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Whether it’s a project you’re working on, plans you have this weekend, an event you’re going to, etc. What’s something that’s got you excited?
I started to learn how to dance. You know, with other people. I’m really not the type. It’s embarrassing and terrifying. It also really helps me confront some of my fears. I’m pretty proud of that.
Let’s see what this leads to.
The collapse of the US into civil war
The days are finally longer than the nights and I’m starting to see grass underneath the snow. I’m looking forward to start working in the vegetable garden and being able to have a nice cup of tea outside in the sun.
Enjoy it! We’re going the opposite way now. One of the major downsides of living in the southern hemisphere is people forgot why the holiday season landed in the middle of winter. It was to give people something to look forward to and help them through the dark months… There is NOTHING like that during the winter here. It can be pretty bleak!
I guess you need to get your own version of the swedish summer vacation.
Kicking addiction once and for all. No, I mean it, this will be the year I get my brain back.
Good luck on this difficult road to redemption!
I’m getting married on Towel Day. To a woman who is excited that I wanted to get married on Towel Day.
Bad Ass. are towels a part of the dress code?
No but I think I’ll get them as gifts
May your wedding towels be full of nutrients!
Now I want a towel shaped cake
With mint frosting
Just uhhh, don’t forget to bring a towel.
I’m sure a hoopy frood like you always knows where your towel is though.
After years of trying to build a solid workout routine I’ve managed to do at least 40 min of cardio every morning for the last two months, to the point where I’m craving more.
I’ve started taking my writing seriously as well, and after some online courses have vastly improved over the last year. I’m working on a collection of short stories now.
I’ve been a vegetarian for a hundred years, but I’ve finally decided to go vegan and I’m kind of excited about it. I’m growing a garden from seeds I started inside, and my seeds have almost all sprouted.
Nice! There’s a bunch of vegan communities on lemmy to check out too
Both for general info and also things like recipes
I am finally getting a surgery I have desperately needed for mental health and basic quality of life since the height of COVID. I didn’t see it as a life threatening need-to-be-done so I waited until after the height of COVID to begin pursuing it.
I was scheduled for this surgery in February 2023, and when they took my blood tests, they had to cancel the surgery, because that’s when the found out I had cancer. (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia)
My cancer treatment has been going very well, and now I am once again scheduled for this surgery with the blessing of my cancer doctor and the requirement of not taking my cancer medications for a week before the surgery and three weeks after the surgery. That is because my cancer medications increase bleeding and impact how long wounds take to heal. (Sprycel/Dasatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor)
Here’s hoping it goes well, I absolutely hate surgery, but I really need this done. I’ve been literally waiting for this moment for years, it’s going to be a huge mental health boost.
And to be clear while I am indeed on the Blåhaj Lemmy, this is surgery is not about gender identity or gender affirming care. It’s still important and impacting my mental health, however.
Gosh, the amount of strength life has required from you these past few years is incredible to imagine. I’m glad to hear your treatment is going well and I hope the surgery and recovery are smooth for you. It’s great you’re finally going to get it!
Thank you, I have honestly been through so much more than even that, and it has been so hard. I lost my place to live, the majority of my possessions, and I have just been broken, but I am trying to keep going. I think the hardest thing to lose was my bed. It took me until I was nearly 40 to afford my first bed, frame, mattress, and quality sheets, that was all my own and wasn’t a hand-me-down of some kind. I am back to sleeping on a shitty 15 year old mattress I got for free that hurts my back and I have no idea when I’ll be able to afford a bed again.
I am moving out of Texas. Our house goes on the market in a couple of weeks and once it’s sold we’ll be heading to New England.
Jealous. I will be stuck here for the foreseeable future.
I tried to stick out as long as I could, but we really have no choice anymore. I have a child with special needs and it’s been a struggle to get him the services he is legally entitled to. Now without the Dept of Education things are only going to get worse.
I wish you well and hope you can get out soon.
Every two weeks — this next weekend being one such event —, I have sushi with my grandma and my brother. I love sushi, my grandma, and my brother. Feeling stellar.
In May my spouse and I are going away together for a few days without the kids for the first time in a decade.
The tulip and daffodil leaves are emerging in our gardens and soon we will have flowers.
Our church is starting up again this week & I love choir.
I have big plans for the spring and summer: multiple backpacking/camping trips in the mountains, a week-long family vacation, and (hopefully) getting back into mountain biking after a multi-year break. I can’t wait!
Nice! Those sound like really solid plans. Anything with mountains instantly ignites my happy chemicals.
Absolutely. Like Gillian Welch sang, I’ve been in the lowlands too long.
Roughly four months after being run over and rendered bed bound my mom is taking the next step in her recovery. Literally. She’s been okayed to start walking. She recently went to her first physical therapy session and is working on getting that leg strength back. Still a ways from walking even with a walker but hey progress is progress.
My lemongrass plant that I tend to neglect is showing signs of life. Seriously I haven’t changed the pot or soil of it in at least two years now. Not to mention the amount of times I forget to give it water. It’s a miracle the poor thing has lasted this long really. But today I noticed some new growth so that’s cool.
I have some travels planned this year :)
A friend is smoking a brisket this weekend 🤤