This is so gay, a rainbow blew apart my anus, and I liked it
I want to taste the rainbow
It would have cost you nothing to not write this
and yet his bravery shall inspire us all
Slurp slurp!
I watched
Was Anon just being a pedantic dick, or are they profoundly ignorant? Why would they fail to make the obvious assumption that the parent meant Call of Duty? Isn’t helping clueless parents a regular part of the job?
Or am I the ignorant one, and missing the joke entirely?
OOP is just making a stupid joke. Like that COD of Duty meme game from back in the day.
Anon was being a PoS. Ofc they knew they meant Call of Duty.
If karma is real that guy should have is brake lines checked regularly.
Why? Maybe the mom shouldn’t be buying her kids things she doesn’t understand.
If so, then OP could have told her than rather than rip her off.
You are the ignorant one, unfortunately. It is a well known fact that GameStop cashiers just want to watch the world burn, and that is exactly what they did to that family Christmas.
They did the little man dirty for the lulz.
Can confirm.
I haven’t purchased a game at a GameStop in decades. But I’ll never forget the time a cashier was getting yelled at by a shitty teenager because the teenager felt conned having preordered a JRPG thinking it was a First-Person Shooter, and the teenager was throwing empty game boxes around calling the cashier all sorts of 2000’s era offensive names.
I don’t understand the full story but I think about it often.
Oh well. It happens. It’s just hard for me to imagine ruining a kid’s Christmas on purpose.
It’s funny. The most innocent pranks ever on YouTube happen at GameStop.
Every time!
Anon was obviously trolling the parent.
Despite the other comments, this has real /thathappened vibes. First of all the OP would have to be a dick, second, why buy 3 copies or have any sort of “buy the same game x3” deal. Nobody does that.
Yeah, as an ex GS employee - GS does not have the profit margins on new games to do a sale like that on new games. Only used games get put on buy two get one sales, and those can be returned.
So this is definitely a /thathappened moment.
Also like… How old is this post? Even when I worked at GS years ago parents knew what CoD was. The first CoD came out in 2003 it is not the kind of obscure that parents would ask about.
You think someone would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
“Everything written on the internet is true.”
-Abraham Lincoln, 1801.
The internet was invented by George Washington, the boy who could not tell a lie. That’s why it was designed to be lie-proof.
Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809, making it literally impossible for him, even telepathically, to say that quote.
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
Buy cod for all 3 of your kids so they can play it together, if they’re talking about it. Or cousins.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
“A witty quote proves nothing.”
– Mark Twain
Or am I the ignorant one, and missing the joke entirely?
Store had a big stock of that game that nobody wanted to buy, and Anon managed to get rid of three copies from that stock.
CEO mindset right there. Anon is going places
I several times explained age ratings to grannies looking to get GTA for their grandsons, and I haven’t ever worked at a real game store.
anon is cruel af
Kid is dumb for assuming mother knew what cod was
Mom is dumb for not clarifying?
??? She probably thought the game was literally called Cod. That’s a word, ya know.
I was joking. Someone said OP is cruel then the next reply was kid is dumb, so I carried it on saying mom is dumb as a joke.
Kid doesn’t deserve cod
Did a quick search, that game is available to pretty much every platform. PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii, WiiU, NDS, 360. The buy 2 get 1 free makes more sense now
The “three copies” part makes this seem really fake. Why would a parent buy more than one copy of a game?
And why would they open all three? Or even one?
If it were a single one I could see a kid playing it to see if it’s any good, but three? Makes no sense. I know most of these green texts are fake, but anon could have done better.
It’s a flimsy argument but the only thing I can think is the kid thought it was a joke and opened all three to make sure they were indeed all the same
A couple of my kin pulled this exact joke on me, funny enough two of the joke games ended up being pretty good.
Gotta get two copies of Bonestorm
You thought it’s a fishing game. It was Skyrim.
One for my kid, one for each family of cousins (my brother’s and sister’s respective kids) “so they can play their nintendo machines on the internets like they always do?”
I guess if one of the siblings is better off than the others, I could see them buying the same game for other family members, but it seems kind of unusual.
In December in America we do this thing called Christmas, where you get gifts for and gather with family and friends and exchange them. Kids are often included in this despite not having money of their own, and usually receive gifts from the family like video games or other doodads.
Video games themselves are barely sold on disks anymore, while this could have all transpired about two months ago, it’s more likely to be an old post immortalized into a screencap, this could be from 2010 for all we know, which is the year that game was released for the xbox 360, coincidentally.
Yes, I meant for Christmas. Your kid says “I want cod!”, so you buy three copies of the game for other family members as well? Why aren’t their parents buying the game for them?
Well, my sister asked what I was getting her little Tommy this year so we can make sure we didn’t get the same thing, she got him RDR:UN so I was safe to get him COD too. My brother said he was getting little Susan and Jerry Rock Band 2, so I was free to get them a copy of COD as well and that way all our children can fish together! Turns out they didn’t want to fish at all, they wanted to shoot at each other! Kids these days I swear!
You never bought your niece or nephew a gift? Should video games be strictly relegated to parental gifts? What am I allowed to buy for familial children age 1-17 that I didn’t have hand in birthing? More importantly, what exactly are you smoking, and can I have some?
What’s with the oddly hostile tone? Who hurt you?
I can’t make a joke about you being high because you seem to think only parents can get video games for their own kids, not for their niece/nephew?
Am I the high one then?
Why would they open them?
Thought it was a prank and one was going to actually have CoD in it.
Sadly it’s dead community. Last post was over a year ago
I know every greentext ever written by anybody for any purpose is fake but:
A person being seen by you as your lesser is not unworthy of your kindness. Be more kind to the people of the land, anons.
deleted by creator
were you the kid in the story?
Yes. We had to get rid of the game because he was playing too much.
Anon ahould have kept his copied of sega bass fishing. The most intense game ever produced
Well actually cod is meant to be played by adults only
So, you know, it’s a good deed in a way. A very deceiving and lucrative one, but still good 🧐
‘Anonymous’ = Michael Pachter