• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • I’m guessing most people in here haven’t had to interact with a tense squirrel in a confined area before. Squirrels look cute when they’re sitting with their twitchy fluffy tails and extremities tucked in or jumping/climbing around gracefully.

    The reality, squirrels are huge up close (cat sized), have extremely muscular physiques, and fucking claws like a Velociraptor. I’ll admit though with trying to find pictures online that it turns out my local breed is just a larger species of the family but there’s really no photography I’m finding out there of them. Guess it’s time to learn some new skills and post up the group that lives around the house.

  • This is not a left-right, one group vs another group, fascism against democracy argument. This is a well documented moral and philosophical conclusion that you don’t give tools like these to a governing body or organization. The targets and terminology always get corrupted by bad-faith actors over time. You would not have control over how this information gets used nor the validity if someone just “placed” a sign for the photo so they would be targeted.

    You are self-reporting to a system that has the ability to become oppressive, use your time more wisely if you wish to promote a good cause. https://go.kamalaharris.com/ has remote volunteering with phone banking etc and has training you can take and local events if that’s your shtick.

  • I enjoy being naked. Not a taboo “sexual” joy, but like my body can freely move. I’m more aware of what I’m doing and what my body is feeling. My posture is better, I don’t overeat (it’s psychological, seeing and feeling myself controls zombie gluttony), my skin feels healthier being exposed, I’m more confident in being shirtless or “exposed” compared to normal societal dress, etc etc etc.

    Most important part, we need to combat the “naked=sexual”. It’s taboo in the west and we have a real health problem with body hiding and not openly talking about stuff.

    All that said, they’re wearing shoes and helmets… It makes no sense and this is just a performative event. I wear clothes when I’m cooking or doing anything that might harm my skin on contact. They’re doing a 6 day TANDEM marathon!! That’s a lot of faith in the universe and all of it’s constantly moving parts.

  • No, you quoted wikipedia then said “You can also look at his legislative history to see…” denoting a separate action. You just linked an entire like 50 page wiki article, what am I looking for?

    While he has consistently advocated for progressive causes, Politico wrote that he has “rarely forged actual legislation or left a significant imprint on it.” (link)

    I was a Bernie voter in 2016, this comes from someone who has campaigned for him and researched him extensively. His performance the past decade has been subpar and I keep seeing him become worse while magically he’s making the Dem party "Better"TM.

  • Can I get some examples or what he “shifted left”? I honestly don’t even understand what that means anymore in the US political environment. Rights? Healthcare? Basic competent legislation that isn’t banning or removing something?

    I don’t consider right-wing “conservative” anymore with the whole immigration/border and increased law-enforcement funding that would be needed for all their draconian ideals. “Progressive” is just trying to catch up to the rest of the world at this point that’s leaving us in the dust while we argue about the same shit for 100 more years. (sorry rant over)

    I followed your advice and looked at his legislation since 2016 (link 1,2), what am I looking for? I see a new “national heritage area” (another national park designation for some reason), dropping methane regulations deemed necessary from the EPA (uk is doing fine with it). Maybe I should be looking at only introduced legislation for a better picture, not what’s past?

  • I’m just tired of my electronics doing “extra”. I want to pause the video/player, I don’t want that to activate other activities for my device to perform…I just want to pause the fucking video. They’re all guilty of this though, either they show ads or screenshots of what they want you to watch next. I can’t even pause a video anymore to look at something or show something. The amount of times I’ve paused to have a discussion and the distracting shit plays in the background annoyed me to the point I no longer use the “smart tv” to watch anything and only use the tv hooked up to the comp so I can actually control and have a pleasant viewing experience.

  • As others have stated, you want to contact your local co-op extension if you’re in the states.


    The Cooperative Extension System is a non-formal educational program implemented in the United States designed to help people use research-based knowledge to improve their lives. The service is provided by the state’s designated land-grant universities. In most states, the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture and food, home and family, environment, community economic development, and youth and 4-H. (wiki)

    They’ll have free soil sample kits, articles and programs/classes for local agriculture, etc etc.

    Anything else will be pirated, shitty ad filled ai knockoff apps, or finding a forum of like minded individuals you can ask. There are plenty of resources out there but a “one stop shop” I haven’t found. The problem stems probably from location, information is vast and mostly irrelevant if you’re not in the same growing zones. The local co-ops will have individuals, employees, and articles posted up, they’re really helpful when it comes to reaching out to them in my experience.

  • Can you please explain to me how that “dinner with Putin” is important? I keep seeing people referencing it, I’ve seen the photo and read the articles. Also, if you search, there are other photos of putin with other politicians, should I assume they are all bought and paid for if I can find a picture of two people together?

    I’m more for factual information. This post of a reddit screen-shot by a poster who put up shitty information that’s irrelevant seems really popular, is this just like an internet fan-trolling on 3rd parties in the US that both the left and right love to perform? I don’t expect this to change if we even had a change in our electoral process, just more hating on other parties at this point.

  • That’s a lot of vague statements you’ve repeated from the article. What’s drinking “regularly” (this was before the diagnosis as you’ve stated)? “She kept drinking”, what does that mean? How much alcohol was she consuming? Did she have a sip of her friends wine and was honest about it so was rejected?

    as the article also says it’s incredibly dangerous for someone to get a live-donor transplant when they’re in bad shape like she was, as failure of that means they’ll need to let her die on-table or transplant a good dead one into her

    Where does it say that? You’ve completely twisted the statements.

    “On the off chance their (living) liver doesn’t work, they urgently get listed for a deceased donor,” said Jayakumar. "We need to make sure that everyone who is a candidate for a living donor is also a candidate for a donor graft as well, " she added.

    Huska’s time at the Oakville hospital likely cost over $450,000 - ($3,592 per day for ICU care) with an additional 61 days in a ward bed which likely cost about $1,200 a day, A liver transplant in Ontario is pegged at about $71,000 to $100,000 in Ontario based on data from 2019.

    In 2021, 15.6 per cent of Canadians over 12 engaged in heavy drinking – a term defined as five or more drinks for males, or over four for females, on one occasion at least once per month in the past year.

    Heavy drinking is drinking ONCE per month in the past year. If this is based off of before her diagnosis, you’re gonna exclude like 80% of the working population who actually does go out for drinks or private occasions (unless they just lie which I guess they should’ve in this situation). Between the price of keeping them alive but not fixing the problem and there being no “review” process for decisions, I would categorize this as a bad system that allowed a preventable death from an alcohol related disease to continue.