages cause they route a lot of their traffic through US servers using Cloudflare.
- Almost no one (like prob 0.1% of users) would ever have the time & knowledge to check for changes in JavaScript that might be different for them vs others, plus some of those would be routine updates, A/B testing, etc. If Proton wants to get your data all they have to do is change the JS sent to you or small portion of users, and it is very likely no one will ever notice.
- Many Proton services will get updates that are not pushed to the open source branch for several weeks.
- Proton disallows free accounts from using things like their Desktop Mail app without a paid account.
- Many Proton services are unnecessarily geared towards ecosystem lock-in, when the security can be achieved in other ways.
Those are to name a few.
- Looks bad, but what about the other mainstream options such as Tuta ?
- True but I do think it will get noticed pretty quickly but probably not fast enough.
- For weeks ? I know new products are always proprietary closed beta but didn’t knew that…
- I think it’s pretty fair as it is a freemium service, paid user needs to get rewarded for paying.
- Yeah I prefer to endorse free and open solution rather than closed garden wall, even if they are published under open source licence, but in the other hand It seens like there is a demand from the market for a privacy-respecting ecosystem that offer a similar experience to Google for exemple.
There is no such thing as a perfect solution or perfect security. Depending on your threat model I do think Proton isn’t a bad option, maybe it’s not the best but as of today all the honeypot claims seems to be simply FUD. Your worries are legit but I’m pretty sure you can have similar worries for other products that you use and feel safe using them.
maybe not important to some, but I was super-unpleasantly surprised a couple months ago because proton deleted my dormant account. my recovery account received a couple of warning emails (didn’t check that one in ages) and when I finally got around to it, gone.
so if you’re thinking of using it for anything long-term, know that you have to log in once in a while or it’s gone.
Pretty sure that’s just for the free tier accounts, but I could be wrong.
Not giving my business to a Trump supporter.