Sheryl Crow announced on Instagram that she is selling her Tesla and donating the proceeds to NPR, citing concerns over Elon Musk’s leadership.
NPR is under political scrutiny, with Republican lawmakers and FCC Chairman Brendan Carr launching investigations.
Crow’s move is a protest against Musk’s influence in government and Trump’s efforts to defund public media.
So i should sell mine with a loss (still have a loan on it), and if I want a car with the same distance, I’ll have to take out another loan? No, thank you. I’ll stick with my FUCK ELON MUSK sticker I got made.
Sooo question. Can you leverage your car as a trade in? Or is it not worth it because you still have a loan? I’m no longer looking for a car, but there was a time where you could basically get out for about the same price you got in for
You absolutely can. It’s whether your upside down on the loan or not if it’s worth it to trade in.
I’m in a position to trade in my current vehicle for more than I bought it for, but I can’t get anything similar to it for a decent price to make it worthwhile to me.
Great question, I’ve which I cannot answer, as I honestly haven’t thought about that. However, the demand of Tesla’s are decreasing really fast here in Denmark, so I’m not sure if I could get a good deal. However, I will check it out next week! Thank you 🙂
Definitely look into it, you never know what you might be able to get for it. I worked with a girl in high school many years ago who somehow managed to trade in 3 cars in a row for more than she paid for them. She managed to pay off the loan on each one and get a better car out of the deal than the one she traded in, and it still shocks me enough that I still remember it to this day.
Unless you see the details, you might take that story with a grain of salt. While there were definitely good opportunities after pandemic messed everything up …… my brother dated a girl who did this. However after he got to know here, he figured out this “too good to be true” situation was because they rolled her previous loans into the next. Each step where she got fantastic trade ins that seemed to be a great deal, were just digging her more deeply in debt. She should have paid more attention to the overall deals, rather than just the trade in.
I’ve been seeing people advocating ruining random Teslas and it’s pissing me off. Do people think rightoids make up the majority of EV early adopters? Fucking think about it before you go off spray painting swastikas onto innocent people’s cars holy shit.
All Teslas? No. But if someone’s driving a cybertruck, they know who they were buying into.
Don’t be a dick and ruin a stranger’s things just because.
Still, those early adopters weren’t the people making $45,000 a year. It’s not like they can/could afford a new $60,000 car. Anybody buying a Tesla is solidly upper middle class. And often are DINO’s politically. And they can live comfortably if they aren’t too busy trying to maintain an image.
You’re making way too many assumptions . Most of us care more about the technology than the image, chose to spend money we can barely afford to help build a market toward an EV transition, most of us can’t live comfortably if we lost our most expensive non-house purchase. And I soundly reject your Dino assumption. This kind of hatred of people based solely on a vehicle should be beneath you. Making up characteristics so you can hate someone is not ok. We can see this same logic used on the right to hate people because of their race or preferences, etc. it’s not ok
I really appreciate the fight. But please don’t put yourself in the red or anymore in the negative over Adolf Musk.
Americans shit all over Japanese cars and their drives for decades after Pearl Harbor…so, sell it or deal. I’m sorry about the stress and financial part but Emerald Elmo is not someone you want to directly support if at all possible.
I’d go right back to a Honda if they had a good EV option comparable to my Model 3 that wasn’t too expensive. My Model 3 is almost paid off, was looking forward to no longer having a payment. And their current EV options are lackluster, like most manufacturers. Instead Honda has been fucking around with Hydrogen bullshit for years and insisting it’s going to be a thing in the US just like Toyota.
I don’t give a shit about the luxury aspect and that’s 90% of the EV market. If they just made a Civic EV I’d buy one tomorrow, instead all they have is the Prologue now. And that’s actually made by GM, effectively a Chevy Blazer that’s badged as a Honda.
I liked my leaf, but that’s probably a rough decrease in range from a model 3
Fr I was quite disappointed when I found out about the prologue and that it is just a GM.
The day after Musks nazi salute I saw a MY with blue tape over the logos, lol.
If you have a sticker, I’m cool with you. And I say some nasty shit about Tesla owners.
I’ve never seen a sticker in my town. I give them all dirty fucking looks. Fuck those people. I’ve stopped letting them in during traffic… And I let EVERYONE in.
You are just unpleasant
Edit: im affairs that I’m not clear enough.
For someone that hates Enon musk so much, you are acting just like him.
You are jumping to conclusions because of the car they drive. One that like it or not helps the environment and has tangible benefits for all of us by using it
You know absolutely nothing about the people you are making uncomfortable. That you are bullying. You are making the roads around you less safe by your childish and petty bullshit.
Congratulations, you are no better than Elon, you just have a much smaller bank account.
Good job on being an unpleasant member of your community.
Good job making it that much harder to convince musk deniers how shitty he is.
Good job making it harder to get good results because you’re actions are just as idiotic as anything Elon has thought of
You are unpleasant
I just hope you realize how spineless that comes off to some people.
“I will criticize but I WILL NOT be inconvenienced!” lol