So billionaires can take daddy’s money but not the poors? Got it.
The money THEOR PARENTS PAID INTO AND WORKED TOWARDS. They are literally entitled to it. It is their parent money!!!
Warning everyone that I could not find a source for this and this Twitter post isn’t any evidence in itself. So if you’re saying I told you so, then you’re just as susceptible as the people who believe $300m was being sent to 11yos without any explanation.
I found two sources for this info.
Who could see their Social Security benefits stopped?
Government Executive reports that the SSA memo proposes ceasing payments that are made to people without Social Security numbers. While people without an SSN are not eligible to receive Social Security benefits of their own, there are scenarios where they can accept benefits on behalf of an eligible person who does have an SSN as that person’s “representative payee.”
A link in that text goes to and it gives an example:
That task could be arduous, as finding payees is already so difficult that at times the agency turns to institutional payees like child welfare agencies, said Romig. SSA staff also have to assess the suitability of payees.
“Say you’re a kid and you don’t have a payee for a while — they stop paying the benefit until they sort it out,” she said of the potential for interruptions to benefits.
It may be that the OP read that and extrapolated it to mean orphans would be cut off … which may or may not be true.
Those are for SSA, not SBA. They don’t explain why SBA would be brokering business loans with 11yos. There is likely a valid explanation here, but the media doesn’t need to get up in arms until more details are available.
DOGE looks to be what’s getting all up in arms here. If there’s suspicion of corruption, investigate, Don’t just cut it all off! This isn’t a car factory, it’s food and shelter, aka the economy!
Of course I think he knows this and is actually trying to bring about a recession so he can seize whatever power he can
I agree, but the Twitter post isn’t DOGE and is potentially incorrect. You don’t battle disinformation with more disinformation.
There’s nothing unlawful or untwart about an 11yr old getting a business loan if they have a business, that’s just a motivated kid. If not investigate and then shut it down if it’s fraud, don’t just read the title and cut it based off that.
You clearly don’t know the basics of how an SBA loan works so I’m not sure why you are even making statements as if you’re an expert.
Also, I’m not giving an opinion on the legality of the situation. I’m stating the Twitter post is based on no provided evidence so everyone in this thread defending against another ridiculous statement with more ridiculous statements shows that both sides are equally willfully ignorant and susceptible to propaganda.
I’m on the side that thinks it’s likely a record keeping error because the names do not match the SSNs. Also, banks are the actual lenders behind SBAs and it’s highly unlikely that in one specific year, banks decided to loan out over $300m to over thousands of businesses with credit checks that did not match the name returned on an SSN with the name of the person being lent too.
That’s not a counterargument that’s a bad attempt to strawman. Similarly there are zero age restrictions on an SBA loan, none zero.
There’s no need to defend against either, they’re both legal.
Probably, that doesn’t change the fact that it wouldn’t be illegal even if the ages are correct.
I don’t see anything about SBA in the articles above.
You think children are getting undeserved money from the government.
I think children are getting money from the government.
We are not the same. </meme>
Regardless of evidence provenance, children need to be our most sacred class of people, followed by the elderly and disabled. It shouldn’t even be a question about how and why we take care of them, we just fucking should.
Misinformation is real, so I see part of your point, but the people outraged at this are WILDLY different from the people outraged that kids might be getting money they don’t “deserve”. Can we not just be nice to each other? This isn’t actually a zero-sum game.
No, I actually think SBA lenders are not sending any money to 11yos. I think this is most likely a record keeping error.
I do also think the Twitter post is confusing SSA and SBA. The SSA sending social security I am 100% for. SBA lenders sending money to business I am also 100%, even if they are 11yos. I just think it is highly unlikely that in a single year, banks decided to loan an unprecedented $300m to 11yos and that those thousands of loans all had mismatching names with their SSNs.
I’m just saying everyone shouldn’t go rallying behind this person who is making claims without any evidence. It’s just as dumb as DOGE.
Is there a source for this, I’m genuinely interested in reading more about this but can’t find a source.
It’s a screenshot of a tweet, I don’t know what further proof you could want. Did you not see the blue checkmark? /s
I can’t find much except for a weird indiatoday article and the original Xhit:
I don’t understand the association he’s making between Social Security and the Small Business Administration. At first glance I don’t see any indication the SBA does anything with children outside of funding childcare centers?
It sounds like they check your credit for a small business loan, so they would presumably take your SSN and I guess check it against the database?
But then they check your credit anyway. It’s not like the Social Security database is the safeguard for an unsafe loan. We have
identity leakscredit agencies for that. If he had proof of children or ‘immortals’ actually getting these loans in any numbers he would show it. Why can’t a 17 year old run a company anyway? If 20 year olds can dismantle the government…If an elderly small business owner dies, and the company is still held by his estate… wouldn’t his loan still be attached to his SSN?
And if an underage orphan receives ownership of a small business through estate, would their SSN be attached to these loans, even if the company was operated by a third party regency?
Dudes just mashing buttons on a calculator like a toddler. He’s not checking math.
My experience with estates would be you’d need to file for an EIN for the estate and the loan would be a liability against the estate. So to close the estate out you’d need to clear out any liabilities and remaining capital or property given to beneficiaries. You might have heard of cases where people have to sell family homes to clear debt against the estate .
But with Musk is hard to even try to follow a train of thought. And his level of misunderstanding of how anything in the government works is pretty mind-blowingly wrong.
They’ve also cut PEPFAR. PEPFAR is a program which, among other things, provides antiretrovirals to people with HIV/AIDS in poorer countries. Approximately twenty million people, including half a million children will now start to slowly die without access to these drugs.
For comparison’s sake, Hitler killed 13.6 million people. History is very likely to end up remembering Trump as the single deadliest regime in history.
That’s some Heritage Foundation level of undercutting Hitler’s death toll.
Please, Smithers, who are they going to complain to? Their parents?
This only ends one way, with nooses and guillotines. It is up to the people how quickly it ends.
I pulled up next to a guy the other day and the passenger looked like Elon at first glance. My first thought was if I could shoot him in the face and escape long enough to at least make a few phone calls. That’s how much this guy deserves to be deleted. I’d risk my life to end it all.
Elon Musk is ultra paranoid for a reason. He has 20 bodyguards on a normal day and also has a secret service detail. He is not an easy target.
There’s good reason to be paranoid. 400 yards is a cake shot for even a mediocre sniper. Just about any gun store today sells top notch sniper rifles.
This is why Thomas Matthew Crooks failed. He relied on a bottom rung AR15 when he could have ditched it for even a simple hunting rifle with a scope. To be fair he was using iron sights. And was under a lot of stress from just being discovered by a cop (even though the secret service had seen him earlier) and Trump fidgety movements basically threw off the shot.
I need to mention, however that we should not idolize Thomas Crooks. He was not some hero. What he actually wanted to do was to go on a mass murder spree and he wanted to start it off by killing a politician. He didn’t care which. He targeted Trump for no other reason than he was the closest and most convenient at the time. If a local representative or the state senator or the city’s mayor was closer, he would gone after that politician. Trump being the target was a coincidence.
Do you have a source for that? I didn’t think they had anything conclusive about his motives. Haven’t looked into it for a while though.
I will search for them later. What I surmised was from reading multiple articles about him and what he was planning. He didn’t seem to have a political motive nor did he have any strong beliefs. When the investigators got his laptop and phone to look at, it seemed that he was quite casual in his planning. In fact the absolute last thing in his history he looked at before he went off to try to do what he did was porn.
You would think that he was a smart guy to actually get around the secret service. But it was entirely dumb luck. He did use a drone to survey the location before hand, which was unprecedented and smart, but that was it.
If you mean a mediocre practiced professional sniper with years of training, than sure. If you mean some rando hunter who goes out twice a year nah. if you mean some random lemmy user with range experience and no outdoor shooting experience then no fucking way other than pure luck.
There are some great hunting classes available at bass proshops. I’d imagine that other places hold them as well. Hunting is a great sport and as a beginner who could blame you for going overboard on your rifle and scope purchase.
Hunting is a great way to socialize as well shooting is great hobby. However shooting at stationary a fixed distance away isn’t the same as hitting a moving target at a not exactly known distance. Lining up the shot, gauging distance and estimating movement all make it that much more challenging and exciting when you actually connect. Seeing the target scatter away on a miss, or even a hit. Will slowly make what seems like luck into a skill.
Small game at long distances shows just how good of a shot you are.
Also apparently carrying his youngest kid around.
Yeah, he’s betting that literal assassins will value the life of his kid more than him
And that is the most contemptuous shit action of them all.
He learned from trump, steal from children
Yep. C’mon America. How long you gonna let these nazis fuck you?
Nah, this ends with America so bankrupt that states split up from the federation. Maybe, just maybe, the workers unions will be strong enough to claim one of these new countries, but most likely it ends with seperate kingdoms, each ruled by a different billionaire.
That is the goal, I think.
That is why i say everything else the Trump government is doing right now is just distraction.
Unfortunately many of their distractions are already global catastrophes by themselves.
Trump behaves more or less as you’d expect if you model him as a sock puppet with Elon Musk and Putin taking turns as the hand up his ass.
Musk, meaning Thiel, meaning Yarvin.
Elon after labeling orphans as fraudsters and taking away their survivor benefits that they are entitled to and deserve: “God, I just sniffle I don’t understand why people hate me crocodile tears”
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The richest man on earth who receives tens of billions in taxpayer money, government incentives, and tax breaks to build cars and blow up rockets over the Caribbean. He is a fucking parasite setting our/NASA money on fire. (In addition to straight up getting money from government he also gets money routed through NASA contracts)
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They constantly accuse others of corruption, pedophilia, and other awful things and are utterly convinced they’re right. They’re convinced, because the people they surround themselves with are filled with corrupt, awful, pedophiles, so that means EVERYONE must secretly be a corrupt, awful, pedophile. After all, if that WASN’T the case, that would mean they aligned themselves with, or are themselves, inhuman monsters; and no one is the villain of their own story. That’s why when they accuse people of such heinous things, they aren’t lying, they 100% believe what they’re saying. Because if they didn’t, that would be admitting to themselves what evil pieces of shit they actually are.
I think it’s sub-conscious self-hatred projected onto others. They are fractured, damaged people, that, from an early age were told that their vulnerabilities were weaknesses. Their inability to accept themselves as they are causes them to wreak havoc on the world searching for enough tangible reasons (power, fame, money) so that they finally can. But it’s never enough, because no amount of outer wealth will fill the void of inner poverty.
tldr: these people hate themselves
If my disabled ass can ever get the energy and motivation to go to a protest I want to have a sign that compares what I receive in a year with SSDI, Medicaid, and HUD housing to what just Elon receives in federal money for his businesses. Now who’s the parasite?
Great idea. Hijacking -
Hey, all of you. Stop feeding trolls. They are propagating the truly dystopian lie that the US is actually accomplishing a real energy transition, with or without Musk.
“Cleanest energy economy in the world” (JD Vance, 2024 VP debate, gaslighting the public into thinking Republicans haven’t successfully held us back from clean energy at every possible turn.)
It’s a russian muskbot or unwilling stooge. The brief account history is literally full of republican and russian defense. Don’t let them fill lemmy with stupid arguments. It distracts from the real conversations.
Downvote, and either ignore entirely, or if needed talk around the troll to everyone else listening.
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Boy, you better stretch those cheeks further apart and get that tongue up in there. There’s a lot more kissass that Elon deserves and I’m not hearing!
I can acknowledge a person’s achievement even though I do not agree with their recent political stances. Maybe that makes me very different than you who only think good or bad?
“You know, when I think about it… I guess there’s some good things this tyrant did. He’s still a tyrant, but there are some good things he took credit for that he did.”
I was doing to make a “Elon is an animal lover”, but that’s not true. Goddamn, he doesn’t even live up to Hitler.
Yes, the world is not black and white, there are many shades of grey.
Ok, you grasp the concept of shades of gray. That’s a good start,but do you understand how the proportion of each shade matters?
If a person helps out an old lady with correct directions towards the city center, only to grab her purse and run when they finish can we say “they’ve done some good things”? Should the helpful directions even have any weight in our judgement of them?
If a person grows Tesla and SpaceX only to get enough power to steal from and turn several countries towards fascism, do the good things even matter, considering their actual end goal?
He truly has never achieved anything. He has purchased, attached himself to, and leeched things, but never “achieved” something the way a normal person does.
stranded astronauts from the ISS
The Facts Behind the Delayed Return of U.S. Astronauts
In response to Musk’s claims, several astronauts took to X to refute the idea that the astronauts were purposefully abandoned. Andreas Mogensen, a former SpaceX astronaut from Denmark, posted: “What a lie. And from someone who complains about lack of honesty from the mainstream media.” In response to Mogensen, Elon replied: “You are fully rеtarded. SpaceX could have brought them back several months ago. I OFFERED THIS DIRECTLY to the Biden administration and they refused. Return WAS pushed back for political reasons. Idiot.”
Mogensen responded by stating, “Elon, I have long admired you and what you have accomplished, especially at SpaceX and Tesla. You know as well as I do, that Butch and Suni are returning with Crew-9, as has been the plan since last September. Even now, you are not sending up a rescue ship to bring them home. They are returning on the Dragon capsule that has been on ISS since last September.”
Steve Stich, the program manager for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, said after the determination was made that Williams and Wilmore should not return on the Boeing Starliner, NASA officials met with SpaceX officials and considered “a wide range of options” and ultimately decided to attach the astronauts to the previously scheduled Crew-9 mission.
“When we looked at the situation at the time, we had a Crew-9 launch in front of us, it made sense to take the opportunity to bring Crew-9 up with just two seats and have Butch and Suni fill in and do the rest of the long duration mission,” said Dana Weigel, manager of NASA’s International Space Station Program.
“We thought the plan that we came up with made a lot of sense, and that, especially for Butch and Suni we know they’re experienced astronauts, they’re great in space,” Bowersox said. “We knew they’d be great additions to the crew and we knew that for most astronauts, spending extra time on orbit’s really a gift. And we thought they’d probably enjoy their time there. So we thought it was a good way to go … for a lot of reasons.”
see also: NASA astronauts — from space — discredit Trump claims they’re stranded is any of the above news to you, or were you aware of this already when you posted your “stranded astronauts from the ISS” comments?
Yes, I am aware of the situation. The astronauts were stranded. Full stop. Whatever Musk may or may not have proposed when Biden was president is irrelevant to my statement.
So facts don’t matter to you. Got it.
The fact is they were stranded. They couldn’t go back to Earth when initially planned, nor at any time before the following mission ended.
The fact is they were stranded.
The astronauts said “we don’t feel abandoned, we don’t feel stuck, we don’t feel stranded”, because they were prepared for this contingency. And they object to this nonsense framing too: “Help us change the rhetoric, help us change the narrative. Let’s change it to ‘prepared and committed.”
They couldn’t go back to Earth when initially planned, nor at any time before the following mission ended.
You are simply mistaken. At all times there were multiple options available for them to go back early if it ever became necessary to.
Changing the planned duration of a mission is not the same as being “stranded”.
Facts don’t matter to this one folks!
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How does that boot polish taste?
How does it feel to live a life full of hatred?
1 month old account. Over 430 posts. Seemingly all of them simping hard for Elon Musk.
What’s most terrifying is that they’re probably not even a paid shill. Chances are they’re either a troll or equally likely - cognitively captured, like millions of others, spewing repeatedly debunked falsehoods at every corner in a perpetual show of one-upmanship. And ultimately - trapped in a vicious circle of lies.
This is the world they are building. This is the lobotomized reality that awaits all of us if we don’t figure out a way to build a sustainable, high-quality information environment.
You have some severe lack of reading comprehension if you assert that all my posts are dumping hard for Elon Musk. It’s ironic that you go on to insult me after that, instead of you know… discussing the facts of the matter.
People like you are actually not interested in discussing the facts because you take everyone who doesn’t share your opinion from very high, are incapable of examining your own opinions and just resort to name calling.
Our opinion is that we hate nazis and that you like them. Do you like nazis is the question you should be asking yourself.
You are the person that says, “Hitler wasn’t that bad. He did a lot of good, like building the autobahn.”
This is you.
It fucking sucks, you’re right. But if you don’t hate Musk you’re a traitor.
You might benefit from doing some meditation and yoga.
Keep on bootlicking, you may wake up as a billionaire
Keep on hating.
I don’t hate you, I just despise you.
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You have worse problems at hand, for instance sucking up to billionaires
Do tankies suddenly like Musk? How is your .ml account not banned for supporting the most bourgeois man on earth? They ban people for saying trust Russia sucks and not this drivel?
Read some real journalism for a change Musk didn’t do shit. He didn’t start PayPal, he didn’t start Tesla, spaceX has a whole layer of management DEDICATED to keeping him out of screwing anything up, and I don’t think I need to add anything about X.
I never thought anyone could be so blatantly wrong on every topic, but .ml account keep teaching me lessons on the topic.
I am relatively new to Lemmy and don’t know much about the different instances leaning.
I do not support Musk. I am well aware of his businesses endeavors and I merely acknowledge his positive impact as much as his negative one.
Are you bringing back stranded astronauts from the ISS?
Is Elon?
Did you lead several highly successful companies that played a major role in helping with the energy transition when virtually no others were doing it at this scale?
Did Elon? He knows how to market himself, and to pick competent employees. But is he leading and playing a major role, or is that just hype?
Yes to all questions.
Can you back up that opinion with facts?
Elon’s company SpaceX has brought back the two stranded astronauts from the ISS just a week or two ago, easy to find news articles about this.
Elon has founded SpaceX and lead it to the success it has today. It has also bought Tesla at a very early stage and lead it to the company it is today. Part of these successes is hiring the right people, taking risks and investing ungodly amounts of money when nobody else dared to. His wife even left him because he invested nearly all of the money from the PayPal IPO payout.
Having said all of that, there is definitely some hype around Tesla as its valuation in the stock market is not objectively rational, it’s more of a meme stock at this point; but that doesn’t change fact that it is one of the US companies that did the most to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles in the US.
Elon’s company SpaceX
But not Elon specifically.
Elon has founded SpaceX and lead it to the success it has today
He founded spaceX but the success is down to the rocket scientists.
Part of these successes is hiring the right people, taking risks and investing ungodly amounts of money when nobody else dared to.
Agreed. Spotting talent and being lucky (risk taking + positive outcomes) are his defining qualities.
Not leadership. Not personally flying or building rockets. Not caring about energy transition. You don’t solve climate change by going to Mars.
His wife even left him because he invested nearly all of the money from the PayPal IPO payout.
No, he was the one who filed for divorce, to propose to a woman 13 years younger than his first wife (he at 37 wanted to trade his 36 year old wife for a 23 year old wife). From papers served to his then-current wife to having a 23 year old fiancee was about 6 weeks.
Generally speaking, Musk’s business success is marked by being in the right place and the right time with someone else making the actual substantive calls about exactly how the business is run. When he gets opinionated and have businesses yield to his specific desires, it tends to produce bad results.
No one could convince me a bot didn’t write that.
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convenient to just dismiss people who have an opinion different than yours as bots…
I hope Melon Husk at least pays you.
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As usual people like you go straight to character attacks.
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He’s never going to touch your PP.
I sure hope he doesn’t!
Playing the reverse psychology game, aye?
Dude I just happened to be curious and scroll through your profile and comments. Woof. Good luck to you sir. Your opinions have you setup like Doom Guy in the 90s cover art.
Sorry, I don’t understand the analogy. Thank you for your wishes though, we all need some luck.
He might offer you a horse in return, though.
What would I do with a horse LOL
Dunno, your decision. The last person he offered one to after sexually harassing her didn’t take it either. Horses are expensive to look after, and all that.
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Are you a heartless monster unable of empathy, who never realised other people might be people, too?
Don’t feed the trolls
It’s funny because feeding the troll only works if there’s an algorithm. We don’t have that here.
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Why don’t you ask this question to the commenter above who is calling other people parasites?
He said leon, the richest man on earth, called the poor parasites. And he believes that. Anything we get, food, a new phone, a nice day at the beach. We are taking them from him. He believes life is a zero sum game. I have so much empathy that I pity him.
He called him a parasite too.
Bad bot
Lmao what a cuck.
Boeing could do it. Russia could do it. NASA could do it before they voluntarily left the game in favor of giving hands outs to billionaires’ pet projects.
Elon is not special. He’s an oligarch and nothing more.
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Elon is evil and rotten to his core.
Sir, you spelled Felon Musk wrong.
Please stop with the childish name calling.
If you want to make Musk look bad, just point out the many illegal things he’s doing.
I’m not above name calling so long as it is at the expense of the guy who decided to collude with russia to disable starlink access to ukraine in an active war.
Felon Musk will absolutely hate the term, so it’s perfect.
Elon Musk will never see any of your comments, and neither knows nor cares you exist.
Thanks for making it national news, major national media. Good work.
The best part is how his efficiency improvements will cost the government half a trillion dollars 😆
Efficiently extracting tax dollars into private bank accounts.
It’ll result in Musk’s douchebag billionaire buddies not getting the extra tax scrutiny. It’s a feature not a bug.
Need to see a better source than a tweet that I can’t find.
I can’t find any sources or reporting on this. Not to say it’s not happening but can’t even find some dumb Musk tweet about this
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thats the american way.
Something about bootstraps and extreme individualism because real red blood 'muricans something
Literal supervillainy.
Some orphans will take matters into their own hand
Talking about Odious Lusting After Fortunes