Washington was the richest man in the US at the time, and had the most to gain from indigenous eviction. The Iroquios named him “the town destroyer”, for burning down dozens of their cities. He also owned slaves and supported the institution just like most presidents after him (I think 10 presidents in a row were southern slave-holders like himself).
And also, its the US, not China, that has slave labor camps. Just because an anti-semitic evangelical christian (adrian zenz) who works for the US government claims that China has forced labor, doesn’t make it so. These claims have been debunked over and over.
And also, its the US, not China, that has slave labor camps. Just because an anti-semitic evangelical christian (adrian zenz) who works for the US government claims that China has forced labor, doesn’t make it so. These claims have been debunked over and over.
China has forced labour, according the the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences: https://docs.un.org/en/A/HRC/51/26
If the UN fucking rapporteur deems it reliable enough, and if the UN HRC hasn’t found reason to retract this report, then I have zero reason to believe some internet rando that it has been debunked. For all I know, your one liner responses are no different from pro-Zionist hasbara casting doubt on UN reports on Palestine.
I’m supposed to discount the UN Special Rapporteur because I’m supposed to believe the ramblings of the website of a RT contributor? Do you have any Breitbart sources too?
The US funding something via a quasi-independent organization (that Trump is defunding) is proof of the US funding something. It is not proof that the allegations are wrong, that’s just a version of the ad-hominem fallacy. During the Cold War, in Greece any remotely credible link to the USSR was used to crack down on trade unions, political organizations etc. Same thing happened during the Grande Noirceur in Quebec with the “padlock law”. Sumud in Canada has recently been banned as a terrorist front for having “links” with Palestinian resistance. The pattern here is common: instead of addressing what is being said, there is an attack on “the links” of the one saying the thing. It’s a cowardly, lazy and fallacious arguing tactic that I reject on its face.
[Xinjiang Vocational Education and Training Centers] prolewiki Xinjiang_Vocational_Education_and_Training_Centers
“Prolewiki”? Give me a break. What’s next, the conservapedia or the uncyclopedia?
Reddit drama disproves Uighur genocide. We’re being super serious here.
Also notably, it’s the WUC (a far right org that again your reporter cited) that supports Israel.
“My reporter” makes it sound like some journalist. We are talking about the UN Special Rapporteur of the UN HRC. What the WUC is is besides the point. It might be Elon Musk’s cat for all I care. What they say is what is important. And I am willing to assume that the UN Special Rapporteur did his fucking job and did more than just say “hey some randos are saying XYZ”. Same level of trust as I accord to Francesca Albanese.
Some links removed because the instance wouldn’t let me post them. Must be a CIA plot or some shit.
Also kind of boggling that you’re calling mintpressnews and other anti-imperialist sources, as breitbart. Do you skip the parts about Zenz, the source of these claims, being a far-right evangelical anti-semite?
Mintpressnews are pro-Assad. I mean the same Assad who butchered Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians and who operated CIA dark sites after 9/11. That guy. What’s mind boggling is that you call that …anti-imperialism. That’s not anti-imperialism, it’s crude campism.
I have nothing to say about Zenz’s politics, that’s why I don’t. His politics are irrelevant with respect to the truth of what he alleges.
But to centre Zenz in this discourse is disingenuous. There are about 84,000 entries in the Xinjiang Victims Database. Those are the people to centre.
Okay, good job ignoring all those while not engaging with any of the arguments. I’ll try pictures, since that might be at your level.
Why do all the Muslim countries support China’s Xinjiang policy, and don’t believe there’s a genocide going on, while only the imperialist euro-american countries think there is:
There is nothing to engage with. You presented NOTHING at the level of credibility as a UN report. Just opinion pieces, youtube videos, and random noise. Enjoy your day.
Yes! Buying dentures made from slave teeth is overshadowed by the fact this man did what very few would have done by setting power aside.
Would we get labeled by history as evil because we might have bought a product from China made in a work camp?
Washington was the richest man in the US at the time, and had the most to gain from indigenous eviction. The Iroquios named him “the town destroyer”, for burning down dozens of their cities. He also owned slaves and supported the institution just like most presidents after him (I think 10 presidents in a row were southern slave-holders like himself).
And also, its the US, not China, that has slave labor camps. Just because an anti-semitic evangelical christian (adrian zenz) who works for the US government claims that China has forced labor, doesn’t make it so. These claims have been debunked over and over.
China has forced labour, according the the UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences: https://docs.un.org/en/A/HRC/51/26
I looked that doc, and they source debunked Zenz reports, and WUC. So nothing new.
If the UN fucking rapporteur deems it reliable enough, and if the UN HRC hasn’t found reason to retract this report, then I have zero reason to believe some internet rando that it has been debunked. For all I know, your one liner responses are no different from pro-Zionist hasbara casting doubt on UN reports on Palestine.
Someone should tell that UN reporter to stop using anti-semitic US state department sources then.
Some sources debunking this are
Also notably, it’s the WUC (a far right org that again your reporter cited) that supports Israel.
Are you joking? You must be joking, right?
A delegation of envoys and senior diplomats is not a fact finding mission. It is wining and dining and saying nice things. Give me a break.
I’m supposed to discount the UN Special Rapporteur because I’m supposed to believe the ramblings of the website of a RT contributor? Do you have any Breitbart sources too?
Opinion pieces are what we call “debunking” now?
The US funding something via a quasi-independent organization (that Trump is defunding) is proof of the US funding something. It is not proof that the allegations are wrong, that’s just a version of the ad-hominem fallacy. During the Cold War, in Greece any remotely credible link to the USSR was used to crack down on trade unions, political organizations etc. Same thing happened during the Grande Noirceur in Quebec with the “padlock law”. Sumud in Canada has recently been banned as a terrorist front for having “links” with Palestinian resistance. The pattern here is common: instead of addressing what is being said, there is an attack on “the links” of the one saying the thing. It’s a cowardly, lazy and fallacious arguing tactic that I reject on its face.
“Prolewiki”? Give me a break. What’s next, the conservapedia or the uncyclopedia?
Awesome bro.
Some people of ethnic group X did something (according to random internet sources). Ergo… nothing bad can possibly be happening to ethnic group X?
Reddit drama disproves Uighur genocide. We’re being super serious here.
“My reporter” makes it sound like some journalist. We are talking about the UN Special Rapporteur of the UN HRC. What the WUC is is besides the point. It might be Elon Musk’s cat for all I care. What they say is what is important. And I am willing to assume that the UN Special Rapporteur did his fucking job and did more than just say “hey some randos are saying XYZ”. Same level of trust as I accord to Francesca Albanese.
Some links removed because the instance wouldn’t let me post them. Must be a CIA plot or some shit.
Also kind of boggling that you’re calling mintpressnews and other anti-imperialist sources, as breitbart. Do you skip the parts about Zenz, the source of these claims, being a far-right evangelical anti-semite?
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Mintpressnews are pro-Assad. I mean the same Assad who butchered Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians and who operated CIA dark sites after 9/11. That guy. What’s mind boggling is that you call that …anti-imperialism. That’s not anti-imperialism, it’s crude campism.
I have nothing to say about Zenz’s politics, that’s why I don’t. His politics are irrelevant with respect to the truth of what he alleges.
But to centre Zenz in this discourse is disingenuous. There are about 84,000 entries in the Xinjiang Victims Database. Those are the people to centre.
Okay, good job ignoring all those while not engaging with any of the arguments. I’ll try pictures, since that might be at your level.
Why do all the Muslim countries support China’s Xinjiang policy, and don’t believe there’s a genocide going on, while only the imperialist euro-american countries think there is:
There is nothing to engage with. You presented NOTHING at the level of credibility as a UN report. Just opinion pieces, youtube videos, and random noise. Enjoy your day.
Does this also apply to Zenz claims about LGBT people then? Or are you just a dishonest scum bag?
Are Zenz’s opinions about lgbt people cited in UN HRC reports as reliable fact? No? So wtf are you talking about?
Lol. You hypocrite.
I do have to “Be civil and nice”, so I can’t actually respond to this drivel the way it deserves.
No, China has forced labor camps.
The US has prison work camps, but most prisoners don’t have to work if they dont want to, it isn’t forced.
Anything to back that up other than white-supremacist vibes?
Because the majority of Muslim countries disagree with you. The only ones who believe that China has forced labor, are the US and UK, countries that have been bombing Muslim countries for decades.
Check those sources, its Zenz all the way down. These have been debunked over and over again, even reddit doesn’t believe this anymore.
You will need to argue with Amnesy International and Icij (links below). I cannot be convinced of your point of view.
Fr, like look into the companies that get you your fruits and vegetables. You can’t escape unethical consumption.