Can we split California? Northern Cal just seems like it should be Canadian honestly.
No way man. We need all of California (where food grows anyway)! Mexico has tons of warm climate agricultural land. Canada has none!
Be Canadian. Say Please.
Can we please have all of California? Except LA. Don’t want that!
Tons of agriculture in the northern half of California. I live in Sacramento, it’s like 95% people growing food. Hell, it’s even called the farm to fork capital. We’re a perfect fit for Canada! They can have the south.
Smith will turn Alberta warm soon!
It won’t just be Alberta which is the problem.
Can Colorado belong to both? We play hockey, eat poutine, and make tacos, and speak Spanish.
I’m down with Colorado. Just not that one half… You know the one…
Somehow the Carolinas get a pass. Why not CA?
Shhh. I wanna be Canadian.
I’ll agree to this.
I just want to be Canadian. Nothing wrong with Mexico but I don’t speak Spanish. But I can speak Canadian! Sorry.
Jay parlay France-says trey be-in. Jaytude in laycole, quart anss. Jem mepell Peggy Hill. Common tally voo?
I thought the French peeps were all in the eastern side? I’ll learn French. Just make me Canadian. Please.
I live in Imperial Beach
I’m not Canadian yet. Where’s that?
Next to Tijuana, in California.
There are rural French speakers all over the country, They’re just a majority in Quebec and parts of New Brunswick and Ontario close to the QC border. My wife’s family is all Francophone from Saskatchewan.
Now watch Shoresy and translate some of that. It’s not High French, let’s say!
I learned my French from Justin Wilson, I gua-ron-tee!
There ought to be a UN controlled buffer zone, to avoid the creation of monstrosity like Poutine tacos.
Well now that you’ve said it, we can’t just go and put that genie back in the bottle!
brb making birria poutine
Aren’t carne asada fries just mexican poutine anyhow?
You start adding/subtracting ingredients to the fries the further north/south you go until you get poutine or carne asada fries.
Everything truly is a spectrum
What’s your problem with poutine tacos? That sounds delicious.
God I miss poutine. 🥲 It has no right being that good.
It’s only poutine if it comes from the poutine region of Canada, otherwise it’s just cheese potatoes.
I could live with that.
Idk if I want the cartels having free roam of the us
Well good news, the main providers of illegal firearms to Mexico is people from the USA so this solves that problem as well.
It solves the problem of giving them more guns and territory to claim? Cool idea!
The problem is solved by no longer allowing random people to buy heavy weapons. That is legal in the US, still, but with this proposal that would no longer exist
But there’s already millions of guns out there that won’t be going anywhere
Great point!
Yeah, that problem will solve itself over a few years. The combination of ammo and the guns themselves being illegal makes it very hard for anyone but the craziest gun nut to own them.
I do not think you have thought this through my friend
Good point.
SC would go Mexican before we went Canadian, change my mind
As long as they aren’t in the same country as NC.
As long as its one or the other I’m happy.
Nope. Agreed.
Can we tilt it a bit, maybe let Mexico have Oregon and Idaho and let Canada have Georgia and Florida? Canadians need a place to hit the beach in the winter without needing a passport, and some Mexicans would love to move somewhere where it never got hot. Plenty of Canadian retirees already live in Florida part time.
Economically this is a huge win for Canada, Atlanta is the business heart of the south and Florida gets the tourism money
You can’t take the Florida out of Florida man.
We don’t want Florida.
Could we maybe somehow still have Orlando and Daytona Beach? Like just that one part, where all the fun is? Maybe it’s an EEC free zone or something. We’ll give it to Greenland and Denmark as tribute, they are a bunch of bros those guys and gals.
There are already so many snowbirds in Florida that its almost another canadian province.
Welllll we would debate the ‘canadianness’ of people visiting Florida. They’re probably Albertans. :-p
Won’t be many Albertans. Florida is kind of a pain in the ass to get to from Alberta, and you have to go through Pearson and nobody wants to go through Pearson.
Albertans are mostly found in Scottsdale. Probably a little swath of the older ones in Palm Springs.
My arrogant-as-fuck realtor uncle has a place in Palm Springs. For at least my family’s case, you totally nailed it.
And every snowbird employs 20 Latinos who are there year round raising families. South Floridas demographics have higher representation from like 10 other Latin American countries before Mexican though, so maybe it should be it’s own sort of city state with the rest going to Mexico.
Damnit, now I live in Canada and work in Mexico.
Same. But at least we’re close to the border.
I speak passable Spanish, and Mexican food is awesome. ¡Con mucho gusto!
Oh wait, I live in Seattle. Sounds good, eh?
Never forget, there’s some good fishin’ in Quebec.
I’ll see you around bud. I’m going for a rip.
I don’t speak French tho. But I have good friends up in BC who have already offered asylum if needed.
Point Roberts area maybe, one of those “why is this a different country” places on the maps
Map should say
Gulf of
Mexico -
America -
Finally, tex-mex can simply be called mexican food.
Please make Colorado a unified zone. I need maple syrup and tacos
Authentic MexiCan™️ cousine.
Canadian bacon ranchero breakfast burrito.
Poutine nachos.
Fuck man. I’m down.
What else does Canada have? I’m already sold on the whole idea.
I just Googled what Canadian bacon is because I had never heard that term before and…isn’t that just ham? Why…why are you guys calling it Canadian bacon?? We eat regular bacon up here!
We eat regular bacon too, but Canadian bacon is back bacon or some shit. Look, it’s fucking witchcraft, OK? But it’s also delicious, so just hush up and sit down. Can I pour you some coffee?
But it’s also delicious, so just hush up and sit down. Can I pour you some coffee?
…only if the coffee’s free trade and from a Canadian company.
Best we can do is Tim Hortons.
No we have company, no ones feeding them that shit.
Local coffee it is. The best kind too. Costs me over $50 beaver bucks for a two pound bag, but it’s delicious
They’re not even Canadian anymore :(
Let’s talk
Also Canada has bannock, and it is delicious.
That’s what free trade is for.
Passports exist
You’re close but the real answer is “countries are made up and we all own everything”
But the reality is “countries are made up and we own nothing”
Countries are like religions except their believers are WAY more likely to employ violence
Crusades and 1300s Pirates checking in yet?
deleted by creator
Maryland is left out. I was going to ask if they’re going to be the United States. But that’s one state… The One State of America.
I was going to say America still has Hawaii, but the Hawaiians have been through enough.
free Hawaii!
Hawaii has Hawaii, no?
The United State
estado unido
Personally, I’d rather see the map of north America be as colourful as a map of Europe rather then less colourful than it is now.
This would be the only instance I would ever say that I’d love to live in a red state.
You know what? Fuck yeah. I, for one, look forward to our new Mexican overlords.