pardon my english
Given that it’s Monday the 17th of February right now, that ship has sailed … several days ago.
sorry if was too late,
just wanna ask hehe
pardon my english
Couple of days late, but good!
The day of, we had a household only dinner. Steaks, the first ones we’ve had in years. Me and my wife exchanged cards and memes all day.
The day after, her gift for me arrived.
Nicely wrapped, in a pretty package, with a card that said “for everything you do, you deserve so much more.”
Inside was a dick. A chocolate dick. For me to eat.
And that, folks is the kind of thing that made me fall in love with a damn yankee :)
that was so cute,im happy for you… :)
pardon my english
Thank you :)
And your English was perfect
thank you so much
wish i could see the chocolate dick, hope you will have great life together…
pardon my english
Sadly we had to work the day of, and one of us had a client early the next morning, but we watched Mars Express together and then played a little Stardew Valley. It wasn’t much, kinda really just things we’d already do together, but it was actually really nice.
really? stardew valley?, so sweet… are u using any mod??
pardon my english
Mine went well, except for the flowers I sent to my gf’s workplace. I went thru 1-800 FLOWERS. Delivery didn’t happen.
Told my gf about it, and told her that I’d just get them delivered here to the house on saturday instead. Didn’t happen. Contacted website. They apologized. Started new order. Delivery was supposed to happen today.
No delivery. Now they are saying Monday. If it doesn’t come on monday, I’m going for a refund. Considering how difficult it was just to find out where my flowers are from them, I’m assuming refund will be difficult.
I should have just called local flower shop myself. But everyone I know said that 1800Flowers was easy peasy.
At a lot of flower places, you’d likely be paying a premium for flowers on Valentines Days even if they didn’t explicitly tell you. Check back in a week and whatever you bought may be significantly cheaper. Just saying that if you didn’t actually get them on Valentines, may want to push for at least some of your money back whether they eventually get there or not.
Threatening to call your bank may help if they won’t give you a refund, actually do it if they don’t. If you have to talk to your bank, remember that you bough valentines day flowers not eventually delivered some day flowers.
Good points. Thank you!
We didn’t do anything special. Just another day as always. But I was surprised with a cool plushie, skin care products, and flowers. Can’t complain, all in all. Hbu my friend
me and my gf, just having little dinner at a little cafe we recently found open… cant complain
happy for you,
pardon my english
Sounds cool! What did you get at the cafe?
Husband and I went to a candlelight concert with aerial performances on silks and hoops and whatnot. It was great!
wow that was amazing… its so hard to find that kind of entertainment from where i live…
good for you
pardon my english
Good valentine weekend! Went out for a delicious tex-mex dinner Friday night. Popcorn and a movie Saturday night. My honey finished the first part of my new patio furniture Sunday.
good for you, :)
So bad. I’m actually afraid to be at home tonight.
whats the matter?
My SO is a sociopath. He’s accusing me of withholding money from my paycheck, and took my phone out of my hand and threw it, and called me a deceptive little cunt, and a whole host of other things.
Went on a not date with not my partner and got to see a well hung Cupid marionette that farts, so it was a pretty good one.
lol happy for you…
how was the smell? pardon my english
It was more of a visual effect. The marionette had a tube that the puppeteer blew into to disperse a powder into the air from its ass.
I didn’t really want to do anything spectacular. Ended up getting several requests from different guys. There is always that risk in picking and choosing. Then some people gave me a hard time for a completely unrelated reason. So the holiday ended up not having a point.
sad to read that, hope you will have another joyous days…
be strong… pardon my english