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- fuck_cars@lemmy.ml
- news@beehaw.org
- cross-posted to:
- fuck_cars@lemmy.ml
- news@beehaw.org
What do you call it when half the Teslas in a showroom are on fire?
A good start.
A waste of resources.
They all could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now there’s nothing. Yay.
If that’s what the money was being used for Teslas wouldn’t be getting torched.
I’m saying these cars could’ve been reclaimed, sold, and then the money used to help poor people.
How do you just “reclaim” a vehicle, especially one with all these software and hardware dependencies. I don’t know if a stolen Tesla is worth anything at the moment besides scrap.
Sure, it’s a waste of resources, but those resources were never going to help anyone so it’s not really wasted.
How do you just “reclaim” a vehicle, especially one with all these software and hardware dependencies. I don’t know if a stolen Tesla is worth anything at the moment besides scrap.
How do you just burn a vehicle, especially with all those law enforcement officers ready to persecute you?
With a smile on my face.
So… you can steal the vehicle too. You can discuss and support policies that take the assets of the ruling class by force.
Sad this needs to be spelled out for you people, but I don’t expect more at this point.
They all could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Nice fantasy. But no, that was never going to happen in real life.
Now there’s nothing.
Now there’s a clear message in international headlines, and one heard by those trying to profit using Tesla.
Nice fantasy. But no, that was never going to happen in real life.
I know, it’s because you people value the wrong things. Doesn’t mean it’s not the proper solution.
It’s not because we value the wrong thing. It’s because of basic laws that protect us all.
How could they be reclaimed? They are owned by somebody who legally owns them. Unless the owner is found guilty of something that entitles the government to take possession then there’s no legal way to do that.
If someone is going to reclaim it illegally they’re also not going to use that money to help people. You don’t get many Robin Hoods so the criminals that do it are most likely to keep the proceeds for themselves.
It’s because of basic laws that protect us all.
The fuck? It’s illegal to burn these cars too, smart person.
Taken from other comment debunking you people:
You can steal the vehicle too. You can discuss and support policies that take the assets of the ruling class by force.
Sad this needs to be spelled out for you people, but I don’t expect more at this point.
The fuck? It’s illegal to burn these cars too, smart person.
I guess that you didn’t finish reading my comment as I pointed out that those that are willing to reclaim them illegally are extremely unlikely to do anything altruistic with the money.
I don’t think that’s how most car showrooms work, let alone Tesla showrooms.
Do they work by setting the cars on fire?
They work by giving all the money to Elon Musk, who needs it less than anyone on the planet except Jeff Besos.
The point wasn’t to make the showroom work though. It was to make the showroom not work, and fire does that job wonderfully.
Right. Instead of destroying these cars, we should’ve taken them, sold them, and used the money to help those in need.
Sorry this needs to be spelled out so many times for so many of you, but it really puts into perspective how “smart” the average internet user has gotten.
What do you mean “taken them” Do you think Elon just sells the cars and gives the money away? Or are you talking about stealing the cars? What do you think can be achieved with that? The car will be found eventually and returned. The person who bought the stolen car lost their money and politically you achieved nothing.
You’re correct, this course of action wouldn’t harm Elon Musk at all.
But I think you’re mistaking the user you’re talking to for something other than a right wing troll trying to sound like they care about poor people.
That’s a great idea… if that was ever done in the history of the world… ever
Hey, it’s why things are the way they are.
We don’t care to reduce the disparity in wealth.
I like your how nonsensical trying to connect unrelated things together, did you forget your meds. How do you propose to acquire something owned by some else that doesn’t belong to you
There’s nothing unrelated about this.
You people just succumbed to your herd mentality and there is no force in the universe that can overcome it.
Really puts things into perspective for anyone with a brain. I can tell the next generation is taking hold, and it isn’t pretty.
Okay you go convince the government to re-appropriate Tesla. While you’re doing that for the rest of your life everyone else will keep burning them to actually get something done.
Ok boomer
Kids in Africa could eat those cars!
No, but they could buy food and farming equipment with the proceeds from selling these cars. It was an opportunity to redistribute wealth.
Now it’s just a waste.
At what point do the board members and shareholders fire Herr Musk?
Well, one of the board members is his brother and the rest are loyalists so probably not until a shareholder revolt.
Hence the car sales show at the White House, generating some PR to pump up the stock. It worked, for now.
That’s fine. Let him run it into the ground. No skin off my nuts
Ya, I saw they are all dumping Tesla stock too. LOL.
He culled everyone that wasn’t his lacky early on including the actual founders
Au contraire it’s surely time for his bonus
When all their golden parachutes are endangered
deleted by creator
Today i am not ashamed to be german for once :)
Germans know the evil and danger of nazis and fascism better then anyone else. Fuck Trump and fuck Elon
Well probably not better than the Jews but we see a repeat of history down there in Israel
They still have a dangerous number of nazis around - Elon recently visited there to rile many of them up, and their popularity boosted in the last election.
Do they? They are gleefully supporting the genocide in Palestine.
That’s the spirit. …Cause fuck Nazis. Germany gets it. They’re like, “Trust us, ve know how dis turns üt.”
Funny house suddenly Teslas have become more valuable as an insurance payout then they are as a car.
Genius move
There should be a contest which region / country / city lights up the most.
Were they really set on fire, or did their batteries just explode? This could very well be another case of the new and improved Pinto spontaneously going off.
are they not afraid of being labeled terrorists and blackbagged to Guantanamo?
No, because they live in a country with rights.
lucky 🥺
They have a right to burn another person’s property in Germany? Interesting.
No, not at all. But it sure as hell will not be labeled „domestic terrorism“.
This will be 100% put into the yearly criminal statistic as far-left terrorism.
Corporations are not people outside of the US.
Whether the company still owned the cars (still in a car lot) or if they were already sold, is not relevant. If it’s not your property then you don’t have a right to burn it.
BTW the article wasn’t clear as to who owned the vehicles.
A property owner has a right not to have their property destroyed, a vandal has a right not to be unreasonably detained. Destruction of property is usually a civil matter and when it isn’t it is a criminal matter that doesn’t fit the standard definition of terrorism outside really specific circumstances. Both parties deserve to be treated fairly through this process - America has removed that guarantee for the vandal.
no, but they have a right to not be blackbagged and sent to gitmo, which is a right that you don’t have in the US.
What you and so many others seem to be failing to grasp is that I don’t have a problem with protesting, but burning property isn’t protesting it’s rioting. People should be in jail for that. Do I like what the US is doing? No. But that doesn’t give people the right to vandalize other people’s property. And yes I know that a corporation isn’t a person, but someone owns that company. So it’s still someone’s property. Guess who actually pays for that damage? The people that pay premiums. The premiums go up when this is done. Premiums of insurance I mean. Who else pays? Customers. Think that the owners of that company only own that company? Many times they own other companies. If the owner loses to much money in one company they raise the rates at another company. The customer still pays.
The article never states that the vehicles burned are even all owned by a company (the picture shows a car lot but that doesn’t mean ALL the vehicles were on a lot). Which means people may not even be burning a vehicle owned by a company but by an individual. That individual might have bought said vehicle before elon went bat shit nutty. The owner of the vehicle probably can’t even sell the vehicle. The insurance won’t cover all the cost of the vehicle. The vandals have attacked an innocent individual in that case. That just makes the vandal an asshole.
Yet most comments fully support the vandals. Bunch of assholes is all I see.
first of all my comment or the one you first replied to had nothing to do with whether the suspects in question are wrong or even violent. you’re the one who seems to failing to grasp that. I don’t care if it’s a serial killer, they still have rights. there’s no crime in the world, not even terrorism, that justifies bypassing human rights.
second of all you’re wrong. fuck property. people riot because it’s the last refuge of the powerless. so-called peaceful protests don’t do shit and never have. history proves time and time again that change only comes with violent protests, the least of which involves burning shit. for even more fundamental change, heads need to be rolling. so right now you better hope burning property brings meaningful change because no one wants this to escalate.
if you disagree, please dust off the pussy hat and go to the streets, see if it works this time.
It’s just a Roman bonfire my doods!
Well that’s terrible. You naughty, naughty Germans.
What are you talking about? Those could’ve been sold and the money used to help poor people.
Now it’s just a waste.
Bait used to be believable.
Yeah, no.
All of you people said the same flawed argument and it’s sad that you thought you had a point.
Really puts things into perspective why things are the way they are.
Flawed argument like saying car sale proceeds would be given to poor people? lmao
I’ve already explained to you people what you don’t understand, several times.
Yes, no one is smart as you, everyone doesn’t “get it”. You should run for president of the USA, he’s almost as smart as you.
Damn you’re actually crazy af
Lol. Anyone with half a brain can recognize my argument.
You people just succumb to your herd mentality because you’re afraid to do your own thinking.
I don’t expect more, to do so would be foolish.
Yeah I’m sure these people really would have willingly sold their Teslas and then gone on to donate that money to poor people.
Who said anything about willingly?
Did they willingly have these teslas burned?
Sad this needs to be spelled out for you.
You really think the owners are going to sell their tesla to give to the poor? Elon sure isn’t and only celebrities and those in similar situations where money doesn’t matter would do it. That you make this as a serious argument is wild.
political motivescommon sense could not be ruled out."Oh no!