Source for the curious:
“Schools of Hellas” by Kenneth J. Freeman is an essay on the practice and theory of ancient Greek education written in the early 20th century. This scholarly work spans the period from 600 to 300 B.C., exploring various systems of education in ancient Greece, particularly in cities like Sparta and Athens.
The head of the security service isn’t just a meathead bit of heavy muscle there to jump in front of a bullet.
Martial law also isn’t some obscure policy, it’s an internationally understood term that replaces the democratic civilian parliament with military rule.
This is definitely something someone in his position should be very aware of and should be willing to do something about.
Less safe? What features do you need that, say, a 2015 model can’t have?
An ICE that is still on the go is more environmentally friendly than manufacturing an EV from new… A new EV versus a new ICE, yeah fair enough. But replacing a perfectly functional ICE vehicle with a new EV for environmental reasons is just marketing, consumerism, and trend following.
To stop bullshit spying of every part of a vehicle, to stop bullshit waste of perfectly functional vehicles, buy used.
Obviously, fuck cars, use public transport if you can, but that’s unfeasible for most, so buy used!
Especially if you can get your hands on something like a 1.0l with a giant turbo strapped to the side. They’re pretty common in Europe, I don’t know about America.
Then don’t buy anything.
If you want to stop shit behaviour you need to provide consequences.
Buy a used car instead, there’s plenty of them.
When the new car market falls apart these manufacturers will change their ways.
But because people are unwilling to part with even the tiniest bit of convenience, prestige, whatever the fuck it is, I wish I knew, then the bad behaviour is encouraged and then you’re left in a situation where the market sees there’s no consequences for adding this shit to their products and they all do it.
Then everybody suffers.
It’s only crazy effective if it’s not expected. If it becomes the norm then everyone just starts wearing foam ear plugs, maybe ear defenders if they’re fancy.
It’s easily defeated and incites the wrath of the populace. It’s dumb to use, especially during a moment of silence for the dead.
To those downvoting blakenong, have a read of this.
The day was described by social movement researchers as “the largest protest event in human history”.[1]
I don’t want to burst the feeling of optimism, but unless there’s consequences, a general strike, riots, whatever, I don’t know, something, nothing will happen.
If everyone goes back to their day job after standing out in the cold for a day or two and then pats themselves on the back saying “yeah, we showed them”, then nothing changes.
Protest is dead. The powers that be don’t care if there’s a million people shouting and screaming. Unless they suffer consequences, nothing will change.
A giant death ray? A military application?
If you want an understanding of the cuckoo clock and how it came to be, I highly recommend you watch the BBC documentary HyperNormalisation.
It argues that following the global economic crises of the 1970s, governments, financiers and technological utopians gave up on trying to shape the complex “real world” and instead established a simpler “fake world” for the benefit of multi-national corporations that is kept stable by neoliberal governments.
There are legal requirements for knowing the origin of foodstuffs in most liberal progressive democracies, I’m sure Denmark will have some. If a supermarket cannot discern where their foods are coming from I think there’s far bigger issues at play than European star labels.
What you’re suggesting is that large corporations are so incompetent, and being incompetent is profitable, that they should be left alone to continue to be incompetent. So that they can profit and we, the consumer, are told to jog on.
If they cannot confidently say an item is European then they shouldn’t label it as European.
If they cannot confidently say which continent an item they expect you to eat comes from, then they shouldn’t be operating.
If the idea is to avoid American, and support European. Purchasing from a middleman European company is hardly supporting European.
Most of the money ultimately still ends up in American hands, just the tiny bit of profit added on during the final sale to the consumer remains European. Everything else goes back to America.
If I sold you a packet of bananas, and told you they’re Irish bananas because it’s an Irish company selling them, you’d call me a liar because obviously Ireland doesn’t have the climate to grow bananas. It’s the same principle.
If it’s not European, don’t put the star on, it’s pretty simple.
The lyrics for this song, particularly the finale quote, are pretty apt to your point. NSFW if your boss doesn’t like the word fuck.
America is racist.
Not every American, obviously.
But as a nation, institutionally, America is racist.
Some times it’s more so than others, but it always is, to varying degrees throughout its history.
Why is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Second Lord of the Treasury having to build corporate relationships by accepting bribes in the first place?
I understand it’s a very mild bribe in the grand scheme of things, but it’s still free goods and services in the hope of getting something in return that they wouldn’t normally. A bribe.
Some of the newer style locks have a tray that you have to sit the coin in and slide the tray in. A bit like the OG PS2 disc tray. So unfortunately this tool isn’t universal.
But for the traditional slot on the front style, yeah, that’d be cool.
Well shit. Thanks for correcting me!