ya ya… you’re right… im so stupid. my bad. thanks for the advice
ya ya… you’re right… im so stupid. my bad. thanks for the advice
thats my purpose in the future
im working now, to have no work and no life
but it surely helps a lot, i mean i dont ask to be a billionaire, just enough for place to living, and i dont have to worry about food. and maybe with a pc gaming :) and i hope i dont need to go to hospital because sickness. just die while im asleep… just burn my body or give it to some lion. i dont care
pardon my english
oh god… thanks for the warning
my parents always having a difficult time remembering password, just one password. and asking me to help to login their health insurance app on their phones, sadly idk what is happening with the app. its always logging out account after a while of not being used.
the worst part was they once asked me to remove the password system from the app, so they can always use the app peacefully, im not an IT person. so im having a hard time to explain why can’t i remove the password system
pardon my english :)
thats cool, really bring nostalgia, the ‘ps1’ font tho is hilarious
oh wow, thank you for explained that to me,. but, can you give me some link to read deeply about that, i mean i just curious, whats their reason? is it just for some kind of indicator?
sorry for my bad english :)
ooo i see.
okay thanks for explained that to me… very appreciated it.
and maybe if i have to answer that question i pick, metal gear for stealth games… just my opinion correct me if im wrong
afraid to ask. but why is that shirt?
can someone help me describe ‘most influential’ for me here?
pardon my english
from where i live 8 to 5
Elizabeth, from Bioshock Infinite,so helpful, so powerful, cute, tough ,badass for me, one time she was dancing at dock, other times shes just killing enemies, other times she just full of sorrow, i dont understand her, but i really need her, from my experice of played the game…
pardon my english
how about vlc media player?
thank you so much
wish i could see the chocolate dick, hope you will have great life together…
pardon my english
wow that was amazing… its so hard to find that kind of entertainment from where i live…
good for you
pardon my english
lol happy for you…
how was the smell? pardon my english
good for you, :)
whats the matter?
its just the same… so hard to manage my time irl and in stardew valley. and i havent mention about enjoying life, like just walking around