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I dont think it’s kind to heckle Tesla owners. But I do admit I laugh out loud every time I see a Cybertruck. They’re that silly.
everything but the cybertruck i can square why someone would still drive one. not everyone can afford to sell a car for less than it is worth as a car to not be seen it, or to pass up an undervalued car to move their kids around. but the cybertruck lacks all plausible deniability. by the time the orders were delivering, it was obvious who elon musk was, and that there were other better options available from competitors. it’s also just fuckin’ useless. like. it just absolutely sucks at everything a vehicle has to do, let alone a truck
I agree with everything here, and encourage pre-2023 owners to continue applying the “Elon killed my resale value” bumper stickers to their cars.
I just haven’t seen one that fully encapsulates my disdain for Musk.
Today, I successfully came to an agreement with my local service center to return my Tesla within the next 30 days for only $100 out of pocket (plus my mileage overage and damage overage…but I’ll delay, deny, and dispose of those notices) instead of the original $10,000.
I’m done. Fuck Elon.
We’ve known elon was a shitbird for years. The case where he accused a straight up hero British Diver of being a pedophile for rescuing 12 children without using a musk branded product was 2018. And the sex pest shit has been pretty consistent since. And I will always argue that tesla emphasizing battery size so much actively hurt EV adoption throughout the country (you don’t need a giant battery. You just need to realize that you were going to stop for lunch at some point anyway).
But also? The people buying teslas, generally, weren’t people living paycheck to paycheck. They were status symbols for tech workers an so forth. Their asses can do a trade in or, at the absolute least, put on a bumper sticker to say they hate him too.
So no. I am not going to lose any sleep over people needing to make insurance claims because they drive around in a car that is branded around a nazi who is destroying the fucking country and destabilizing the world.
The people buying teslas, generally, weren’t people living paycheck to paycheck.
I made this point to a friend who worked in tech and had a Tesla like 8 years ago.
“You know that for people like me, I won’t be able to afford a used electric vehicle until I’m 60 or more right? I’m 40 and still driving a 25 year old car. The planet can’t really afford to wait for prices to come down for people like me to be able to afford them. It’s not really saving the environment if the majority of people can’t afford to jump in.”
Tbf driving old cars until the end of their lifetime is also an environmentally friendly choice, since there are quite large emissions associated with producing a car.
Fuck cars! Demand public transit.
The best car for the planet is the one you have.
I don’t know how it is in the states, but here the model 3 was the cheapest EV in its category. If I actually had money I’d have bought a Volvo, or the ioniq 5
Exactly, people who can afford a tesla can also afford to get rid of it.
Zero empathy.
Also, fuck cars. Every major street should have dedicated light rail in its own right of way, being given signal priority. The people that bought Tesla’s early on as status symbols, did so because they spit on the concept of public transit and hate the left that wants mass transportation.
I remember just a few years ago that it was a proud moment to own a tesla. That is a thing of the past. I hope the owners can all afford to dump it if they so choose.
I celebrated and honked for the protesters outside the Monterey Tesla dealer this morning.
My favorite cyber truck anecdote so far is watching them load about ¾ of the number of bags of mulch than fits in the back of my Volvo, then the owner struggling to pack it all in so he could close the cover.
It’s a truck, why didn’t they buy the bulk mulch for a third of the price? Cosplay posers.
it’s not kind to hang nazis either. it’s cool and necessary, though.
Are you equating every owner of a Tesla to Nazis?
totally yes that’s exactly what im doing 🙄. you are a world class me-understander.
I mean, forgive me, but it was an odd response to talking about people’s cars being vandalised.
it was a response to someone saying vandalism isn’t nice.
and to be fair; they are nazi not-so-dog-anymore-whistle cars.
They’re not though. Not everyone who owns a Tesla is supportive of Musk and Nazis. That’s a dumb world view.
I’d never buy one because I don’t want my money to go to him, but other people have owned theirs since before the cyber truck days where he could be reasonably ignored.
he’s been a fascist for a long-ass time.
also, the whole thing is a tax scam. if you have one newer than like 2014, you’re fair game til you ditch it.
I’ve seen a couple in the wild.
I didn’t believe people they’re ickier in person, but they absolutely are.
Also I have no idea how their tail lights passed any sorts of regulatory scrutiny, they disappear at angles.
Idk how the car itself passed any scrutiny for being a giant metal sun reflector, seems like a major safety hazard to other drivers
While harder to get rid of I treat Teslas with equal disdain as MAGA hats. Don’t care why or when you bought it, if you still have it you’re on my shit list.
I view all my fellow Americans this way. Until trump and naziboy are no longer with … the nation.
I told them explicitly that the current situation was evolving. In response they laughed, abused me, and stole from me. I now know that this america is the real america. The good people are the minority. The majority care only about their money and what the propaganda tells them to feel.
Probably give it a good… 30 years after that. For such a “Christian Nation” we treat our own people, even whites, like shit. Our national debt is a problem but we’ve long been morally bankrupt. We gotta lose the trash in DC but without a shift in public sentiment we could backslide faster than the Weimar Republic.
Whhere is the lawyer with the class action suit on behalf of all Tesla owners against Musk for his statements and actions directly causing loss of value?
Oh, and what about on behalf of all Tesla shareholders? With that whole SEC requirement to maximize shareholder value there seems to be an issue.
almost like laws are just made up excuses, and the points don’t matter.
Plummeting? The company is still massively overvalued.
These things take time
A plummet that takes time is really not in the traditional spirit of plummeting.
Down 27% in half a month is no a small drop.
It lost about $100 per share since December. It’s still overpriced and still falling.
People who bought Tesla cars before Elon bought an election should not be harassed.
A vehicle is for the decade, at minimum. Affording a switch is not something that can be assumed. This isn’t the 90s, when regular people turned over a lease, or a purchase, every 3 years, ish.
There’s also a commitment to electric once a charging station is installed at your home.
My last vehicle lasted almost 15yrs.
So in practical terms, for anyone interested, anyone driving a Cyber Truck, or a Model Y or Model 3 refresh are fair game. Put simply, if the headlight goes all the way across the front, let 'er rip. If it has regular looking headlights, hold your tongue.
In practical terms if it has a T logo, its manufactured by a company owned by a man who is actively trying to undermine democracy in the US and abroad. The guy that did the salute.
Why bother investigating the headlights? You just need the emblem.
See above about people who bought before he started undermining democracy
I disagree with the sentiment that they are forced to keep owning one, I wrote out why in a response above. Tldr in my opinion they dont care enough to deal with the discomfort of changing vehicles
I disagree about the feasibility, if people wanted to sell their car, they could do it and deal with the discomfort. There’s plenty of cheap vehicles out there.
People dont care enough about it to deal with the discomfort. I would say that there is presumably a threshold of bad shit muskrat could do, beyond which most people would be so disgusted that they would sell their vehicle for a loss and spend that on a “lesser” vehicle.
Even if its a gas powered used minivan or it means a car note for another 6 years, they’ll find a way if they care enough.
I think its not that it isn’t feasible, it’s that they are not past the threshold where they dont want to be seen giving money to an awful persons business. Theyre still at the point where driving an EV because they just paid to have a charger installed is more important to them.
And that is fine, it makes sense. But I do not see it as a forced hand like youre describing and I personally dont think its a good enough excuse.
Nope. Protesting is meant to be disruptive. Making tesla owners uncomfortable is the only way to take elon down.
You think Elon gives a fuck about Tesla owners? He is swimming tax payer dollars for his other ventures. Military and space $$ dwarf car sales. He doesn’t give two shits about Tesla and knows other companies are going to take away most of his market share.
That’s why all the new shit promised is not happening. It’s not being funded.
He borrows against Tesla all the time, it would at least inconvenience him to not have convenient collateral for huge loans.
If resale value tanks because nobody wants to drive the car, musk gets deposed
Resale $$ do not impact Musk. He has already picking the bones oft Tesla. Harassing people who are stuck with one doesn’t affect Musk at all. In fact it helps him because he can play the martyr and get people who are harassed hating on “the lefties”.
Resale is irrelevant. First sale, new, is Al that affects Elon.
Do the public art, like the 0 to 1939 ads in London. It’s part of the landscape, vandalizes nothing, and is highly visible messaging.
Ads work or they wouldn’t be on display. Use the same type of playbook with public art in this vein
If the used market is saturated, nobody will buy new ones.
Crazy take. You dont have agency to address real issues (money in politics, correctly taxing gains, lack of good leadership and social infrastructure) so lets lash out at other wage earners who have more in common with you.
Does that apply to strikes too? 'Crazy take. You don’t have agency to address real issues (setting wages) so let’s lash out at other wage earners (customers) who have more in common with you.
Interesting point. I thought about this a little and I suppose what separates a strike from this would be what is an organized opposition to a system vs. a targeted attack on individuals.
Nah people who can afford a 80,000 usd car can afford to get rid of it too. It’s a high end luxury item not some critical tool you can’t live without.
I have a MY and no you are wrong. I have a good paying job too and it was 47k not 80k. I don’t like what Elon is doing, but I can’t just replace my car bcz Elon is a fucking twat.
47k is still a luxury car my dude.
Just because someone has a higher paycheck and a slightly nicer car doesn’t mean they have made it beyond living a paycheck to paycheck grind. Most of these people are living in a slightly more expensive neighborhood that eats up a lot of those slightly higher wages and they still have to budget for major purchases like a new car. Tesla owners aren’t a bunch of hedge fund managers living in mansions behind gates, separate from the rest of us. I don’t have a Tesla myself, but I live in a boring suburban neighborhood full of Teslas.
47k is still a luxury car my dude.
Its on a list of 10 cheapest luxury cars you can buy in 2025, along with mercedes and BMWs.
While that motortrend list is not an authority I think it echos a common sentiment regular people in america have, which is that 45k is a lot for a car.
And yet. I drive past hundreds of Tesla’s every morning and afternoon during my commute. Yesterday I saw 5 white model S in a row in the lane next to me.
Regardless of the whole Elon thing the drivers of Teslas are DOGSHIT.
Some of the fastest production vehicles ever made but the drivers are inept blind morons almost every time. The will pull out in front of you and then not speed up. They will block intersections during traffic because God forbid they miss one light cycle.
I’ve seen people making food with a tray attached to their steering wheel and on their phone using autopilot.
I hate Tesla drivers so much.
I’ve heard a theory that a lot of the H1B tech immigrants who literally do not know how to drive in the US are being told that Teslas are fully autonomous so they buy one and then find out that’s not the case. So they drive erratically, best case they’re following the rules of the road from their home country, worst case they’re completely winging it.
The average native driver here isn’t that much better. Source: I’ve lived here my whole life.
This is one thing that makes moving to Europe or the UK very appealing (if I would even still be welcome anymore). Everyone drives sooo much better on average, at least in all the places I’ve driven.
I got my license in the U.S. when I was 16. Then in my early 20’s I lived in England for few years. I was able to drive on my U.S. license for a year. During that year I had to go through the process to get an english license to drive in the country after that. I did the whole learners permit, driving lessons, etc that first year.
Let’s just say it was much, much, harder to get a driving license in England. I had driven over 100K miles in the U.S and 10K miles in the U.K by the time I took the test and I still barely passed it.
I wish it were that way here
They absolutely are primarily driven by high earning tech immigrants in my area.
My Asian buddy got one a couple years ago and he was a fucking terrible driver in his Camry (every single panel had dings and scrapes) I cannot fathom the damage he’s been doing with his Tesla.
Used to be that BMWs were driven by the worst (asshole) drivers on the road. In the past year, my wife (first) and I have noticed that that crown now lies firmly on the head of Tesla drivers… and it’s not even close.
There used to be a 50/50 mix of ex Prius drivers that drive like a Granny and ex BMW drivers that drive like assholes. Now most of the people in category 1 have gotten rid of theirs, so it’s mostly assholes.
I still fully think its BMW, with a surprise entry from VW owners. Dont know why, but Tesla seems to be #3 in my area
I think you might be making a generalization.
Well I can guarantee you that some Tesla drivers are pretty good, some are terrible, and some are in between.
Yes thank you I am aware how stereotypes work. It’s not all of them but it’s enough that people noticed a pattern.
Imagine alienating your core client base of the company that you use as collateral for all your business dealings. If Tesla stock tanks Elons loans get called in as the collateral would be worthless and he doesn’t have liquid cash to cover his other investments. Would be a site for sore eyes to watch him go penniless.
almost like money is just a fake bullshit excuse, and hasn’t had more than a thin cracked patina of ‘tracking who created value’ since at LEAST fractional reserve banking, if ever.
I wish that would happen, but he’ll get a bail out from Trump.
Your tax dollars at work!
Heard on Swedish radio (P4) that there are even car dealers that no longer accept a tesla as trade-in when you buy a car from them.
Sucks for people who have Teslas and now don’t want them. But this is just financial on the part of the dealers. If prices are plummeting then why would they take on a car no one else wants?
Teslas for a long time though seemed more like a status symbol as opposed to the more affordable car it became recently, so hard to feel bad for them.
Really only the S and maybe the stupid looking X. The 3 was pretty cheap.
I wonder if ppl will start vandalizing them, that would really suck.
He particularly loves the (supervised) self-driving feature, a form of stress relief on long commutes.
Is it just but doesn’t that seem like a more stressful way to drive? I’d need to be at full attention so I could intervene at any time in case the car just starts doing something random. If I’m controlling the car I still need to pay attention, but at least I wouldn’t have to worry about the car doing something random. It seems worse than nothing.
In my experience assisted driving helps me avoid fatigue on very long drives. It feels like I can focus where other cars are much more because I’m not spending brain power focusing on staying in my lane and keeping the correct speed.
Did a road trip in a friend’s Model 3 with FSD and it is significantly more stressful than my VW or my wife’s Acura driver assist features. It made a staggering number of minor mistakes including hallucinating pedestrians for every semi that was more than a mile ahead. It would slam on the brakes when this happened so you had to watch it like a hawk for every hill crest. The other really nasty one was sudden, violent lane changes. Especially if you were in the left lane with someone behind you.
I have gotten to the point where I wonder at people who say they love FSD. My experiences with it are so overwhelmingly negative that I have to assume there is something different about the roads I drive on compared to what it is trained on.
Supervised self-driving feature
We could have had decent public transportation…
I very much love FSD. You can chill while just monitoring everything around you, making sure nothing goes wrong. You can’t check out, obviously, but it is pretty nice.
Unfortunately, I canceled mine because I’m not giving any more money to Elon. 😒
So I have a Ford so it’s not quite the same, but broadly the hands free and the lane centering will do only pretty boring stuff. So on a freeway even with hands free I keep my hands on in the wheel (don’t quite trust it, and my hands need to be somewhere anyway), but my arms are not tense as often.
With more risky intersections, it’s pretty much like driving without but still my hands are controlling against pretty much the direction the road instead of having to correct against the current direction of the car.
My first few cars the cruise control was rarely useful. Then I had adaptive cruise control which made things nicer. Now my arms are not in tension as much, which is nicer yet.
I don’t know about actually trusting the system when dealing with cross streets and signal lights, but the most tedious parts of driving are far less constantly taxing
Still got a long way to go. I hope it gets kicked off the S&P 500. That shit should stay out of our retirement accounts.
P/E 129. Shit is overvalued as fuck.
Value investors aren’t the ones investing in this stock. The gamblers and growth investors all think this is a good roller coaster to get into. When you think about it, it’s actually disgusting how much is invested in this stock. The funds and people investing in this stock are just greedy. They don’t care about ethics, as long as line goes up/moves.
Ok, but compare to other “overvalued” like NVDA. Owning TSLA is dumb af.