Last June, fans of Comedy Central – the long-running channel behind beloved programmes such as The Daily Show and South Park – received an unwelcome surprise. Paramount Global, Comedy Central’s parent company, unceremoniously purged the vast repository of video content on the channel’s website, which dated back to the late 1990s.

    9 days ago

    They’re editing entertainment history to begin with. Deletion is bad enough, but possibly even more nefarious is the blatant, unapologetically sneaky editing of existing media mentioned in this thread. Jussst a little bit at a time.

    Unlike many videogames, TV shows, music, movies, don’t get “version / revision numbers.” Can you trust your archives to be original?

    Adjust for today’s-sensibilities here, remove a now-naughty-word there…“oh, we don’t wanna pay for that song that released in 5 years before this 36 year old television program…better it never existed!”

    Their goal seems to be relegating the Internet to simply being a flow of “What’s trending and making money NOW” and nothing else. Every byte electron has a dollar value.

    They want generations growing up in a world where the corporate narrative is all that ever was and will be.

    Today it’s talk shows and cartoons.

    Tomorrow it’s biographies and documentaries. Family histories? Newspapers?

    We need to stop this NOW.

    Media conglomerates can’t even be relied on to be stewards of their own legacy. They’re coming for ours.

    So, who’s up for another reread/watch of Farenheit 451 or Equalibrium?

        8 days ago

        Fair. Can also cite all the Islamic iconography and sound removed from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

        As for Star Wars, Han absolutely shot first. (High five)

        Weren’t a lot of those wacky edits by Lucas’ own whims though? I’d say there’s a distinction between a creator editing his own work and say, Disney going “We lost the rights to John Williams, so we removed the score from the entire franchise.” Lol