This sounds like the setup for a bad HFY story. We’ll negotiate over all sorts of concerns, but if the aliens stay killing our dogs, we tend to get out the Geneva Checklist.
This sounds like the setup for a bad HFY story. We’ll negotiate over all sorts of concerns, but if the aliens stay killing our dogs, we tend to get out the Geneva Checklist.
appreciate the detailed reply. I’ll look to see whatI can do with it.
I am, in fact, using the default web UI, because I abhor the appification of the internet. But sometimes, one does what one must.
I suspect that they are just going to be instructing the companies on which speech they should be censoring, and which amplified.
I find it hard to believe the NSA would even let him in the door.
Been stuck on option two for a while. See bad things coming. Brace for impact.
I’ve known some methane who claim that they also have a flat fee, even from visa and MasterCard. So it can certainly be done.
Honestly, I think the biggest act of rebellion we could manage right now would be to stop treating social media posts like reality.
If they want to kick out ambassadors, there is a form for that, and Twitter is not it.
It’s not in any way a tax. It’s a fee you pay for a service you wish to use. It’s as much a tax as the money spent on a doughnut is a tax.
The rest of your idea is great. Wish I had access to something like that.
Hmmmm. No possible way we could have seen this coming.
If you can get to the root instance, select “sidebar” then “communities.”
We have to vote the dinosaurs out of office, if we ever get to vote again.
Hang on, I’m pretty sure that refusing to buy American warplanes is illegal. Unfair, at the very least. Some might call it cheating.
/s because some people’s children.
It’s a touchy subject, and I am not great at the human part of conversation. No offence taken.
I’m not arguing in favor of billionaires. Nowhere in this entire thread, nowhere in this entire site, nowhere I have interacted with anyone over the past 18 months or so, have I suggested that terrorizing president musk is the wrong thing to do.
I just think we should call a spade a spade.
“Investigate” private companies for what? This sounds like the setup for the Un-White Activities commission.
Do you think the employees of the dealership felt threatened?
You make some good points.
Back in the late 2000 or early 2010, there was a spate of, let’s say, aggressive vandalism directed at abortion clinics. I cannot help but think that, even though no person was hurt, that it must have been pretty scary for both the employees, and the patients. But would you argue that it’s not terrorism? I’d argue it was. It was a direct effort to use force, I would say violence, in order to cause a political change in practice, if not in fact.
Falsehoods? Like equating municipally owned water towers and privately owned charging stations?
No falsehoods like “property damage isn’t violence against civilians,” when we both know perfectly well it can be.
“False equivalency” seems to be another way of saying that you can’t defend your position without illustrating that you define “violence against civilians” based on how much you like the civilians in question.
No, but if someone did, and could support their case, I’d allow it.
Thanks for the advice. I’ve never ever heard of Rust, but then I am a mere dabbler in programming.
I suppose an app may be my best bet.