Haha thanks. I don’t know why that particular word does not work right in my brain.
Haha thanks. I don’t know why that particular word does not work right in my brain.
Totally agree. Was talking to my brother who worked for the US Corps of Engineers. He said they have a decades long outlook for their projects. So if they want to remove a dam or something, studies are done to make sure that is the smartest move not just for the next few years, but the next several decades.
So refreshing vs the typical “new CEO wants to fire x% of the workforce to generate 1% more profit this year (ignore the fact that customers will leave when it’s that much shittier here… That’s next year’s (and next Ceo’s) problem)”.
That’s a good point. I have not been very politically active besides encouraging friends and family to vote. But I think a campaign for signatures for Star or Ranked Choice voting would be the first step, at least here in Florida since enough signatures should put it on the ballot. But Desantis is pretty good at squashing this stuff since it requires 60% approval. Not sure the method for other states.
Never going to happen until most of all states have ranked choice or star voting. First past the post is basically designed for only 2 parties.
I think it’s about where you want to put your time in for a career. Not sure how professors are doing right now, but with the department of education budget being slashed, many are seeing the writing on the wall for the future of education here in America.
Highlighting that they are a country that still values inclusive education, and emphasizing their tenure stuff, shows that their country wants and needs you, and intends to value you long term, vs America trying to show the opposite.
I think the point here is that, rather than endorse a genocide, you endorsed 2 genocides, and everything else that this administration does. I get that even one genocide is too much, but for that one you could be calling your representative and writing letters and doing whatever else you can to people who might care about those actions.
The Mexican president asked for this
The Mexican president asked for the US to be called Mexico Americana or something like that. I haven’t seen if google complied yet, but if they don’t, would you support them not?
Yes but if I put that on my car then the group more well known for vandalizing cars will want to vandalize it.
Yeah that’s true. Right now our two big leaders amount to the school bully and maybe an average student. It is a lot to ask the average student to stand up the school bully, even if it’s a lot of other students asking him.
We need real leaders. We need to volunteer ourselves so that the best of us can help lead the country. We keep asking for better but none of us want to step up.
Agree that “at least we aren’t them” doesn’t work. It needs to be more “Republican Matt Gaetz responds to allegations of PEDOPHILIA” and “Home insurance continues to rise under the gross MISMANAGEMENT of Ron Desantis - Floridians fleeing state” and maybe “Many are questioning if Republicans even know HOW to govern, as reliance on money from Democrat run states increases”.
You know, flashy clickbait headlines for the lazy (average) American voter. Republicans have shown even a stupid lie (they are eating the dogs!) told enough times convinces people.
Doing good definitely matters. Getting the message out that you did so apparently matters more.
What we are seeing matters most though, is showing the other side did BAD.
Her campaign was… Fine. It could have used more things like podcasts and such, but I don’t know that could have gotten her what she needed. Her issues were more that the media was stacked against her, and we had insane voter suppression this time around. If she had maybe 6 months instead of 3 to get her name out there, maybe her traditional methods could have worked. She was packing out the venues she was visiting, so there was excitement for her.
She just couldn’t compete with the entire media and voter suppression.
I was raised protestant, but not presbyterian. Still, I haven’t heard a lot of excommunication coming from any protestant group. That is mostly a Catholic thing I think, with some of that happening with maybe Puritans (I’m not that familiar with all of them) back around Salem Witch Trial days.
We need different terms for people who HAVE a million dollars and people who MAKE a million per year. Lots of people will read this millionaire’s tax and think it will apply to them when they are nearing retirement since they finally have a million dollars after saving all their life.
Vaccines are not 100% effective. You need those kids to be vaccinated also or your vaccinated child would still run a 3% risk if exposed. I have terrible luck and that’s not a risk I am willing to take.
My daughter’s school will allow for medically necessary unvaccinated children (eg, immunocompromised so cannot take a live vaccine), but only until they hit the herd immunity limit. After that they turn away parents for the unvaccinated child because they have to protect the other children. Those parents will probably be frustrated at first but, recognizing the need for herd immunity from the school for their child, will be better off. They will just have to find a other school that has an opening. This shouldn’t be hard if the only refusal for vaccines was for medical purposes, but it’s getting harder these days.
Public schools should do this. I think some do, but maybe not. And certainly not with our current admin if they can force whatever they want. My point though is that it’s not only the “stupid antivaxxer’s kids” who will die. It’s 3% of all the others. And that’s just for measles. Polio is coming back too. Who knows what else.