8 years ago the spring weather was different. It drizzled almost every day. It was cloudy. Now we have these clear sunny days, big winds and scant rain.
I was blown away when my die-hard Republican boomer dad said he thinks climate change is real. There’s a pond behind our house, and he can remember how big it used to get in the rainy season and how small it used to get in the dry season. Now, during the rainy season it comes up to the backdoor, and during the dry season it’s not there at all. If he can still trust his own eyes over what the TV tells him to think, maybe there’s still some hope for the world.
Question is, does he believe in man made climate change? I ask because I’ve seen some people agree that climate change is real after denying it for so long, but they still don’t think it’s because of humans. Sooooo close but just not getting there.
I’m with your dad on this. There’s just too much profit in lying. And people are too willing to swallow whatever is waved in their face and repeat it as gospel.
These days, you can only trust your own eyes. That’s science.
Yeah it’s called climate change and we’ve known about it for decades but the internet ruined things.
I forgot to mention the temperature swings. 60 one day, 30 the next. You getting those?
Yup. I was in shorts 2 days ago and today we had an inch of snow
Wisconsin. Yes, all year rouund. It used to be stable here.
More weather events. Storms are worse, what used to be the storm of a few years now seems to come every few months.
Uhh…climate change denial predates widespread internet adoption by quite a bit
Yes. But the internet gives idiots a huge microphone to spread their idiotness to other idiots. And false information can also spread like a wild fire on the internet.
Climate change denial along with the idea of not needing public transit is more or a huge propaganda campaign. It is closer to an ad campaign put on by “big oil” than just idiots talking on the internet. Koch brothers are huge into this whole thing but in America at least it was a planned and targeted campaign.
Similar to why Subaru is known as a vehicle for lesbians, that was also an ad campaign before the internet.
It’s important I think to know this isn’t “hive mind” mentality or just a few idiots convincing others. This is a huge campaign with huge money backing it. Ads and propaganda science is a wild science and really interesting but just know with enough money, time, and skill, convincing a large group of people to do or think something is very possible and done every day.
Facebook 🤮
Yep, where I live, growing up I’d go trick-or-treating in waist deep snow (I was much smaller at the time, so more like knee deep on an adult). Now, first snow isn’t until mid November and we don’t get massive accumulation until mid-december.
Both high temperatures in the summer and low temps in winter have also increased by like 10F. What used to be a major heat wave 15 years ago is now normal. Sub-zero temps used to be normal for weekly lows in late January into mid-late February. We have multiple false breakups each winter where temperatures get above freezing for days at a time and all of the snow starts melting.
Shit’s very noticeable if you’re paying attention over time.
Over 20 years ago we could ice skate every winter. Now? Heh, no.
The weather is always changing. You mean to say the climate is changing. It’s a very important distinction. And I’m not refuting what you said but I’m having a pleasant and normal feeling spring at my location.
We’re not. Too warm. Winter was also too warm.
We have blossoms. They’re 3 weeks too early. Even during a “hot” year the high season for blossoms was around 7 April. We will probably have a frost in April that will kill off the fruit.
We get that here too. Damn flipflopping temperature. Warm weather tricks everything into blooming then frost kills it .
I wish I had a shower with a window
A shower needs a window. A bathroom needs a window. It’s proper, natural and practical. A window provides necessary ventilation and cleansing light (uv). A bathroom without a window is a broken bathroom.
That said, bathrooms without windows are pathologically common.
I feel strongly about this.
I take it your bathroom window isn’t facing a public road?
I feel strongly about not having to lock eyes with the kids going to school, or anyone for that matter, when I’m in the nip.
Get a $5 sheet of diffusor panel sticker. All the light with none of the image. Ez to apply.
And then crack the window 2" for air
I agree with you, but just to propose a (possibly easier) alternative, it’s also possible to buy spray on window frosting. I’m not sure how the price compares, but I found it far easier to apply.
That said, the stickers can have nice colors and patterns. AFAIK the frosting cannot.
This is the solution I went for. Still, I reckon I’d be just as fine in a windowless bathroom. Not a place I hang around more than I have to.
My bathroom has no window, and sometimes I shower in the dark with a tiny little nightlight on. It takes the visual distraction out and lets me seep even deeper into flow state. I prefer my bathroom this way. However a window for ventilation would be nice. But I just run the fan for an extra 15-20 minutes after I shower and it’s been fine.
mom, why does that man across the street always stare over here when he poops?
I’ll have you know the throne is situated in such a way I’m staring myself down in the mirror.
Enjoying your own awkward company. In that situation I can’t make eye contact with myself.
No you don’t. I have one shower in my house with a window in it, and it’s an extra special pain in the ass. Window frames and windowsills are full of nooks and crannies and accumulate mildew like you wouldn’t believe, and require 600% more cleaning effort than is appropriate to prevent them from doing so.
That, and good luck finding any window treatments that are suitable for use while being constantly soaked. I resorted to making a “curtain” out of a modified shower curtain.
This is what I get for my house being a 1920’s redneck abomination where everything is an addition, and what is now the ground floor bathroom is in the spot where the original kitchen was in the 1930’s, with the window that used to be over the kitchen sink now directly in the center of the bathtub.
Ok, yes. If you do a window that’s gonna get sprayed then it’s gotta be aluminum and plastic or whatever. That’s a fact. And uv resistant too of course. And that’s pretty common in the world of specify your dims and order a nice window.
And there are options for how it opens too. It doesn’t have to slide.
I distinctly remember there being enough snow to play in when i was a little kid, now i haven’t seen real snow in years
All because people think going vegan is too extreme. Meanwhile, we are destroying our planet, our lives, and killing 3T animals a year.
even if every single human went vegan, the food chain wouldn’t magically stop being polluting. it’s not like vegan food magically gets grown in anti-climate change factories
This smug attitude is why vegans get a bad rap. Sure eating vegan helps, but you don’t have to go all the way. For instance, eating chicken instead of beef or reducing the amount of meat you eat. Imagine if the same thing was applies to transportation: it’s a lot easier to convince people to make your next car electric than to have no car at all (assuming America where commutes are long and public transit ranges from mediocre to nonexistent).
Could be climate change, could be normal weather cycles. My country tends to get five wet years followed by five dry years.
I jokingly blame all weather on El Niño/La Nina
I think the wind blows it away.
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