Do you think there’s a 13 year old girl in Gaza who is writing a diary that will be widely read by children across the world 40-50 years from now?
Do you really think it makes a difference?
Maybe, but it will probably be destroyed by carpet bombing before anyone sees it.
It’s not carpet bombing it Ai kill list. It indiscriminately just attacks targets, they’ve been training it the whole time. Palantir is the company
It’s probably not them. I didn’t see anything about Gaza genocide in the impact studies section.
It’s 2025, the teenagers mostly document their lives on social media. Tent life guy from Gaza got killed but there are others.
When this empire falls and the genocide history is able to be taught then yes I think some of these video records will be studied by children around the world.
Well, with the way things are going, it won’t be read in the U.S.A. It’ll be banned.
By then they won’t have to ban books. Nobody here will be able to read
Those that can will be considered witches and drowned or burned at the stake.
Don’t worry, the US won’t exist in 40-50 years.
Maybe, but the IDF will definitely burn anything they find, don’t want more records of their crimes where they can avoid it
They dgaf. They want the world to see what they are getting away with.
Now imagine what we don’t see.
The Germans occupied the Netherlands during WW2 and most (non Jewish) people could still live relevantly normal lives. Israel on the other hand is destroying everybody and everything in Gaza. They don’t even have a chance to write a diary.
Around 250,000 Dutchmen died in WW2. A substantial part of that came from the hunger winter in 1944 when the German army took the Dutch harvest. Dutch cities were first bombed by the Germans and afterwards by the allies, and many were in complete ruins. I am saying this not to downplay what Israel does to Palestina, but the idea that most Dutch people lived relatively “normal” lives during WW2 is ridiculous.
I meant normal in wartime. It wasn’t just a slaughter like Israel is doing. People could still have jobs and do stuff.
Indeed. If with doing jobs you mean the forced labor camps that healthy men were forced into. I mean, you just don’t help the cause by downplaying the bad experiences of other countries.
As a new biography Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II, excerpted exclusively in this week’s PEOPLE, reveals, it was her experiences during Germany’s five-year occupation of Holland during World War II that truly shaped her.
While more has come out in recent years about her war experience, Robert Matzen’s book reveals harrowing new details about how a young Hepburn battled severe malnutrition, particularly during what was known as the “Hunger Winter” of 1944-45.
Leading up to that brutally cold winter, as Germany tightened its grip on Holland, Hepburn and her family were often forced to live in the cellar for days and weeks at a time due to bombing overhead. And food became more and more scarce.
Israel is doing terrible things, but it simply doesn’t compare to the atrocities of the Third Reich. Almost nothing does. It’s important we don’t downplay just how horrible the Nazi regime was.
Bombs exploding tend to hurt paper, fires tend to hurt paper, all the dust from shock waves tends to hurt paper, and bulldozers demolishing everything tend to hurt paper. If something survives that, then I still don’t think so.
If you’ll ask why, that’s for the same reason as why nobody wrote such a comment about an Alawi or Christian girl from Tartus in the last few days\weeks, to my knowledge. The estimates are of like 30 000 dead already, it’s likely more, many civilians are hiding on the Russian bases but you wouldn’t expect Russia to protect people it vowed to protect.
Suffering in Gaza is real, but the reason you think about it is that it’s convenient, those who suffer are Sunni, and those who kill them are of the general western alliance. It can’t be resolved who has more rights between these people, the westerners have just a bit more than Sunnis, but Sunnis have enough to cause outrage. The rest - not a beep.
That’s because Gaza is both real and an approved propaganda narrative. And if it weren’t the latter, then who knows, maybe it weren’t the former too and Israelis would have found somebody else to bomb.
4 or 5 years probably
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“the muslims” Okay now let’s see what it would looks like if I change this word by an other one starting with a J.
Wait…?! Why I’m getting Déjà vu…ಠ_ಠ
The IAF blew up 400 men, women and children and today Netanyahu said, “this is only the beginning.”
You can get deported from the US now for pointing that out.
Most of Palestinians are under the age of 18. Basically telling a bunch of kids he’s going to kill them.
Israel should be dismantled. They are a genocidal state and deserve no statehood.
No state “deserves” statehood. Statehood should be dismatled.
Fuck these fake borders dividing the people against each other.
Same as it ever was Same as it ever was Same as it ever was Same as it ever was
You may ask yourself: Well, how did I get here?
The Balfour Declaration?
Even earlier, Sykes-Picot Agreement
Found the philosophical anarchist. 🙂
Guilty as charged. (:
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inhuman monsters
Fuck off with the dehumanizing rhetoric. You want an unending cycle of violence? This is how you perpetuate it. How do you think Israel came to be the way it is?
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Seek help immediately 😼
Get better at fed posting. It’s a little too obvious.
Unfortunately, I’m fully capable of comprehending this.
don’t forget about peace day 1 you guys.
So we’re just going to have to sit here and let Israel murder these kids. Yeah religion is trash
This message is literally saying, “dismantle your military, and we will ethnically cleanse you.”
“Attention Bajoran workers” energy.
That’s in part what it was based on
If Israel and Russia can get away with it, then too the USA, and this is the ultimate goal: taking back the world to the days of “territorial conquests”.
Well at least we know Trump will handle this much more ethically than that genocide-supporting demon Harris!
“return the hostages and kick out Hamas, and new options will open for you–including relocation to other parts of the world for those who choose. The alternative is destruction and total devastation.”
So the choice is either ethnic cleansing with some genocide or ethnic cleansing with total genocide. This is completely unacceptable, yet there are those who argue that we must accept it and merely choose “the lesser of two evils” with the reason being that it could be worse. However, this only emboldens the evil and they will continue driving to make things worse and worse anyway.
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So… Do something about it
Yeah actually, that’s genocide.
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Israel killing civilians at random probably isn’t going to help bring the average Palestinian to their side against Hamas. If they were being nice to the civilians they might actually be willing to help you.
Israeli’s are blood thirsty monsters. Prove me wrong.
The entire country is sick. The ones in power need to be held accountable and the population as a whole needs a “Denazification”. Something that will require generations of reeducation to undue the fascist ethnostate that has indoctrinated children from birth.
Separating this Fascist state from Jewish identity is one of the most important things to do as well. One of the most antisemitic things being done today is when Israel commits genocide and pretends it is doing it for Jews. It is disgusting.
Separating this Fascist state from Jewish identity is one of the most important things to do as well.
It’s extremely disturbing how common it is to weaponize allegations of “antisemitism” against criticisms of Zionism. I would say it’s antisemitic to assume that all Jewish people support the actions of the state of Israel, but strangely, the ADL doesn’t seem to agrees.
population as a whole needs a “Denazification”.
This doesn’t really sound like a good preamble. How many people from israel do you know? Have you been there? I hope you are not assuming they are all evil because they are ruled by psychopaths like any other country in the world
Do you think that Nazi Germany didn’t need Denazification?
The population of Israel is heavily in support of a return to Genocide in Gaza. The vast majority that aren’t are only against it because the hostages are still there.
Only 10% of Israelis believed the IDF was using “too much firepower” in December of 2023. The time in which Israel was bombing heavily and dropping white phosphorus on civilian areas.
There was a large protest in Israel not “against rape” but against the potential conviction of an IDF soldier who had raped and killed a Palestinian ON VIDEO. This led to a large protest that overan the detention center. The Israeli people literally protested to protect a rapist. Oh and the rapist is now a media personality in Israel.
This is not a population that is victim to it’s rulers. This is a population that largely supports the genocide of Palestinians.
What’s your definition of denazification to begin with?
Trump got elected democratically in usa but there’s millions of good americans out there
Denazification would range from punishment to individuals to reeducation programs and reintegration programs that can help the propaganda of genocide be overcome.
I would say the major difference between the genocidal actions of the American state and the Israeli state is that the citizens of the US are largely distanced from it. Both in terms of media but also more importantly geographically. Because of this the Israeli state not only has to manufacture consent for passive acceptance but actively manufacturer concent for the war crimes that every citizen can hear every night in Gaza.
This leads to a much more sick society in terms of dehumanizing Palestinians.
You seem to think I’m looking at this from some “good vs. bad” dynamic. I am not. I am only looking at the degree to which the state has manufactured concent in the population and that degree is to such an extreme in the Israeli society. It exists in America as well. But is primarily done through distractions, through their “toys”. Israel is different in this way. The population is not just (on average) distracted and xenophobic; they have reached a degree of dehumanizing Palestinians that will poison it’s population for generations.
Also, the comparison between voting for Trump and Israel is just not reasonable at all. Trump is not a genocide that you can hear happening as bombs are dropped every night. The material circumstances are just not comparable. I’m not saying Trump and his actions will not hurt people. Again, I’m talking about the degree to which concent needs to be manufactured. And most Americans won’t notice until someone in their family gets sent to a camp.
Decades of propaganda don’t go away in a day but the main goal should be to stop the psychopath behind it rather than attacking people. “denazification” much resemble authoritarian rulers rhetoric like the one used by putin with ukraine.
Keep in mind that israelis are also caught in a war, some of them are being forced to take side
Dude. I think you need to pick up a history book. Denazification is not Putin. It’s the term to describe post WW2 Germany. And yes, it’s authoritarian rule by another state over a state that committed a fucking genocide. When you commit a genocide and your population is largely in favor of it, that population is sick and doesn’t get to have self determination.
Religion needs to be banned…globally. Humans must never again be allowed to be infected by memetic viruses, by ideas that are not scientifically supported.
I’m gonna give the unpopular take online and say that religion is not the source. Religion is only a tool that is often used negatively within class struggle. The source of Israel today is so much more ingrained in white supremacy, colonialism, and class conflict that I just can’t say that “banning” religion would be at all helpful.
The religion and hope of the Palestine people is a core part of their resistance and their struggle. And while I’ll always be against fundamentalist interpretation of religion in the hands of the ruling class; I just think a focus on religion as being the ultimate problem is incorrect and unhelpful.
At some point you are just going to have to be “antisemetic.” There needs to be a cultural shift around the world for allowing the criticism of jews before you can criticize Israel.
Allowing Zionist to redefine the word and just “becoming anti semitic” is a really bad take. Maybe I’m missing the intent of your comment. I’ll be good faith and assume you just wrote this badly.
Israel would love nothing more than people conflating all Jews with Zionists.
Zionism is its own term and while it is mostly compromised of Jews, there are also Christians and Joe Bidens and Justin Trudeaus.
By pure numbers it is mostly compromised of evangelical Christians. There are significantly more evangelical Christians that are Zionist than there are Jews.
Israel government and israel people are two different things. Just like in any other country the majority of people are good and get brainwashed by the government.
My personal experience with hundreds of Israelis is that they are very mean spirited people. Who treat anyone that isn’t their blood like shit. I worked for Jewish families on the east coast. They were tied into the Italian mob and trafficked drugs and women like it was nothing. I have a very unique experience within the criminal world of the Jewish Mob. Just by working at a hotel they ran shit out of. I never forgot those moments.
Not everyone is a mobster
I come from a mob territory. It was everywhere. They made a movie about my neighbors. The Buffalinos.
lemmy gets awful mad if you were to make the same point about Russians
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