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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • No, these strawless, non-gay, heterosexual, manly men are just like me. They were handed a spoon, but not a straw in the drive through and they decided to just drive off rather than bother or inconvenience someone, even though it wouldn’t be a bother or inconvenience, it’s the person’s job, and they’d be happy to help. I am married though, so while I wouldn’t say my wife is specifically attracted to that brand of social awkwardness, she’s not entirely repulsed by it.

  • One of the things that Game of Thrones did well early was always ensure the payoff was worth it. If you didn’t like an episode here or there, it was fine because it advanced the plot enough that you still followed the breadcrumbs and another episode down the line made it worth it.

    Season 8 was so bad because many people tolerated elements of seasons 5, 6, and 7 because they were hoping for payoff. When that payoff was underwhelming at best and utterly nonsensical at worst, people tuned out fast. People spent hundreds of hours over a decade watching the show and discussing it with their friends, and in the end, it wasn’t worth it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something disappear so completely and quickly from the cultural zeitgeist.

  • One of my favorite books is called Inherit the Stars.

    Mankind is starting to reach out into the solar system, but finds a man on the moon entombed in a space suit, and he’s been dead for 50,000 years.

    It’d make a pretty good movie, 2 hours tops.

    It does one of my favorite things, by strongly blending two genres: mystery, and sci-fi. A sci-fi show, movie, or book that’s purely sci-fi is rarely good. Same goes for fantasy. Season 1 of Game of Thrones is good because it’s primarily a mystery/drama story in a fantasy setting. A New Hope is great because it’s a western, coming-of-age story in a sci-fi setting. Rebel Moon is garbage (for many reasons) because it’s pure sci-fi schlock with no nuance.