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- minnesota@midwest.social
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- minnesota@midwest.social
fun fact, that plate has lead in it.
showing lead (Pb) from the pattern.
Damn is this your picture? Did my comment cause you to go and test for yourself? Cuz thats amazing if you did lol
When I found out they had lead last year, I went to work with the cup to confirm. This is a handheld XRF, which depends on the specific spacing of electrons in atoms to determine the identity. Not much to it other than point and shoot! (with shielding)
Modern tools are fascinating, the way you described it sounds so absurdly high tech
That is not a cheap toy. I’ve heard of them, never seen one. What is it and how much was it?
This is a Thermo handheld XRF. I wasn’t working at this place when it was purchased, but it was somewhere between $40k-$60k.
I’m pretty sure that’s Corelle. Do they still do this today? Because all of our dishware are fucking Corelle
Edit: Ok so they stopped putting lead since 2005 so we should be safe. But how come they only stopped in 2005
But how come they only stopped in 2005
Probably ran out of their stock of lead around that time
My aunt always drops off the fucking best, most fattening, rich meals ( “church food” ) and it is always on a plate or bowl from that company that her family has had since at least the 80’s. I will not stop eating from those dishes, I don’t even care , it’s worth it.
Who needs government regulations, amirite?
It’s not like widespread lead exposure has ever had any negative effect… Oh wait.
Not sure, regulations probably? Too worn out from existing today to Check
Wouldn’t surprise me if money > children’s brains, this is America after all
Properly fired it’s pretty tough to get any meaningful amount of lead out of a glaze on ceramics.
I’d bet they did it because of pressure from customers.
I have corelle (or corealle?) but mine are all white and don’t have the decorative print. Does that mean mine are safe from lead?
The lead helps to create a super white white.
Yeah yeah, there could be layers that are not visible. I don’t fuckin know.
I’m signing up for Twitter soon.
We lost 'em. RIP, death by Pb
I believe it was just the one (or maybe two?) specific design… I have one from circa 2004-2005 with a different pattern, and I remember looking into this a few years back and finding out that mine was probably ok.
What part of the plate has lead? The plate itself or the paint?
The paint in the pattern
I still own a few of those plates… 😶
i do too, they aren’t used anymore though.
That’s not very fun
It sure will be when the lead-induced delirium kicks in.
Oh no, I ate off plates like this as a kid. That explains a lot.
You’re fine. The lead is bound in inert glass and only in the design. You would have had to chip off the design and eat it to have any problems.
I think we still have one of those plates in the cabinet. It’s not in normal rotation, tho.
You can play poker with the symbols on the outside.
Most of that looks like it already passed through a person once.
At least once…
…the brown slop on the left could easily be a two’fer!
I used to think I hated vegetables as a kid. Turns out I hated my parents “cooking”
My mom used to make liver every Thursday. She now denies that ever happened, which is hilarious.
What’s even more silly about this is that you never bothered to cook it yourself to experience better cooked food and the reason is? Idk for me it was because I am lame and too shy to ask to change the established way of life. On the other hand I have adjusted to eat food of all sorts even though it is displeasing. Except foods that have capsaicin or or peppers, I’m allergic to them.
because fresh vegetables are expensive and have short shelf lives
Which is funny because these days I just buy frozen vegetables and make food with those, and I still enjoy it far more than my parent’s cooking
It really isn’t even about fresh vegetables
Refrigerated fresh vegetables are much better than canned. Somewhere in between the '50s and today refrigerated got common and cheap and there was no excuse anymore for buying that soggy canned shit. I would’ve said the '90s were well after that point though. Anybody using canned green beans as a side in the '90s was just coasting on momentum and bad choices I think.
(There’s reasons to use canned – they make a good soup ingredient if you’re going to boil it to death anyhow, and they store better in your disaster prep bunker. But as a simple side for dinner, not a good choice.)
This is so true. I find there are plenty of ways to enjoy vegetables on the cheap or lower the effects of rot on foods. I feel like people don’t realize that 2000s is the year that current adults as kids grew up in. It is so much better back than after 2008 and 2020(current generation) are having to deal with but still it was a solved problem.
Yet people don’t really see what was talking about. I wasn’t alluding to the vegetables, but rather how kids are not willing enough to learn to cook or take initiative when they don’t enjoy something.
It isn’t easy to cook but I still helped my little brother. I wish when I was a kid, I learned to cook. My mom made the best foods though, and I lived pretty much happy with vegetables. I love salads. It is sad how many are not liking salads or vegetables as much.
I was essentially banned from the kitchen when I was a kid, so I learned to cook and bake as an adult. It’s cooking, not jedi training, you cannot age out of learning it.
I guess, but really I had some bad habits and didn’t know how to make anything more than simple dishes like spaghetti and meatballs. Salads seemed like way too much effort until you get the proper technique to chop them up. I understand what you mean but I still wish I had learned it as a kid. The muscle memory/technique to hone in on would have been nice before I became an adult and had to rely on eating out or eating random stuff at home because I also never learned to plan out meals properly. I guess there is more to it than cooking is what I am saying.
Am I crazy because I liked canned green beans as a salad (like, standard oil, vinegar, salt, pepper) when I was a kid? Mum still makes that and I still like it.
Nah, no one’s crazy for liking any kind of food, and don’t let anyone tell you different. A simple bean salad sounds delightful to me
The other guy was more affirming but I’m gonna say yes you’re crazy. Anybody who likes what I hate so much has to be crazy, right?
Not in 1987 Minnesota you’re not
I don’t know where this came from. I am talking about how as kids we grow up too shy to pickup cooking as a skill, even though we find it not taste right for us. It is fine to accept the food cause hard work and all that about love, but if you feel like it’s not good enough, we don’t seem to try. But you know I don’t deny it’s like that, yet people can still talk to their parents as kids, spice exists and canned veggies or frozen ones can taste decent. All basic truths.
I helped my little brother cook, he started pretty terribly and to be encouraging everything was, well, not gonna be effective for him to learn. I always made it clear I admired his work but clearly put how cooking skill takes patience and dedication to do. He learned how hard it was for me to cook. I wish I learned to cook when I was a kid.
Oh well people here got whooshed on the real story I laid out.
Do you want to talk about it?
I kept it short cause I didn’t think there much else to talk about. I expressed my opinion, big no-no on the internet but whatever
You would first have to believe that better tasting vegetables was a possibility before you start looking for it.
This. I didn’t know steak was good until I spent a few months living with my uncle, because growing up, if my mom made steak, it was like burnt shoe leather. Why would I ever think to order it at a restaurant?
idk, am I privileged to have a family who cared enough to go to eat out once in while like once a month ?
I fail to see how you can think I am trying to relate to someone who never had decent vegetables. It’s not like it is impossible for many of us to eat decent vegetables at one point. I clearly am not trying to be relating to everyone’s background. You are simply nitpicking and didn’t bother reading or understanding my comment.
Who said anything about relating to others? You criticized a kid for doing what any reasonable kid would do. That’s the part I’m responding to.
Fr I don’t think you want to think about it much past the surface level. I agree to some points but not the myth that kids all kids can’t taste good vegetables at all. Conversation ran it’s course, I don’t mind. It is what it is. I believe differently.
I don’t know why you say “points” plural. I made one point and it’s that shortrounddev@lemmy.world came to a very logical conclusion as a kid. No mention of any other kids, let alone all kids. But no matter. If you believe that you know more about shortrounddev’s life than shortrounddev, then we’re starting from a completely different basis of contradictory facts. You are correct if your bases are correct, and likewise for mine. Maybe you do know more about their life for all I know. I’m just an Internet stranger. I don’t know you. I don’t know shortrounddev.
Ok 👍
Things were much different before the internet. “Food porn” wasn’t really a thing (unless maybe you sought it out in cookbooks, and even then…). Hell, Food Network didn’t exist until the mid-90s, and back then it was a third-rate cable channel that nobody watched.
If you’re a child in that world, how would you even know that vegetables could be good?
And yet I still believe there were kids who had good tasting vegetables. I already agreed that some didn’t but the ones who did? It was still common for kids to not step up and learn. Oh well, how about I just accept whatever you say but not actually believe your narrow view of life?
This is why Americans aren’t allowed to make fun of British food.
Hey most of us stopped eating that way.
And started eating way, way worse
Maybe “worse” in the sense of health, but certainly not taste.
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My man
1987 was nearly 40 years ago…
Not even comparable😂 Americans look back at this and laugh or cringe, Brits still eat their old-timey slop
I also feel seen in a really weird way. That Corelle, the gray hot dish, the lump of “salad”. Except the french cut beans. Mom never sprang for that. Dad did sometimes though.
I don’t know what that grey lump actually consists of, but for some reason I think it probably tastes really good. I have no basis for this belief, but I would try that. I’d probably take a too-large helping and regret it shortly thereafter.
I grew up where we did casserole instead of hotdish, but that looks like it’s rice, celery, carrot, onion, and canned cream of mushroom soup.
Just about nailed it! Missed the ground beef, and it is wild rice, a Minnesota staple.
If you’ve never tried it, I highly recommend.
I don’t know why, but the word “hotdish” bothers me; I guess because I assume it refers to sort of dish/vessel rather than food.
It’s a dish served hot! As opposed to those crappy cold cuts they usually serve.
It’s a sex thing.
If you’re putting the actual serving dish into the oven, as you do with casserole, I kind of get it.
in which case, “hotdish” is a calque of “casserole” as both refer to the vessel
Sort of. When signing up to contribute something for the potluck at the local Lutheran church, you can specify if you’re bringing a hot dish (food that requires cooking) or cold dish (not cooked).
Since most people go for something easy to prepare, the hot dish just became all casseroles.
It’s etymologically indicated that it’s descendent from hot pot, which is also a method of cooking several ingredients in one pot and serving from that pot vs serving individual bowls. It’s called a hot pot because it’s served from a pot that is hot (as it’s the cooking vessel you boiled everything in). Not because the resulting soup is hot. Itself descendent from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pot-au-feu (pot on fire)and similar European dishes (not the Chinese version which we usually mean when we say hot pot nowadays).
Dogfood on the right, catfood on the left, goat chow in the middle
Idk what rice hot dish is but it looks just like my vomit from last week.
It’s actually really good although the stuff in the picture looks like it wasn’t made very well.
You can get wild rice soup from places like Panera, it’s really good! The hotdish version is thicker/baked. The stuff in the photo basically looks like the wild rice, carrots, and just a cream of potato base, probably not much flavor to it.
It’s casserole.
“French cut” green beans make me irrationally angry.
They have a uniquely terrible taste, but I don’t understand how just the way they’re cut could produce that taste. I think maybe they’re also soaked in lye or something. Or maybe the exposed inner part of the beans absorbs metal from the can.
I’m guessing it’s more dependent on the brands you’re buying, but there shouldn’t be that significant of a flavor change. Also most cans have a liner inside them to protect the contents from chemically affecting the contents. I just checked a few sources for various products, and all of them were simply the beans in a water solution.
Some did include salt, which may be having a minor effect. The French cut, julienne, provides a higher surface area / volume ratio. This means the beans will “marinate” in the solution more effectively than larger cut beans. As in, the salt and water have better access to the inner parts of the beam, leaving them more tender and “marinated.”
I’m using that weird very loosely because I honestly can’t remember the right word.
It’s not the taste so much as the texture. The difference in a green bean casserole made with French cut green beans and whole, cut, green beans is night and day. And by that I mean only one is worth eating. The other is just mush.
Please, explain
The anger is irrational and thus cannot be rationally explained.
Can I ask you to explain it crazy then?
Sure thing
I think I remember this one… Banned Wow account? Tv remote up butt?
ding ding ding
Perfect, thanks!
You know that jello salad slaps though. You can just tell.
EDIT: upon further inspection, that’s ambrosia fruit salad. Probably no jello, but rather Coolwhip. Quite tasty still.
This got re-posted to !minnesota@midwest.social, where we actually know what a hotdish is.
(It’s a casserole. /s)
A? Hotdish?!? Get him!
My mom used to make me add a can of mixed vegetables to my instant ramen until we agreed that I could eat them separately. So I would quickly force down the bland, mushy veggies then enjoy my ramen in its pure form.
Yes, that is what home made food looks like sometimes.
You’re not in a restaurant, the “cook” isn’t payed, and presentation is not high on the priorities list if you also have to do dishes, wash clothes, and organize life for the family, possibly in addition to a job.
Right? And let’s be honest, I bet that hotdish is fire
Bruh I cook at home all the time and it never just looks like baby shit.
How got-dang popular were those plates? Had me hundreds of (probably lead-tainted) dinners on those bad boys.
My folks still have those dishes. It’s their daily driver.
Got-dang? Is that supposed to be a stand-in for goddamn?
More of a bastardization of it. Not something I use often, it just carries a certain tone and energy with it.
I was alive in 1987 and I was never served anything resembling this. What in hell is that?
Alive in 1987… but in Minnesota or the greater midwest, USA? Alive doesn’t cut it. Did you even live life if you didn’t eat this?
I risk I lived a better life by not having eaten it.
Again, what is that?