Meme in a format “chads vs soyaks”:
Chads - Polish idioms
- Whore will not rip off head off of a whore
- You ask a boar if they shits in the woods
- Flies are pooping, spring is coming
- Grandma’s shitting has ended
Soyaks - English Idioms
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- In the eyeof the beholder (with image of soyakish dnd beholder)
- Once in a blue moon
- Elehant in the room (image of soyak elephant)
Does the Pope shit in the woods?
My favorite variation on this I ever heard came from one of my coworkers a few jobs ago. I forget the exact context, but:
“Hey [Name], can you get this done?”
“Can the Pope’s dick fit through a donut?”
“…I don’t know?”
“Exactly 😎👉”
People in glass houses sink ships
People in glass houses should go shit in the basement.
Do people in glass houses shit in the woods?
Does the pope live in a glass house?
A penny saved is worth two in the bush.
(This mix and match shit has got to go)
Loose lips shouldn’t throw stones
Does a bear shit in the Pope’s hat?
You make a mean caucasian, Jackie
Why you keep askin’ me that? Where his holiness does his business, is his business.
All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ
Does he?
Hungarian idioms:
“Szüljél sünt!” / “Go and give birth to a hedgehog!”
“Ez még a kutyának se kell.” / “Not even the dog wants this.”
“Az isten bassza meg!” / “God, fuck it!”
Don’t sugarcoat it. That is originaly “szarjál sünt”, meaning shit out a hedgehog…
And if you want something more disturbing, how about “kutyából nem lesz szalonna!” (You can’t make bacon out of a dog). Or “itt a tavasz, dagad a fasz” (spring time is here, the dicks are swollen). “terhesen nem vág orrba a lengő ajtó” (the door wont slam in your face if you are pregnant).
English idiom in the vein of Polish shit idioms:
Stack wishes in one hand and shit in the other and see which one piles up first.
First time I heard a variation of it was from Mike Nelson on MST3K. He said crap instead of shit, obviously.
My family has always used “shit in one hand and wish in the other, see which one’s ready first”
This is the version I’ve heard, but anytime I try to use it, I forget everything after “shit in one hand” and just trail off
This is the best thing I’ve seen online in a week.
I prefer that one to the other one that means the same thing:
If wishes were fishes, we’d have some to fry.
Is Grandma ok?!
Yeah, it means shit’s gonna hit the fan
Lmao but why? Are Polish folks especially concerned about the bathroom habits of their elders?!
Edit to add: before even knowing what it meant this one was my favorite.
To share the best idiom from ex yu: “you fucked a hedgehog”
English ones:
go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut
it’s a cunt hair away
to piss in the wind
shove it up your arse
Shit hits the fan
Up shits creek
No fucks given.
Couldn’t give a fuck.
One I like is “Not a snowball’s chance in hell”
Why don’t you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?
My great grandmother that had one that was:
Stop masturbating under that apple tree.
Maybe sounded better in Polish.
If you’re trying to mock English idioms then those aren’t even close to the worse.
How about:
“I screwed the pooch on this one”
Hey, you’re the one fucking this goat; I’m just holding the horns.
I’m not the meme was sent to mw
We’ve got “shit or get off the pot”
The early bird in the hand that feeds is worth a thousand words
The early bird flu catches the brain worm.
huh? what are the original idioms? i only ever heard the boar one (but the wolf version)
- Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie
- Pytasz dzika czy sra w lesie
- Srali muchy będzie wiosna (needed to google it as a native polish speaker)
- Skończyło się babci sranie
Im polish and I don’t know the last one.
now you do
Why do they mean? They are super funny
Basically “they’re finally done spewing crap” as in talking nonsense etc.
I am Polish and I’ve only heard the first one, maybe once or twice lol.
Must be regional. I’m Polish and haven’t heard the first one.
huh! słyszałem tylko drugie
“When You’re born a whore You won’t die a canary.” “You are getting to it like a dog to a hedgehog.”
I definitely need context for “grandma’s sitting has ended”
means “I am enraged” can be said e.g. by mom to children
Are you sure? Because to me this means someone has finished spewing bullshit. Or something annoying has finally come to an end.
Due to the respect for the elder, you let them finish, but you know it’s nonsense.
yeah, you are right. “I have had enough” is a better translation (Epic reference XD)
If I’d had a million guesses I wouldn’t have guessed that and yet it makes perfect sense, thank you
no problemo
Grandma’s shitting has ended.
oh, it has