I have seen Mix thrown around online but it doesn’t seem any more common then a lot of the other honorific suggestions I’ve seen.
I disagree with the removal honorifics in language. I get we don’t have lords & ladies anymore but I’ve found making anyone I help feel like one has led to me getting more orders filled. I understand why some people don’t want them personally but I think it would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater cuz the norms don’t yet include everyone.
Thank you comrade for the info maybe this could be my go too should I need it. It should work unless I come across a capitalist gender neutral person.
Na this is caused by immigrant /s
I think you could make a case that you could learn new forms of pure math if you had a method of storing information in your brain.
Spirit island is my favorite game to play with a group. It has you trying to protect an island from colonists who damage the island with their expansions. Each player has different abilities that force you all the work together & requires a lot of teamwork to win especially some of the higher difficulties.
I pronounce milk like melk. Is it wrong, definitely but I’m not gonna change it at this point
I used it a decent amount at my last job to write test reports that had a lot of similar text with minor changes.
I also use it for dnd to help me quickly make the outlines of side characters & flesh out my world.
Tom and Gerry or Looney toons
I wonder if it would make sense to steal the prefix sam/sama for English use. Or some other word from a different language if it has some other meaning I’m not aware of