• 23 Posts
Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2025

  • I do not care about wealth disparity. Salaries should probably rise, and reform may be needed for that to happen, but I do not care if the society is unequal.

    Ah, the fuck you I got mine animal in the wild. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

    I knew it was just a matter of time until final confirmation appeared. I acknowledge and respect your honesty, even if you’ve just lost any other possibility of respect.

  • Also, I reject that class war rhetoric that is championed by Marxists.

    I’m not a marxist, nor a socialist. But if I have to believe in unbridled greed to support capitalism then I should start looking around.

    In any case, I am arguing in good faith. If my social position is enough to make you disregard me completely, then you are not.

    If you are wealthy and arguing not to raise taxes on the wealthy, it’s hard to disregard your self interest no matter what you claim. Edit: And it’s disingenuous of you to conceal it for that very reason.

  • His entire answer boils down to “people with money have proven they can handle it” which is absolute horseshit, and frankly all the pretty words sound like code for “suck it peons, you don’t deserve it because you didn’t figure out how to game this rigged system in your first few years of life.”

    0 people should have more money than they can count while other people are choosing between rent and food and medicine.

  • I am not opposed to inreasing taxes necessarily, but people need to understand that the income of wealthy individuals is not used purely for the fulfilment of their needs and wishes. Rich people play a rather important role in allocating and managing resourses(capital) in society, and increasing the taxes will decrease the capability of rich people to invest, which is not ideal.

    It’s also not ideal for them to run rampant with unbridled greed.

  • The real brain melter was the societal culture shift.

    I grew up witnessing “the end of history” with my own eyes. People were getting wiser and kinder year after year, decade after decade. It was like a feedback loop of positive changes, the only way was up.

    Then 2010s hit and I’m still processing the 180 degrees shift.

    Fucking thank you! This has been hard for me to put into words. (I’m on the older end of Gen-X)

  • Ironically, I swing by old.shittyplace.com to check out /r/conservative and/or /r/askaconservative every so often to see if any of them are starting to figure it out yet (spoiler alert: they aren’t, or they are celebrating it), and they always have a first page thread about how Reddit is just a liberal recruiting mouthpiece these days etc etc.

    Today is no exception.

    And for a bonus they have a thread about how Ask Reddit is just out of control with bait for conservatives - I took a peek and there are two current threads that have anything at all to do with conservatives.

    The conservative persecution complex is strong, never fear.

    Remember, conservative voices must be getting silenced because they never shut the fuck up telling us so.

  • On the other hand I can understand Tesla going “Humans use visible light only, in principle that has to be sufficient for a self driving car as well”, because, in principle I agree.

    The whole idea is they should be safer than us at driving. It only takes fog (or a painted wall) to conclude that won’t be achieved with cameras only.

    On the other hand, if it would cost me 20k more down the road, and Cameras would reach the same safety,

    You had a lot of hands in this paragraph. 😀

    I’m exceptionally doubtful that the related costs were anywhere near this number, and it’s inconceivable to me that cameras only could ever be as safe as having a variety of inputs.

    Musk’s ethos is clear, both in business and government. He will make whatever short term decisions his greed and the ketamine tell him to make, and fuck whatever happens down the road. Let’s not work so hard to sanewash him like the media has Trump.

  • As someone else pointed out, I think the point of the person who originally posted it may have essentially been your point, with parallels of course to today’s situation.

    But the Elon retweet only makes sense with a nearly opposite twist, that this somehow justifies what Doge is doing right now and all the firings coming from that, or that he’s acknowledging that he’s building such a cadre of empowered goons.

    It’s weird, there’s no doubt, but that retweet sits somewhere on the spectrum between creepy and terrifying.