You can use this for any example of self defense though. If we accept that the CEO represented an imminent threat to Luigi and to others,
Who accepts this though? Who determined this?
You can use this for any example of self defense though. If we accept that the CEO represented an imminent threat to Luigi and to others,
Who accepts this though? Who determined this?
See my problem with this argument, is if you’re all so determined for Luigi to have a fair trial to defend the position of self defence, shouldn’t that CEO have had a fair trial rather than be extra judicially killed too?
So you agree killing is bad?
Fuck the opinions around here are unhinged.
Why did you want that person killed?
Everyone who has power by grid has all the hard infrastructure in-place for fiber to their home.
That’s absolutely false.
I think you all massively underestimate how much is required to run fibre out to everyone. It’s not impossible, but USA is a very big country by area.
I’ve seen about 250mbps down on a friend’s terminal. You can probably get faster.
Not everywhere that has power has fibre though.
(PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
He killed a guy. So he did.
Has to be one of the worst rides.
You’re confusing a domain name with hosting the actual server.
Some of the takes in here are bonkers.
Not anymore it isn’t.
Imagine having this little intelligence. Life must be bliss.
If you didn’t vote then you were fine with this outcome. The majority are ok with Trump winning.
Are you me? I’ve been doing the exact same thing this week. How creepy.
They’re not though. Not everyone who owns a Tesla is supportive of Musk and Nazis. That’s a dumb world view.
I’d never buy one because I don’t want my money to go to him, but other people have owned theirs since before the cyber truck days where he could be reasonably ignored.
You need to use your username.
Really only the S and maybe the stupid looking X. The 3 was pretty cheap.
If they have Plex pass then it’s still fine.